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21 Jul 2013, 3:52 pm

I was put on Sertraline (Zoloft) in 2006 for panic attacks. I came off it in 2008, only to be put back on it again in 2010 due to being diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia and told it would help.

Having done some research, and come off it for the second time, I discover that fibromyaliga like symptoms are actually withdrawal symptoms from coming off it......along with nausea, panic attacks, and much more symptoms. I am now 1 year 4 months off it and still nowhere near right - my digestion is very bad and I have burning pains all over my body.

If you are prescribed any SSRIs please make sure you know that they can be very hard to come off for some people (some seem to have no problems), and have a doctor who will help you withdraw very slowly to decrease chances of withdrawal syndrome. The longer you stay on them, the harder it is to get off them, so a slower taper is needed.

There's alternatives to SSRIs, Please don't take the decision to go on them lightly. Its your body at the end of the day. SSRIs affect so many systems in the body.


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22 Jul 2013, 1:13 am

I haven't taken citalopram, but I'm taking paroxetine (Paxil) and lorazepam (Ativan) for my Panic Disorder. They help my panic attacks, but I kinda feel like I'm MORE depressed rather than less. And I'm sleepy most of the time. As for effects on AS, I'm not sure but I seem to be more fidgety -- moving my hands more, shaking my legs more. Can't for sure blame the drugs, but it's possible.


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22 Jul 2013, 3:39 am

I'm on valdoxan. It's not an ssri though. The weather no longer affects my mood so it definitely helps with seasonal depression. I fall asleep faster, but I wake up pretty often. I also see nightmares almost every night, I'm so jaded that I don't feel horror anymore but they are still a little uncomfortable.


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22 Jul 2013, 4:30 am

I just started taking Citalopram im on day 5 of taking it and I think im going to stop. its making me hallucinate bugs crawling around and clicking at me. now im starting to have chest pains and im having memory loss

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22 Jul 2013, 6:43 pm

I have taken both Paxil (mid-late 90s) and Wellbutrin (2002) Zoloft (aughts) but nothing since around 2009 - all with several years inbetween. My reaction to them was rebound - I would feel great for a few months/a year and then downhill without warning, so the Docs would try something different.

I was just diagnosed with Aspergers last week (comorbid Depression and Anxiety). Anxiety never entered the picture before when on depression meds, but I have a prescription for Ativan that I take 2-3x a month for stress.

Just today, my Doc has decided to put me back on 50mg Zoloft with Ativan "as needed" and I have quarterly followups to watch for rebound and make adjustments. Am hoping that the rebound had to do with not addressing the anxiety element (that was a separate dx by another Doc last fall) and the combination will be manageable.

One can hope.

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22 Jul 2013, 6:50 pm

Another note - these are not dime store cheap, but my doc recommended one a decade ago. Full-spectrum lighting. (You can google for suppliers that serve your area)

When I am feeling depressed (which I describe as 'overwhelmed') I get up early for work and sit in front of it for 30 minutes each morning. Bonus - it is good lighting to get ready in the AM, so that helps. :) My Doc's wife (also a Doc) has Seasonal Affective (SAD) in the winter, so they bought one eons ago and are both huge fans as to how much it helped.


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22 Jul 2013, 7:29 pm

I was on Celexa, then switched to Zoloft. Was on each one for over 6 months, and they did nothing for me. They switched me to Prozac which made me space out and sleepy. Then they put me on Paxil which landed me in the ER with seizures, so now I'm afraid to take anything.

?To be yourself in a world that is
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22 Jul 2013, 7:32 pm

I just started on Cymbalta about 2 weeks ago. It's helped to clear my mind quite a bit, much of my anxiety is gone, and I don't have mutiple thoughts racing through my mind and clashing with each other all the time. I don't pace as much as I used to either, and my memory has gotten much better. I'm glad I started on it, and I hope this continues. I still have some pain in my lower back from my depression, but I used to get pain and stiffness in all my joints, and that's gone now, making the now milder back pain easier to deal with.

The first few days on it, I really didn't feel high, or a rush from it, but I kept noticing sights, sounds, smells, I hadn't really seemed to pay attention to before, it's like I was more alert and aware of what was going on around me. After about the first 4-5 days, I leveled off though. I just feel more peaceful, and my mind is so clear now.

Now that my depression is under control, I really want to find out for sure if I do have Asperberger's, I have suspected it for some time now, and after reading many of the posts here at Wrong Planet, what many people have said sounds like how I am, and what I have experienced, which has made me wonder even more.

In the next few months, I'll find out. Does anyone have any advice? Should set up an appointment with a psychatrist or psycholgist? How were many of you diagnosed if you have a formal diagnosis?


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22 Jul 2013, 10:29 pm

SheldonGC wrote:
I just started on Cymbalta about 2 weeks ago. It's helped to clear my mind quite a bit, much of my anxiety is gone, and I don't have mutiple thoughts racing through my mind and clashing with each other all the time. I don't pace as much as I used to either, and my memory has gotten much better. I'm glad I started on it, and I hope this continues. I still have some pain in my lower back from my depression, but I used to get pain and stiffness in all my joints, and that's gone now, making the now milder back pain easier to deal with.

