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07 Oct 2013, 6:25 am

I am a example of tantrums.

I am the envy of every 3 yr old on my city block.

I even been ask how to toss a wobbly by some of
my little frends, but I don't know how, it just

If someone is mean to me in the store or what not,
I am on the flore slamming andkicking the flore
and screaming at the bad stranger and calling them
dirty old poopyholes and telling them to go eat camel
poops and my poor brother has to tell them
all to F off and leave me alone because they will
only make it worse. (thats what he told me)

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Oct 2013, 12:01 pm

A mix of every emotion all at once, and not being able to seperate them, make me meltdown i get angry hit myself etc i either calmy walk out go to my quiet place, usually woods or simply up the into valley near me over looking my village and calm down i just need to be on my own at that point no noise no people just me and my thoughts i might be gone for 1 hour sometime 6 aslong as i need and then go back home.

I've started to pre warn people now if i notice it building up so they dont worry it's not always one little thing that causes it that's just the trigger point but the actual cause can be many little things over a long time i hate meltdowns but cant stop it.

Last edited by EnTiTyZ on 09 Oct 2013, 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.


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07 Oct 2013, 2:55 pm

This never happens to me anymore, apparently. It's more like I get rage-filled, and not a tantrum.


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07 Oct 2013, 3:08 pm

I have spent a lot of time throughout my life criticizing myself in my head. A few years ago, wanting to stop doing this, I decided to say these things out loud so that I would recognize the obvious absurdity of my self-criticism. This was probably a bad idea, since it only seemed to get worse. I do feel like I absolutely have to deal with this issue now, which I guess I can see as some improvement.

After reading this thread, I believe that it qualifies as a meltdown, and I think that will help me deal with it. I do it more when I have experienced a lot of stress, or unexpected stress. Reframing this type of event in terms of my autism makes me feel like I have a better chance of avoiding the behavior.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Oct 2013, 8:06 pm

I understand the rage it's like all emotions hit at once, it's sensory overload but with emotion that's how I understand it when things become unpredictable unexpected like short circuit = meltdown

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08 Oct 2013, 12:00 am

I had one today. screaming. and then hitting my head.


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08 Oct 2013, 1:58 pm

I have them too.I scratch at myself instead of hitting my head. :( You're not alone. If you did a poll I bet you'd find that a large percentage of people on this site have them.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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08 Oct 2013, 2:00 pm

I had one earlier today when I got called into work when I was suppose to be off for the fourth week in a row. Another earlier in the week as well just simply from being overwhelmed by all the noise and such that was going on.

Usually I can feel one coming on because I'll start feeling like a spring that's been wound up just a little to tight. From there if I can get in a place to myself I can keep it from getting worse but if not it just becomes to much and I'll just break down. I've never been violent during these times usually I just end up crying, spacing out into my own world and just generally getting away from the reality until I can calm down again.

Doesn't help when my dad comes in and starts yelling and calling me stupid for having these moments. I don't like these times anymore than he does but there's not much I can do to stop them. Other than get away from whatever is causing it in the first place.


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08 Oct 2013, 3:12 pm

I had one yesterday because I was worried I wouldn't be able to get my friend a certain expensive rare thing for Christmas, even though it's still a few months away. I was just a little bit upset, but my mom made it much worse by yelling at me, swearing at me, and telling me that "It's just a ____." I ended up slamming the door, punching and kicking the door, screaming, and throwing my phone across the room. I don't know why my mom hasn't yet realized that yelling and swearing at me makes things much worse.