Ettina wrote:
I knew a thread was going to spring up saying about AS and Meningitis being connected sooner or later. Just another thing to worry about and another reason to hate Autism. What's next? AS and cancer being connected?
Haven't you ever heard of coincidence, instead of trying to scare everybody to death?
The OP is not suggesting that AS can give you meningitis, but that meningitis can give you AS. Why should that scare anyone? If you already have AS, you're no more likely to get meningitis than anyone else. And if you have meningitis, you should feel lucky to come away from it with only AS.
That reminds me of something, it's not actually answering the actual point of this thread but it involves both AS and Meningitis.
When I was 10 all children suddenly all had to have a vaccination for Meningitis, but the mother of another Aspie child at the same school phoned my mum the night before the vaccinations and told her not to let me have the vaccination because it could make my Asperger's worse. I don't know where she got that from or if it's true or not, but it has made me become really scared of having vaccinations. Needles going into me don't worry me, it's the thought of having a vaccination what could damage my brain....even more.