(Poll:) Were you treated diffrently from other people

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Emu Egg
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06 Aug 2013, 10:54 am

By family, peers, whoever? Did they embarrass you?

I've been treated normal from most people, but by some, I've been treated differently. It sucked. Just because I have Aspergers Syndrome, some people think they can treat me differently and treat me like a baby? Hell no. It's like they treat me like a baby. I don't take any of that crap. I'm 23 and a college student. :x

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Aug 2013, 11:01 am

I nevergot to be a college student,really :(

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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06 Aug 2013, 11:26 am

Parents are parents so yes, they have definitely embarrassed me quite a bit over the years. But my diagnoses didn't change a thing, they're just a bit more understanding and sweeter about some stuff I am not always so great at (making small talk at family events, etc).

At college I've only told a few important teachers so that they could help me with some stuff, but I only tell them if it would really help me. Not to just every teacher.

And hmm... Other people. I only tell people who ask and since nobody has ever asked, nobody knows. Although I am starting to have less problems talking about it. I just don't like that other people care too much about the label autism on my head. That chances stuff. That's why I only tell people who ask. If they think I have AS then they actually know what it is.

Although I have to say that my parents have always treated me a bit like a baby. The only solution to that is say NO. No mom, I can do this myself, no mom I do not need your help with that, mom please falling and standing up is a big part of growing up and you're not letting me. Just say no. I do not let my parents do anything for me anymore, they can only teach me. For instance - it may sound stupid - putting in a new lamp (I haven't got a clue how that works although I live on my own for over three years), "No dad, you can come by and explain to me how that works, but I will be the one putting that lamp in okay?!".

But you got to understand, it can be hard for some parents to let their children go free.


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06 Aug 2013, 11:31 am

I get treated like I'm a lot younger than I am. This can be a bit frustrating.

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06 Aug 2013, 1:41 pm

People either treat me like I'm wise beyond my years or naive; behind theirs. I'm almost 20 and have yet to find the middle ground. A lot of people I know have a very difficult time accepting that I'm trying to be nice to them, regardless of which side of this divide they fall on. I'm either expected to make millions as the I.T. guru I am or fundamentally die trying, existing anywhere near other people exposes this to me on a regular, yet sporadic basis.

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Tufted Titmouse
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06 Aug 2013, 3:17 pm

When I first began thinking I had Asperger's, I voiced the thought to a man who told me he was more into me than his own girlfriend. I have always been an open person, so I told him thinking that he would shrug it off because he knows it doesn't define me. Evidently I was wrong, because the phone that was once ringing constantly suddenly stopped ringing. Let's just say I have now learned my lesson.


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06 Aug 2013, 3:18 pm

Yup. I was the family black sheep, the family target, the reason for everything that went wrong. I'm still dealing with the fallout.

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06 Aug 2013, 4:01 pm

Only by one person, who did not stay in my life very long.

More often, I have people treating me like I'm normal when they really shouldn't be, and expecting me to do things they already know I can't do.


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06 Aug 2013, 4:04 pm

Callista wrote:
Yup. I was the family black sheep, the family target, the reason for everything that went wrong. I'm still dealing with the fallout.


People who barely know me treat me as younger, or stupid, or someone who's words should never carry any weight.

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06 Aug 2013, 4:05 pm

For most of elementary school, I was in a special ed classroom in a school that had mostly regular ed students, so yes I was treated in a way that was very clearly different from the others.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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06 Aug 2013, 4:05 pm

People tended to blame things on me. Like if there was an argument, I would become the scapegoat for everyone else's issues and I couldn't fight back because of my AS (I only know what to say long after it happens). People also treat me like I'm stupid.

School was another story. I had the typical AS school experience - bullying, ostracism, the whole nine yards. I'm still dealing with that.

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06 Aug 2013, 4:13 pm

I was excused to do more things - I mean, people saw I was not like normal folks, so in result, when in college, I established for myself the reputation of a very controverssial person and anything I said didn't entail the same social repercussions for me as it would for any other person doing the same - I mean, I was an outsider and as such I was excused, no one was going to tell me anything wrong - it just fit me, I was a weirdo - and a charismatic one to boot. When I was a kid in turn, my mom treated me like a baby among others, even when I was already quite a big girl of like 9-10 - and here it was normal to treat me like this too, for others - I was an outsider, so it was obvious that I, being weird, was treated differently than normal kids. I mean - she had an excuse.


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06 Aug 2013, 4:41 pm

I took to hiding in my room early on, to avoid conflict. My family did not get me on any level and my parents were determined they were going to force me to become a normal boy. Needless to say, they failed repeatedly, but it was me who was the failure.

In school, I kept to myself and read or drew all the time. A few people knew who I was, but I was never on anyone's social radar, except for a handful of other geeks like me.

When I started working, I was fortunate enough to land in a career that allowed me to spend most of my time in a closed room, playing music and essentially talking to myself (there was an audience on the other end of the microphone, but I couldn't see them and only had to deal with them on the phone when I felt like it). I got along with most of my peers pretty well, but most were creative, funny people, so we had a good time working together. A few were vain, obnoxious egomaniacs, but I just avoided and tried to ignore them.

My problems came in dealing with management types, who feel they have to control everything, even when they don't fully understand what's being done. Those people hated me and would go out of their way to find ways to torture me.


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06 Aug 2013, 4:52 pm

I was teased a lot by some peers (expecially in middle school), others just ignored me.

As for teachers, some of them liked me in middle school and high school, but in elememtary school no teacher seemed to like me.
I had some toubles, expecially in elementary school: I was very skinny because I never eated in the lunch room (there was no way I'd eat that awful food) and my mother had to gobin school and argue with teachers a few times because I had become really weak and underweight.
Then teachers allowed me to bring food from home to eat.
I also got into troubles a few times because of various reasons and did dumb things, but I was forgiven for almost everything (I guess my mother had told teachers something about my diagnosis?).
Teachers often told me "I'll tell your parents about it" when I did something troublesome or stupid, but they've never done it.
They usually just told positive things to my parents.


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07 Aug 2013, 12:08 am

I was treated as the village idiot, for the most part. sometimes humored, often scorned and avoided. it taught me to be self-reliant as almost nobody was willing to lend me a hand or befriend me. the few people who gave me a proper chance got themselves a loyal buddy. :)


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07 Aug 2013, 7:06 am

metaldanielle wrote:
Callista wrote:
Yup. I was the family black sheep, the family target, the reason for everything that went wrong. I'm still dealing with the fallout.


People who barely know me treat me as younger, or stupid, or someone who's words should never carry any weight.

+1 and +1

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