I am the textbook definition of a morning person. My alarm goes off at 430am whether I work that day or not. When I do not set the alarm, I wake up between 5 and 515. I consider 6am to be sleeping in, and in no situation whatsoever would I ever sleep past 7am. I know people who can sleep til noon, and I could never understand it.
I personally believe sleep is a waste of time. science has not been able to figure out why humans need sleep since our brains continue working while we sleep. If there were a way to remain awake full time without ever being tired, I would never sleep again, I could take on a third job and make that time productive. I have researched ways to train yourself to need less sleep, finding no success, I just push myself. Im down to 7 hours a night, from 9.
I suppose you could call it a "side effect" of being an early riser, I am ready for lunch by 10 am. It really irritates me that most restaurants that serve breakfast do so until 1030 or 11, and those that do lunch and dinner only, generally open at 11 or 12. I can walk into a Dennys 24 hour at 8 in the evening and get pancakes and bacon, but I cant go in at 8am and get a cheeseburger and fries.
I have always been a morning person, allowing myself to sleep until 6, but my resolve to push even earlier has come in the last year or so. My ex girlfriend was a night person, often sleeping until 10 or 11 am, and I decided after we broke up, that I wanted to distance myself from her and her attributes as much as possible. I wake up at 430, hit the gym by 515, then breakfast, then be to work by 7. By the time she wakes up, Ive had two meals and have been at work for four hours. On days off, Im known to take road trips. When I do that, Im on the road by 530.
Is anyone else a morning person? By choice? By biology? By force?
I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.