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13 Jan 2014, 10:31 pm

I've heard my mother once tell me this before, but I'm not sure if I can really believe it myself...


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13 Jan 2014, 11:00 pm

I'm not clairvoyant, just observant. I'll have to wait to see who the nominees are for 2016, and then sense the mood of the country and look at the polls. In other words, it's not really prediction, it's just pattern recognition and Aspie sense.

But in 2011, I recall telling my boss that Romney was unelectable because he couldn't energize the base, and that (don't laugh now) Sarah Palin or Newt Gingrich had the best shot of winning because both would have energized the base, and that's all elections are ever about. But we'll never know, shall we?


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13 Jan 2014, 11:08 pm

I can predict the future!! Let me put on my tin foil hat...

I predict....I PREDICT that within the next 24 hours, a member of this forum will reply to this topic.


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14 Jan 2014, 12:11 pm

I have actually been pretty accurate predicting the genders of my friend's babies and Superbowl games in the past. Got my first wrong baby prediction last summer though so I might be losing my touch. And I don't even know who is in the Superbowl this year. I'm not a football fan but I do like the Superbowl commercials especially the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials.

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

Wreck It Ralph


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14 Jan 2014, 5:57 pm

skibum wrote:
I have actually been pretty accurate predicting the genders of my friend's babies and Superbowl games in the past. Got my first wrong baby prediction last summer though so I might be losing my touch. And I don't even know who is in the Superbowl this year. I'm not a football fan but I do like the Superbowl commercials especially the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials.

Once again, my powers of predication remain unrivaled!!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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14 Jan 2014, 6:27 pm

I did something related, i.e. predicting the present, when I searched for a someone's address in december, and thought, "this name is unusual, but of course there could be twenty persons with this combination in Sweden." A couple of clicks later, I found that there were exactly 20 individuals with that first name and family name. 8O

I have had a number of similar experiences with different things over the years, but nothing for practical use. :(


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14 Jan 2014, 7:22 pm

Cre8iveHuman wrote:
Hello Friends,
I've heard that autistic people can predict future events or tendencies/trends...
Can you?..
Can you confirm?.. Deny?..

Yes, autistics can predict future events such as the event that all of us will eventually die.


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14 Jan 2014, 8:54 pm

I predict that the next president will be a Republican.
I predict that Google will remain an excellent stock to own.
I predict that Pope Francis will begin to lose popularity in 2014.
I predict that Iran will become a nuclear power.
I predict that China will become a superpower for a short while, but will soon by eclipsed by an alliance between the USA and India.
I predict that 0 will outrank 1 as the most fundamental number.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Jan 2014, 9:13 pm

Yeah, I've always thought being an 'Aspie' we are members of an 'Autistic Captain Planet and The Planeteers' group possessing the powers of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Heart. Not!


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15 Jan 2014, 12:17 am

Stargazer43 wrote:
I can predict the future!! Let me put on my tin foil hat...

I predict....I PREDICT that within the next 24 hours, a member of this forum will reply to this topic.

You got your headgear stereotypes mixed up.

"Tin hats" are for reflecting the beams away. The beams that that every garden variety paranoid is convinced that the CIA beams down from sateliites to control their minds. Theyre not supposed to help with psychic stuff.

Maybe you meant "put my turban on" (so you can dress like an eastern mystic like Johnny Carson's Karnak character).


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15 Jan 2014, 4:57 am

Ah, but the tinfoil hat protects you from the evil thought rays that skeptics aim at you to prevent your powers from working, so that they can laugh at you.

Anyways, I predict an influential world leader will be assassinated.


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15 Jan 2014, 5:08 am

Stargazer43 wrote:
Once again, my powers of predication remain unrivaled!!

Ha I knew you were going to post that


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15 Jan 2014, 7:12 am

Toy_Soldier wrote:
EzraS wrote:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm able to grant wishes.

I'd like one of those tree pruners on a pole. You know not a cheap one though.

Where's my tree pruner? :P


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03 Apr 2017, 2:52 am

From my experience the answer is yes.

The way I am able to sense that something has happened in an almost telephatically over long distances and predict the future is pretty creepy, and I believe it has to do with that our brains vibrate on higher frequencies, it's why when we watched old TV screens, or computer screens they seemed to flicker as if you were watching it through a camera, since the brain operates on such a high frequency that the Frames Per seconds the eye sees and the vibration of the TV is nearly matched.

