The thing is, when it's something that small that stresses you out, most people can't get why it affects you so much.
I can relate to this. Stress is something that is hard to control. Usually getting stressed about things at work is something nobody understands, even the doctors. It's like most people think that if you can physically work and you have average IQ then you are able to work, no arguments. And yes, I am a thorough worker and I am reliable and punctual and I like to co-operate as a team and so on - but there are a lot of small things at work that do stress me out for reasons I can't quite understand myself, and it then leads on to other emotions like anxiety, depression and panic, and then it makes me want to go home. I don't act all stressy and panicky, but I do feel it inwardly, and it affects my thoughts and feelings.
This is exactly the same as me-the only difference being that my stress often does show itself outwardly although I have got better at not showing it in the last year or so.