I elongate things to simplify them, in my mind. For example, if I'm writing a letter of complaint and I'm concerned that the reader might not understand what I'm trying to say, I'll write 3 simple sentences (a paragraph's worth), to replace the sentence that I'm concerned about. So, the letter ends up being very easy to understand, but long and they might think I've been thinking too much and gone OTT.
I've found that people will say that they understand what you're talking about, without being given the full picture. But, the truth is that they don't actually understand at all, they just think they do, because they fill in the blanks with assumptions, which are often way off mark. So, to prevent any confusion, I give them the details that I would want, if I was the one being told the story.
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiatic about." Charles Kingsley