Popsicle wrote:
Most of them don't really listen. That's why they want a photo to look at. They are trained to have you choose a photo and point to it, so that's what most of them do. If all you wanted was a trim that seems especially idiotic but that's how most of them do it.
I used to have one disaster after another when I still had my hair cut in salons (now I just trim it myself.) From having it dyed a color I didn't agree to, to having my long hair chopped above my ears, without permission. And that was with bringing photos in.
I don't know why they are like that. It's irritating.
A large proportion of people are not very good at their jobs, even if they think they are.
You need to find a new hairdresser if you can. Tell them to become a dog groomer instead, if they don't care what the customer wants.
You can always refuse to pay if they have done something you specified not to, for this you have to be really clear though.