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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 Oct 2013, 12:53 pm

Sleep??? what is that!! i never sleep and when i do i toss and turn all night and takes me 3 hours to get going in the morning and if somebody makes me mad in the morning i am like a crazed psycho??? anyone else???


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25 Oct 2013, 1:14 pm

A lot of Aspies have insomnia or other sleep problems -- probably the chemical imbalance from comorbids such as clinical depression. I suffered from insomnia for several years and became habituated to Ambien at one point. 5 mg melatonin taken an hour or so before bedtime together with my antidepressants finally did the trick -- and the sleep is restful and natural unlike what you get with a sleeping pill. If you haven't been evaluated for clinical depression, you might want to, because you may need an SSRI to help with an underlying serotonin deficiency.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Oct 2013, 1:18 pm

ive tried melatonin 5mg and 10mg and even valerian root and none seems to work! it actually makes me not tired! i dont get it!?!?!

Emu Egg
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25 Oct 2013, 1:24 pm

I use to not be able to sleep, but now although now i'm not working and don't have a schedule i'm able to sleep.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Oct 2013, 1:26 pm

i just always feel so tired... and i absolutely hate it!


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25 Oct 2013, 1:40 pm

Cipralex is an SSRI that has a soporific effect (it does for me ,anyway). I still have problems sleeping but they were worse before I went on Cipralex.


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25 Oct 2013, 1:42 pm

Wow! If 10 mg of melatonin doesn't even do it, I don't know what to suggest other than having someone hit you over the head with a sledgehammer :lol: Seriously though, you need to see a sleep disorders specialist and see if they can help you. The consequences of not doing anything are a lot more serious than being irritable and nonfunctional during the day. I remember seeing a documentary on a family that has some kind or rare genetic disorder that renders them incapable of sleeping as they got older and everyone affected eventually deteriorates and dies from the lack of sleep.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Oct 2013, 1:58 pm

Liblady wrote:
Wow! If 10 mg of melatonin doesn't even do it, I don't know what to suggest other than having someone hit you over the head with a sledgehammer :lol: Seriously though, you need to see a sleep disorders specialist and see if they can help you. The consequences of not doing anything are a lot more serious than being irritable and nonfunctional during the day. I remember seeing a documentary on a family that has some kind or rare genetic disorder that renders them incapable of sleeping as they got older and everyone affected eventually deteriorates and dies from the lack of sleep.

There is a rare disorder that can prevent your brain from actually going into "sleep mode". IE: you can be put into a chemically induced coma, your eyes would be closed and everything. But your brain would be still active like it is during the day.

I know for me, that something I can make myself go to sleep. But, if I have something on my mind than it tends me hours to finally fall asleep. And it's usually not something simple as "Just get up and write it down."


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25 Oct 2013, 2:19 pm

Shabba wrote:
ive tried melatonin 5mg and 10mg and even valerian root and none seems to work! it actually makes me not tired! i dont get it!?!?!

Melatonin works much better if you chase it with a few beers. :wink:


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25 Oct 2013, 2:34 pm

I get the dreaded sleep paralysis often so I have to drink beer before I go to sleep.


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25 Oct 2013, 2:55 pm

I take Clonidine and Melatonin.

I am a Sleep Snob.

If it's slightly too hot or cold. I won't sleep
If it's too loud or quiet. I won't sleep
If it's too bright or dark. I won't sleep
If I'm in the wrong position. I won't sleep
If it's not my pillow. I won't sleep
If the covers are in the wrong position. I won't sleep

I guess many of those things apply to anyone, but for me it has to be so exact that it makes sleeping a chore

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Oct 2013, 3:24 pm

I recently made a CD with quiet nature sounds and soothing music. When the lights are off and I have one of my dogs with me, it works well.

But I have problems getting to sleep, still.


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25 Oct 2013, 5:19 pm

I used to struggle massively with getting to sleep. Nowadays in my Thirties I get to sleep quickly but rarely sleep last 6am.

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25 Oct 2013, 5:46 pm

I am an extremely light sleeper, but now that I live alone and can control my environment I don't have sleep problems. However, if for some reason I don't get enough sleep, it really screws me up the next day. Not just being tired, but having irregular heart beating, anxiety through the roof, headaches, strange appetite, increased sensitivity to light/sound, etc. I'm a wreck. It's amazing how much difference a good night's sleep will make.

I am always baffled by how others can stay up late into the night and act like it's no big deal, and may be a little tired the next day but they just have some caffeine and are fine. My body is way too sensitive to be putting it through such conditions.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Oct 2013, 8:28 pm

RandyM wrote:
Liblady wrote:
Wow! If 10 mg of melatonin doesn't even do it, I don't know what to suggest other than having someone hit you over the head with a sledgehammer :lol: Seriously though, you need to see a sleep disorders specialist and see if they can help you. The consequences of not doing anything are a lot more serious than being irritable and nonfunctional during the day. I remember seeing a documentary on a family that has some kind or rare genetic disorder that renders them incapable of sleeping as they got older and everyone affected eventually deteriorates and dies from the lack of sleep.

There is a rare disorder that can prevent your brain from actually going into "sleep mode". IE: you can be put into a chemically induced coma, your eyes would be closed and everything. But your brain would be still active like it is during the day.

I know for me, that something I can make myself go to sleep. But, if I have something on my mind than it tends me hours to finally fall asleep. And it's usually not something simple as "Just get up and write it down."

thats crazy because i always tell my wife that when i do sleep i can always hear whats going on still if that makes any sense??? i always fall asleep with tv on and i can remember my shows as i sleep somewhat and i work the night shift and when i sleep during the day i wake up and my kids have stories for me and i already know what there gonna say because i can "hear whats going on" while i sleep.. idk its weird


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25 Oct 2013, 8:58 pm

I cannot take melatonin, it makes me suicidally depressed. I have tried on two separate occasions, and it was extremely unpleasant. I don't know why it does that to me, except maybe it has to do with not having enough serotonin in the first place, and melatonin is the opposite...?

Or maybe it's the vitamin D deficiency? My doc just had me tested for vitamin D levels, and I was insufficient (I had 16 and you're supposed to have 30-100) so maybe it is related to that, but anyway...

I lay there in bed for at least an hour every night of my life, even as a little kid, my mind just doesn't shut off, and then I can't go to sleep until I'm warm enough.... and... and.... oh well. It's just always how I've been, unable to shut off, and hard to turn back on in the morning too. I've always thought that I would have done so much better in school if it had started about 2 hours later 8)

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