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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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02 Jan 2014, 12:16 pm

I've been trying to remember things, earliest memories and mostly I remember certain objects, their colors, certain little details and so on, from about 2/3 years of age. I don't remember many activities or people, until elementary school. I went through old photos and I couldn't really see any signs of ASD in myself, except one photo where I had soda cans and like neatly ordered in line. Parents told me that it was not so unusual with me and that I was fascinated with construction and spinning, flashing objects, gradating light and sorting colors. I remember some of those things.... we had an old sewing machine that had wheel, I could turn it endlessly.

I had lot's of imaginative play, but alone, as I remember, I accused others of ruining it.

I just want to see what are your early memories, just to compare certain things, as I am trying to find out whether my ''problems'' and me being peculiar are truly inborn, or was it acquired later in life.

Thanks in advance.


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02 Jan 2014, 1:17 pm

My early memories don't seem to be that early. Maybe around age 4 or 5 or so. I can't even remember that. I also don't seem to remember anything unusual.

I remember attacking another kid in kindy by hitting his face with a huge chunk of clay because he persistently kept making fun of me about my name. I was not usually a attacking kind of kid.

My mum told me that I kept collecting some useless objects from outside in my pocket when I was little such as stones, nails etc. Also she said I often had a caterpillar in my hand.

That's about it. Sorry, I think it's rather useless.


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02 Jan 2014, 8:07 pm

When I was one or two, I'd have a complete fit if the cookie my mom gave me wasn't exactly round.


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02 Jan 2014, 8:15 pm

i remember a lot of screaming, stacking objects. playing with this cat toy. thinking i was a cat, eating cat food. getting 3rd degree burns on my chest, and being scared a lot of the times. in my memories, everything seemed to be a lot louder.

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
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02 Jan 2014, 8:27 pm

I know I used to play with words, repeating them over and over.

I had receptive language skills by around age 2.5, but expressive language lagged behind.

I remember reading at age four; it was very easy and natural for me even at that age (I wasn't sounding out words, just recognizing them as easily as I recognized spoken words, and was reading something probably at the third grade level), so my best guess is that I learned how to read sometime around my third birthday.

I'd persuade my mom to wrap my arms and legs in the kind of bandage you use to stabilize a sprained joint. I think I must have liked the pressure.

I remember being told when I was six that it was impolite to stick your tongue out at someone. I didn't know that at that point. And I wasn't sticking my tongue out at anyone, anyway; I was just licking the counter that happened to be at face level for me at the time. It was cold and smooth.

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02 Jan 2014, 8:30 pm

I have memories dating back to when I was 2 y/o. I remember details of our family trip to Connecticut. We rented a summer house, and I have vivid memories of the interior of the house, the roof leaking and there being pots and pans scattered about to catch the drops of water. I remember the sound of the water hitting the posts, and my sister and I laying in the hammock with our LA Dodger caps on our heads. I remember swinging on a wooden swing that was hanging from a tree branch. A red and white checkered shirt I loved to wear. A few years, ago, I had a conversation with my parents, and brought up what I had remembered about that trip to Connecticut, and it scared them. Literally. My Dad looked at my Mom and said, "Do we have photos of that trip?" Then he asked me if I was aware that I was only 2 years old, when we took that trip. I actually remember specific details of my 2 yr birthday celebration. Those are just two examples of several early memories.

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02 Jan 2014, 8:35 pm

i don't have many solid memories before the age of four or five. at that stage, i remember monkey climbing into the high cabinets to eat sugar raw, by the handful, from the bag. hiding in my toy bin because i liked small spaces. i remember running on my toes around the house - spinning. jumping, crashing, flipping. i vaguely remember going to the ER because i swallowed a penny because i liked to put things in my mouth. i also went to the ER on other occasions because i was a sensory seeker and would flip myself off of things and wind up with injuries (this part i don't recall, but my mother does). apparently, i dislocated my elbow more than once flipping off some piece of furniture. i vaguely remember the issues i had potty training around that time although i was trained by kindergarten. i remember being really confused when i started kindergarten. it felt like the instructions and simple commands i was given were being spoken in another language. i remember spending a lot of time in my backyard, reading, or on my mother's bed watching my favorite TV shows.


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03 Jan 2014, 6:47 am

I remember that I used to repeat play patterns a lot and, if I think back to that play, I am always alone. Most of my earliest memories feature me by myself.

I was recently able to watch some old movies, though, and was rather surprised at how much time I truly spent on my own.

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03 Jan 2014, 7:17 am

My earliest memory is from I was 1. It's from when we moved to our new apartment. I was in the entrance there with at least my grandfather and my mother. I saw my yellow toddler bed (the kind with bars to prevent small children from falling out or otherwise leave it). Eager to see something I recognized but not daring to go there alone in the unfamiliar place, I grabbed the leg of my grandfather's pants and pulled at it to have him follow me into the room. Which he apparently did, but I can't recall that part.

I have several memories from my second year, and more so after that. I have lots of memories from I was 3-5, and onwards of course.

