You know, one thing I've noticed about the gay accusations (that I've had, at least), is that they always seem to have a sarcastic component to them. Like the bully doing the accusation is just mocking you, but is reasonably certain that you're not really gay. Like that one drunk psycho who pretended to come on to me and tell me that I was hot, at a party, with his drunken friends looking on and jeering me.
Also when I was 18 and working at McDonalds, this one guy I worked with regularly tormented me that I must be gay - I realize in hindsight (as part of the Aspie long-term memory) that on break one day, I looked at my fingernails with him present in the break room and said that I really need to trim them. Obviously, that's due to the Aspie tendency to have trouble filtering thoughts (almost like a Tourette's thing, if you think about it!) On various occasions, he insulted me, shoved me against the wall a couple of times, and I found my new running shoes missing after a Saturday shift (I'm sure it was him). Complained to management, and was given the standard phrase, "OK, we'll look into it" but nothing happened. Funny thing is, this guy was Jewish, so you'd THINK that he would understand what it's like to be persecuted for being different and standing out, but no, he was quite merciless with Aspies and perceived homosexuals.
(and no, I'm not of Palestinian or Arabic ancestry.)