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Do you play a sport (as classified in the topic)
Yes 42%  42%  [ 36 ]
No 47%  47%  [ 40 ]
Tired one and didn't like it 11%  11%  [ 9 ]
Total votes : 85


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01 Jan 2011, 10:50 am

I hated PE is school and I hate team sports. But I loved to swim, rollerskate and skateboard as a kid and teen, and for a few years I was a competing equestrian. Now I exercise in various ways. Loner types of exercises--aerobics, dance for fitness, jogging, walking, elliptical machine, etc. I can be little clumsy, but i don't have the motor skills problems other people on the spectrum have.

My problem has been that unless I exerciserregularly I can be "body unaware" where my mind-body connection gets weak and disconnected. But exercising helps improve that dramatically.I just have to keep at it, cos if I stop exercising, my mind-body connection reverts back to a state of poor body awareness.

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01 Jan 2011, 11:13 am

I'm currently not playing any sports, but I do lift weights five days a week. :D


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01 Jan 2011, 7:10 pm

TJB20 wrote:
I'm currently not playing any sports, but I do lift weights five days a week. :D

I love lifting weights if I have someone to pair me. Otherwise, it's just not stimulating enough for me. But I wish I wasn't like that, as I don't have anyone to work out with these days, and I can't get motivated to life weight by myself. At my age, I need to be concerned by maintaining muscle mass and bone density.

Pileated woodpecker
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01 Jan 2011, 9:08 pm

Physical Education was the subject that was unfavourable for me(at least the physical challege of it,but did well on the theoretical study).Competing in team activities was daunting,clumsy in catching and throwing and falling over when running.I was okay playing basketball(dribble control with being the exception but my FG shooting would go through the rim) and 10-pin bowling is/was my athletic ability of choice.

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01 Jan 2011, 9:11 pm

I was a pretty decent soccer player before knee injury, other sports also
now I am relegated to road cycling


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30 Mar 2011, 9:48 am

Well guys, your in luck. I have Asperger syndrome and Im an athlete. Im a 100m and 200m sprinter. I represented my region, my county and my club at high levels. My best 100m time is:10.9 and my best 200m time is: 22.48. If you dont belive me, check me out on google. Type my name Marcel Hodge. :)


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24 Nov 2013, 7:33 pm

Though not often, and it's cause I don't have the time, I play Badminton and a little game of Soccer. Any racket based really for some reason. Also Rugby, don't know why, but something of that sport appeals to me. Maybe it was because I was born in New Zealand. :wink:


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24 Nov 2013, 8:05 pm


I got very emotional during PE, so I don't play a sport.


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24 Nov 2013, 8:08 pm

There was a time when I didn't do any physical activity (mostly during my late teens and early 20's), but I became overweight as a result. As such, I became much more physically active to lose it all (long story short, I succeeded).

I now run 5K's and 10K's with regularity. I also do strength training (for body building) and do some mountain hiking. I'm currently trying to climb up each of the 48 4000 footers in New England!

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24 Nov 2013, 8:20 pm

HodgeieHodgeMarcel wrote:
Well guys, your in luck. I have Asperger syndrome and Im an athlete. Im a 100m and 200m sprinter. I represented my region, my county and my club at high levels. My best 100m time is:10.9 and my best 200m time is: 22.48. If you dont belive me, check me out on google. Type my name Marcel Hodge. :)

That's quite fast :)

I haven't been timed since I was 16 and I was running 11.3 back then for the 100m. My 200m was somewhat slower. Though the sport made me too nervous and anxious in the weeks leading up to big heats so I dropped out of my program. I still sprint for exercise and leg strength training, but no times!

As for the OP's question. Yes I have ASD and enjoy sports. I run and lift weights regularly. In the past I played a few types of football. Though I did notice it took me a lot longer to learn the fine sports skills than others but once I learned them I was far better than average.


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24 Nov 2013, 9:29 pm

Yep. I've been a runner since I was 9 or 10 years old. I actually was captain of cross country in high school.


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24 Nov 2013, 10:22 pm

I was very uncoordinated as a child with general motor coordination difficulties most of my life..even posture wise..until the last three months now at 53..

I am actually in better physical condition that at any time in my life..and I can prove that in pictures as my body is built now like a college athlete...

There is actually research that shows that walking in reverse can improve motor coordination difficulties..

I highly recommend it..with approval from a physician..and a safe and careful training process to do it..

I actually received applause from people in my local mall as I look like a ninja my gait is so smooth..and almost looks like there is no gravity involved..

Thinking out of the not only limited to the mind..there is action by the body..that can be described as out of the box2..that has great results for quality of life..too....

And not only did my motor coordination and posture improve..I have severe arthritis in my spine..and neural stenosis as well..

My legs were going almost completely numb before with extreme neck and back pain too..

Now there is no pain..and my legs are fuller of strength and energy than ever before in my life....

Walking in reverse.. at least for simply amazing...!

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24 Nov 2013, 10:55 pm

I have always been athletic and have done sports all my life. I love sports and I have done many and am always doing something athletic. And I tend to get pretty decent at them. Not great but pretty good, usually a little better than most recreational athletes. See my screen name?:D

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

Wreck It Ralph