I am Granny Autistic Cancer b***h;
My superpowers include but are not limited to
[1] I can stare down cancer straight in the eye [yes, my friends, IN THE EYE!] and, with a wave of my sword of fairness shout "Not today, you monster, NOT TODAY!
[2] I can bake 20 dozen cookies in a single afternoon, thus fortifying my super powered comrades with "nutritous" and satiating sustenance.
[3] Like most of my comrades, I possess the super powers of integrity, kindness, empathy, perseveration, and justice.
That being said, maybe we should rethink the "evil"part. There are so many more of the enemy than us and they tend toward so much more experience in being evil. Still, it is time to fight, time to stand up, and with our COMBINED forces demand accommodations, create jobs and support for each other, and shine the light on each others gifts and ausomeness. No more loneliness! No more feeling less than! Never, ever ever again. Let's unite our powers and CHARGE!