I would like to see what people think are the BENEFITS of being aspergers. I know it can be a pain in the rump and it's caused us all some trauma, but I am willing to bet we've each had our shining moments which were all thanks to being aspies.
I like telling the truth, even if we live in a world that doesn't always want the truth; I enjoy the way neurotyps marvel at my honesty, as if they've never seen real honesty before.
I like not being obsessed with sex and that I will never see women as sexual objects, and that I do not and will never have negative feelings towards homosexuals, transsexuals etc.
I like being able to look at someone and see who they really are, regardless or race, gender, religion, habits or reputation.
I like astounding or confusing non-aspies with leaps of logic that they can't follow... although I hate it when they do the same to me (they usually manage this in the realm of interpersonal relations).
I like it that they can't catch me out or make me jump unless I am REALLY not paying attention.
I like being able to withstand a constant, monstrous, colourful blizzard of information that would shred a non-aspie's will and leave them crying with migraines. (That's a bit harsh, but come on, we all know it's true
So what do you LIKE about your aspergers traits?
A million miles from home, I'm walking ahead, I'm frozen to the bones, I am a soldier on my own, I don't know the way...