The first few days on it, I really didn't feel high, or a rush from it, but I kept noticing sights, sounds, smells, I hadn't really seemed to pay attention to before, it's like I was more alert and aware of what was going on around me. After about the first 4-5 days, I leveled off though. I just feel more peaceful, and my mind is so clear now.

Wow...sounds like I need to try me some Cymbalta. The Paxil works OK for the panic (not great though) but I stay sleepy ALL the time. I don't sleep well partly because my brain won't shut the hell up. I'm just hopelessly unproductive because of the fatigue, which isn't a good thing because I'm not exactly a ball of fire when it comes to motivation and initiative anyway.

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23 Jul 2013, 7:35 am

I was put on Citalopram a few years ago. It made me sleepy and spaced out for the first week or so, but then things settled down. My only side effect was brain shivers. Unfortunately, after a couple of years, I stupidly decided that I no longer needed medication. I stopped taking them and became suicidal. After being admitted to hospital for overdosing on Citalopram (oh, the irony), I was put on Prozac, which I've been taking ever since with no major side effects at all. I guess it's just a matter of finding the right medication.


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23 Jul 2013, 10:08 am

I've been on a few SSRIs, and all they really did was make me gain weight and put me in a fog. They really had negative effects actually, they made me manic and really messed up my sleep cycle. I'm somewhere on the bi-polar spectrum though, so I do better with mood stabilizers.

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23 Jul 2013, 1:15 pm

Webalina wrote:
SheldonGC wrote:
I just started on Cymbalta about 2 weeks ago. It's helped to clear my mind quite a bit, much of my anxiety is gone, and I don't have mutiple thoughts racing through my mind and clashing with each other all the time. I don't pace as much as I used to either, and my memory has gotten much better. I'm glad I started on it, and I hope this continues. I still have some pain in my lower back from my depression, but I used to get pain and stiffness in all my joints, and that's gone now, making the now milder back pain easier to deal with.

The first few days on it, I really didn't feel high, or a rush from it, but I kept noticing sights, sounds, smells, I hadn't really seemed to pay attention to before, it's like I was more alert and aware of what was going on around me. After about the first 4-5 days, I leveled off though. I just feel more peaceful, and my mind is so clear now.

Wow...sounds like I need to try me some Cymbalta. The Paxil works OK for the panic (not great though) but I stay sleepy ALL the time. I don't sleep well partly because my brain won't shut the hell up. I'm just hopelessly unproductive because of the fatigue, which isn't a good thing because I'm not exactly a ball of fire when it comes to motivation and initiative anyway.

Ask your doctor about it. SSRI's have a strange habit of having different affects on almost everyone who uses them, so you may not have the same experience. Cymbalta was designed to stop the fatigue and pain that can sometimes occur with depression, and it turned out that it worked so well for pain for some people that it's now being used by some doctors as a safer alternative to codeine for people with other conditions that cause chronic pain (injuries, back issues,neurological disorders, etc).


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21 Dec 2013, 9:26 am

Prozac saved my life without a doubt. Had some side effects but they went away after a while. These helped me gain control of my life, express myself, be a good mother, co-worker, partner. I have been taking them now over 10 years. 20mgs daily and am very stable and people have no idea I have AS. I will take them for the rest of my life. They are amazing.


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21 Dec 2013, 9:48 am

I was on citalopram once, and for a short while it worked well for me, but partially due to circumstances in my life at the time, during the last few months that I took it, I noticed that it no longer had a "pleasant" effect, and I rather abruptly went off of it. Shortly afterwards, since I had moved to a new town with a new doctor, I got a prescription for escitalopram, and while it was fine for a week, its effects wore off for me much sooner, and I went off of it and back on it several times, until one day I just said "screw it" and quit trying.

I should also clarify, when I started citalopram, I was taking it for depression and anxiety, and when I started escitalopram, my main problems were anxiety and OCD moreso than depression.

I would like to find another doctor someday and look into some other meds, preferably non-SSRI-based, but until then, I'll keep self-medicating with caffeine and alcohol.

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21 Dec 2013, 2:17 pm

Lyriel wrote:
I was on Celexa (name brand of Citalopram here in the States) about eight years ago. I didn't really notice much difference in me.

Of course, it seems like I've been on half of the major anti-depressants since I was seventeen. I felt like only a few of them worked, and only for a short time. I'm on Zoloft now (Sertraline), supposed to be on 100mg, but I'm asking to cut back to 50mg at my next appointment, because I feel less irritable at that dose.

Isn't Zoloft a new generation anti psychotic?

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21 Dec 2013, 3:30 pm

Mr_Nice wrote:
Lyriel wrote:
I was on Celexa (name brand of Citalopram here in the States) about eight years ago. I didn't really notice much difference in me.

Of course, it seems like I've been on half of the major anti-depressants since I was seventeen. I felt like only a few of them worked, and only for a short time. I'm on Zoloft now (Sertraline), supposed to be on 100mg, but I'm asking to cut back to 50mg at my next appointment, because I feel less irritable at that dose.

Isn't Zoloft a new generation anti psychotic?

zoloft is an ssri I think your thinking of abilify