Aspie score: 125, NT score: 79: You are very likely an Aspie
AQ score: 34
Well I don't know, I always score somewhere in the Aspie range in those tests, but I wouldn't fulfill enought of the criteria of the DSM-IV so to say (some of them of course), so I don't know what those results are really worth for me.
The phrasing of some of the questions I found definitely more easily understandable now, but some things I still find hard to answer (though I guess nothing can be done about that), as for example such questions as if one notices body language or if people get bored when one is talking to them, as after all if one doesn't notice it then well, one also wouldn't be aware of not noticing it and therefore answer the question falsely. I guess.
People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.
Hermann Hesse