Here I go, On Friday march 27TH, 2009, was a cloudy and gloomy day in Boston, where I was in a special needs school. It was a couple of days before a major storm was to impact the region. That morning, I woke up feeling horrible. The previous week, job coach threatened by telling me that if I did anything she deemed inappropriate such as talking back, rolling me eyes, not doing exactly what I was told the first time that she will pull me off the job site where I was working as a volunteer weather observer and it will be permanent. That morning, I was feeling extremely anxious, nauseous and pessimistic and I had a feeling that something horrible will happen, and at the time I woke up, I was pretty sure it was what she threatened me with.

I prayed to god that she came late to school, so she wouldn't have to take me to the job, even though it was a favorite place of me to go, until she took over from another person.

I will talk about my history with her for the next 1 long paragraph, then back on topic

She was also my former classroom teacher at the time, and besides being a job coach, she was also my tutor and she at the she time frequently demanded I make CONSTANT eye contact with her, and she got upset when I told her on numerous occasions, "Why are you doing this to me? When I make eye contact with you, and then forget what you are saying, then you go ahead and tell me I am not paying attention, but if I leave stop making eye contact with you even once, you falsely accuse me of rolling my eyes at you and then take points away, when you know it is difficult for people with autism, such as myself to multitask, and yet you worked so many years with people with autism?" (When she was my school tutor, she had this point system where every time I she thought I did something wrong, whether I did it or not, she took points away. She took points away for Not making eye contact, not remembering verbatim what she said for at least 15 seconds, talking back, looking out the window from my seat, getting up to look out the window, and the list goes on and on. Most of my demerits were for the smaller things, and if I got below a certain amount of points, she wrote a bad report to the residence on a behavior sheet, and there I had an abusive staff who if he was there that day, I would lose video game privileges for the rest of the day, and if I talked back, even the week as they confiscated my video games and locked it up in a closet. Most of my demerits also, was for self-activism, as she absolutely HATED when I made her look like a complete hypocrite by telling her, "that if you work with people with autism for so long, you should obviously know that we are different!"

Back on topic.

When I arrived at school, she wasn't there. She had been late before on random days due to traffic coming in from North on I-93 from Downtown Boston. The School was/is in Randolph MA. Anyway, for a fleeting second I felt relief, but then a sudden pang of guilt and fear hit me and I had a horrible feeling she had a car accident while on her way to the School and what compounded the feeling was that she had her 1 year, 10 month old toddler with her.

I was so depressed, thinking I may have caused the accident, I was very quiet, and being a very talkative and friendly person, the other people asked me why I was acting the way I was, I told them, "(Person's name) had a car accident, and I think it is my fault for praying she did not come in to school today."

After I talked it out with some of my other job coaches, they told me this was not my fault, and they gave me lots of emotional support that day, and told me she is fine and no accident occurred and that told me that probably she took her daughter to the doctor's office.

By about 12:30 P.M. The bad feelings abated a little bit, but right after 1:30 the feeling came right back now, I thought that someone close had died in my family, but I wasn't sure who, I just knew someone in NYC who I cared deeply for passed away.

Anyway, I called my grandparents that Friday night and I was so extremely relieved, as I feared something had happened one of them.

Monday came, and by then, the bad feeling had completely left me and it was stormy heavy rain and wind and I stimmed happily over the weekend of 3/28/09 and 3/28/09 probably, embracing the happy feeling of the interresting weather and the wind and rain coming down,m which was so and that made me really happy and I love stormy weather, and had been obsessed with weather ever since I was born, and my gift when I was 4, a weather book hooked me on the weather and I knew how to read books made for age 9-11. and by age 5, I began correcting people and geeking out, when we had sleet and my grandparents told me Arthur look, it's hailing outside, I went to the window, looked at the thermometer and it said it was 31.F I told them in my tiny childish voice, in a mix of Russian and English as I went full on nerd and said, "no, (Person's Name), It's sleet, not hail, hail forms in thunderstorms, sleet forms when snow falls from a cloud, melts and then refreezes,while Hail falls as Ice during thunderstorms, the look on their face was priceless! :LOL:

Anyway, As I came to class, I was relieved that the teacher was okay. I asked her, "Why were you out on Friday?" She told me, "I had a fender bender in "the tunnel" on my way here Friday morning." (Tunnel was the big dig tunnel that went from connected the Zakim I-93 Bridge to The Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) and exits in the tunnel lead to city streets, in other tunnels connected the main tunnel, and the main tunnel remains I-93 until Canton, where there is merge between I-95 and, I-93, which becomes Route 128. Going North, I-93 passes through (Under) Downtown Boston, over the Zakim through the Boston Northern suburbs of Somerville, Medford and Stoneham, going through New Hampshire, into a tiny part of Vermont where it merges finally with I-91 right along the border of St. Johnsbury and Waterford, Vermont.) Right then, I was at a loss for words. I thought she was pranking me and what I thought was, Someone probably told her about the accident and she just told me that to make me feel weird, but I kept that to myself and another thought was that I caused the accident by either hoping she didn't come to school that day, or being so negative. When I asked her the time, she told me about 7:45 in the morning, that about the time I was most negative and pessimistic about what will happen at the job coach, and that was when I was hoping she didn't make it on time to the school so, she wouldn't have to take me to that jobsite.