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03 Jan 2014, 8:24 am

I was very young - probably just over 1 year old. My grandmother had a tile floor in her kitchen with a fascinating pattern. I used to sit on the floor and trace the pattern with my eyes. It was mezmerizing.


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03 Jan 2014, 8:46 am

My earliest memories are from the age of 1 or so. I could understand what people were saying. I liked to look at the pictures in our house because they were both figural and abstract, so they sort of scared me. We had one of a fisherman which was yellow, and another poster by Toulouse-Lautrec, and a lithograph by Marc Chagall. They made me feel strongly in different ways and they made me taste different things, too. (That synesthesia is gone now.) I recall our house vividly, my favorite lunch food (Campbell's Chicken and Stars soup). I liked to look at the mobile above my bed, especially the mirror on it because it was amazing to me that I could see myself. It made me think about how others could see me, too. I also recall getting out of my crib and crawling to living room to put my finger in the electric socket because I liked the feeling. I was reading the Madeline books at the age of two. When I was 2, I recall that my favorite number was 120, and I liked to play with wooden blocks arranging them in square symmetric patterns and imagining that they were perfect cities.

I barely remember my parents' faces or my two sisters.


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03 Jan 2014, 9:34 am

JSBl, I still have my Madeline book that I received when I was 2.


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03 Jan 2014, 9:37 am

I remember breast feeding and diaper changes.


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03 Jan 2014, 5:34 pm

My earliest memory is when I was about 4.
It was after dinner-time, and we'd had prunes & custard for dessert, so I'd collected the stones & was going out the back door to plant them at the top of the garden (I thought they'd grow, so I used to do this every time we had prunes & custard for pudding).

On this particular evening I was walking up the garden path & a bright light was shining to the right of me. I turned to look, and it was a human figure hovering in the air about 10ft above the ground. The figure was surrounded in light, and was also made up of light but with distinct features.
I wasn't scared, and just looked up at it whilst it looked down at me. After a very short time I just continued up the garden path to plant the prune stones, and upon walking back down the path I saw that it (whatever it was) had gone.

I then went back into the house & told my parents that I'd seen an angel. Both of them recall me telling them that.
It wasn't imagination as I remember it to this day.

We, the people on the Autistic Spectrum have a choice.
We can either try to "fit in" with the rest of society, or we can be so egocentric that we can't be bothered.
I choose the actor. I observe NT's. I listen to their socializing. I practice it, so in social situations I can just emulate/mimic what is expected.
It isn't natural for me, but it enables me to "fit in".
It is VERY tiring and draining, but at least we can appear like them even though it is an act. Like being on the stage.
They can't see it is emulation, and so we are accepted.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Jan 2014, 4:15 am

Thank you all very, very much for replies.
I rememberd how on most of my early birthdays, well, I always made some scene. I wanted kids to come over and still, most of the time it ended in frustration. Later I did not even want to celebrate.

I also found one tape from my friends birthday. I was 5 at the time. First, I've been talking about some picture I've drawn, next - me talking at other kuds about how exactly we are going to play. It was me talking non stop, very fast sentences all broken up. Next scene - me trying to immitate what other kids were doing. Last scene - me playing with some shiny object. I remember they had light where you could gradually dim it or lighten it up, I was just turning that thing on and off, on and off.

I wonder how it all might've looked to observers. To me, it was nothing strange, I could explain why I was doing that. Anyway, I am sure it also gave me an epithet of being "special" which I only later learned can be euphemism for - odd and strange.

I had unusual fears as well - scissors, having haircut, certain shapes and patterns. My parents told me everything would be ok and suddenly I went histerical over something and they just couldn't understand why.

I also remember first day in kindergarten. We went rather early, it was still dark and I've been observing shadows on the floor, how they change in relation to street lamps. When we arrived, I went into meltdown, especially when lot's of other kids arrived.


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04 Jan 2014, 4:33 am

Agathon wrote:
Thank you all very, very much for replies.
I rememberd how on most of my early birthdays, well, I always made some scene. I wanted kids to come over and still, most of the time it ended in frustration. Later I did not even want to celebrate.

I also found one tape from my friends birthday. I was 5 at the time. First, I've been talking about some picture I've drawn, next - me talking at other kuds about how exactly we are going to play. It was me talking non stop, very fast sentences all broken up. Next scene - me trying to immitate what other kids were doing. Last scene - me playing with some shiny object. I remember they had light where you could gradually dim it or lighten it up, I was just turning that thing on and off, on and off.

I wonder how it all might've looked to observers. To me, it was nothing strange, I could explain why I was doing that. Anyway, I am sure it also gave me an epithet of being "special" which I only later learned can be euphemism for - odd and strange.

I had unusual fears as well - scissors, having haircut, certain shapes and patterns. My parents told me everything would be ok and suddenly I went histerical over something and they just couldn't understand why.

I also remember first day in kindergarten. We went rather early, it was still dark and I've been observing shadows on the floor, how they change in relation to street lamps. When we arrived, I went into meltdown, especially when lot's of other kids arrived.

i have two videos of me at a birthday party, one is me sitting alone and waiting for my gift bag, the other is me playing with my toys alone :)

Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.