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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 May 2013, 8:18 am

analyser23 wrote:
Describing my meltdowns:

For me, I feel as though I am completely overwhelmed and my mind just implodes, which can make me explode. I have all of this emotional energy thrashing around inside of me, attacking me, and I have no way to disperse it. It is attacking me from the inside, whatever it is that is attacking me from the outside. I need to get away from what is causing this. I need to make it stop, it is out of my control. If the trigger-stimulus isn't stopped, I NEED it to stop and will do what it takes to make it stop - I need others to understand/believe me and help to stop it/get me away from it.
Only after this can I talk rationally with someone.

Potential triggers:
- Too much sensory stimuli
- Other people's expectations when I don't understand what they mean and they get angry with me/impatient
- Criticism
- Sudden change, particular if it is something important to me or that I have put a lot of thought/planning into
- People saying no/blocking me without giving a logical reason why when it is something important to me
- People asking me too many questions/interrupting me when I am already highly overloaded from other stuff.

Some of this stuff I can handle if it is just isolated, but it is when it continues and continues in the moment then suddenly I just lose it.

Great explanation, sums it up better than I could.


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18 May 2013, 9:31 am

girly_aspie wrote:
I described meltdowns to my NT mom as telling her it was like playing Tetris. At first, you can handle everything, and you're having fun ... then things speed up, you can't put the blocks into the slots quite fast enough, one blocks another, which blocks another, which starts a pile up that is too fast to stop, no matter how you try to rotate the blocks.

MjrMajorMajor wrote:
I can block things out to the point that I don't hear someone calling my name. It's not about hearing, but having it register in my brain. Sometimes I will hear a person speak to me, but it will be four or five seconds(or longer :oops: ) before I can really make sense of what they're saying. If I focus on strictly listening to my environment it seems overwhelming most of the time.

analyser23 wrote:
Describing my meltdowns:

For me, I feel as though I am completely overwhelmed and my mind just implodes, which can make me explode. I have all of this emotional energy thrashing around inside of me, attacking me, and I have no way to disperse it. It is attacking me from the inside, whatever it is that is attacking me from the outside. I need to get away from what is causing this. I need to make it stop, it is out of my control. If the trigger-stimulus isn't stopped, I NEED it to stop and will do what it takes to make it stop - I need others to understand/believe me and help to stop it/get me away from it.
Only after this can I talk rationally with someone.

Potential triggers:
- Too much sensory stimuli
- Other people's expectations when I don't understand what they mean and they get angry with me/impatient
- Criticism
- Sudden change, particular if it is something important to me or that I have put a lot of thought/planning into
- People saying no/blocking me without giving a logical reason why when it is something important to me
- People asking me too many questions/interrupting me when I am already highly overloaded from other stuff.

Some of this stuff I can handle if it is just isolated, but it is when it continues and continues in the moment then suddenly I just lose it.

ECJ wrote:
This is the same for me. When I have a meltdown my thoughts keep repeating themselves like are stuck in a loop. Physically I feel like I'm having a panic attack as have so much energy.

All of that ^^

Meltdowns or overload don't always present the same, they are highly dependent on the trigger and the environment. Sometime I become unable to talk or register what is being said, or hear myself talk even. There are times when I also become physically unable to move. In the latter there is this unbearable feeling of choice, it comes down to letting whatever is going on go on and telling myself, okay make the choice, get up go to X location and remove yourself from this situation, rise above the overload, stay true to your deeper intentions and take action. The later is made more difficult when other people in the situation are requiring or often demanding a response or condemning or criticizing on a misinterpretation... often it is because they themselves are in a state of overload so it can become a catch 22. It takes everyone working together to recognize their own triggers and others and work together to come up with solutions when meltdowns/overload arise. Near always easier said than done though.

We can only control ourselves, and when someone else is trying to control or coerce you into doing something when you need processing time before consent/action can be given it is difficult. But recognizing that one is in control of oneself and surrounding yourself with people who recognize they are only in control of themselves often helps because these people I find are better in meltdown mediation. They know their own limits and can assist others based on lessons learned from their own self-awareness. As we have to learn to do our best as well.

forwards not backwards, upwards not forwards, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom

Last edited by nansnick on 18 May 2013, 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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18 May 2013, 2:15 pm

False acuseings, that I do it on purpose
or that EVERYTHING you do is on purpose,
that makes me screama and throw things.

When some stupid poopyhole is mean to me
I scream 'SHUTTUP!!' at them or call them
a dirty old poopyhole.

Then the stupids just say "Oh you can control iit if you want to"


Ok, dumbutt, I will just get my magic switch and
just click it right off!

Then another meltdown happens later,


A Boy And His Cat

When society stops expecting
too much from me, I will
stop disappointing them.


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19 May 2013, 5:25 am

For me it's most often seen by others as an anger management issue. :roll:

You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.

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19 May 2013, 10:57 am

DJFester wrote:
For me it's most often seen by others as an anger management issue. :roll:

Yes, me too. I've been told to "not take things so hard" so many times, and that I have to learn to control myself better. Ha. No one understands that 99% of the time I exercise more control over myself than most NT's would ever have to, and that's just to get through the day looking like a well-adjusted adult.

My favorite comment after I had (what I now know was a) meltdown was from my Mother who said "if you can't handle little things and you react this badly, how will you ever be able to handle the big things in life?"

Pretty well, actually. Pretty well.

"Look at you lot, all so vacant. Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing" - Sherlock

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