Later that day, I called my Father.

Off Topic for this paragraph: My Father, today who lives with his parents, since he and my mom divorced when I was very young 2-3, but I remembered everything and I felt it was my fault since I frequently made messes when I was younger. I even remembered was I was about 2, I took the drainage hose to the washing machine and liked feeling the lukewarm soapy water drain during the spin cycle, but I picked it up the wrong way and the water spilled all over the kitchen and immediately for the first time, my father and my mother began yelling at each other, and soon afterwards, I was moved with my grandparents who I knew well since I slept during the day at my grandparents apartment and my parent's apartments, but now I was always at my grandparents one bedroom apartment that was turned into a two bedroom. Me, my mom and my grandparents slept in the same bedroom, while my uncle slept in the living room I can even remember exactly where the apartment was, and even the arrangement of the interior of the apartment even though we moved out in the Summer of 1994, when I had just turned 3. Also, my fondest memory was was when I clogged up the toilets and watched the water back-up, going to walks in the park with my Great-Grandmother, playing with my playmate and discovering new places with her, since she was 1-2 years older than me I trusted her. One bad memory I had was when the family cat literally ran away by escaping through an open window and climbing down the fire escape! It was sad, and that's how I discovered what loss was and By the latter part of age 4, by Spring/Summer of 1996 I understood the concept of death in it's totality, even though no member in my family died since I was an information sponge and I absorbed too much and too quickly, even then, and I was getting depressed thinking that when I get older I will die and never see anything or anybody ever again and that thought made me not want to turn 5 Also, this lead me to have nightmares. I began to have violent nightmares with scenes of destruction and where I was seeing scenes of war and even feeling pain in lots of my dreams where I was being hit, cut and even burned by age 2, even though I had not been abused yet, and even in real life, the physical abuse never got as bad as the dreams IU had when I was 2-7. Maybe that was my first precognitive dream? .

Anyway, Back on topic. After I called my Father, I had asked him the usual, "Did Mursik do anything interesting today, did he catch any mice?"

My father then told me, "Mursik is not here anymore."

I asked him nervously, "Wait, you mean he died?"

He told me yes, "He died."

I said, "Let me guess, he died last Friday?"

He told me, "Yes, he died Friday."

I then spoke to my paternal grandmother who explained how the cat got injured by climbing up on the furniture, jumping down on the floor, only to be stabbed in the stomach by a small stick emant to hold flowers in place, and in the afternoon, they had to put down the cat, when the surgery was going to be too expensive and that the cat would be in extreme pain and suffering if he did not get the procedure done.

I was told, they said their last goodbyes in the Early afternoon of the 27TH, as they left the vet.

In 2012, I had an occurance where I had a dream where a dog will come into my backyard for some reason, and later that day, that'[s exactly what happened, one of the wirdest things ever! I kept the dog in my backyard, after a person had said he found ther person who's dog it was, the owner came and picked up her dog who was not wearing a collar since she was about to put in on him when he went after a squirrel and got lost.

I think this is due to, as I said before, our brains operate on such a high frequency that when we sleep, there is a chance that precognitive dreams could be caused by our subconscious tapping the time frequency and travel into the future and see what will happen in he future, as possibly the time-stream is actually a frequency, one way to get to it is gonig FTL, the other way is to get into time through the brain vibrating of a very high frequency, however physical travel is not possible, only the conscious could travel and see what will happen and his future self and then wake up back in the present. Since the Consciousness, can travel through time, more common in people on the spectrum, this could be the reason some people who are horribly wrongly labeled as being "low end" of the spectrum are afraid to go to sleep, have do not want to go to sleep due to nightmares, possibly of future abuse, or something terrible, but are unable to express it either due to very young age, or inability to speak. If a person is able to communicate their dream, if there is no evidence of pre-cognition likely, then they may think the person is being abused, which could be a possibility, or that theur dream has some meaning, when likely the dream could happen literally.

In my case, the dog in my dream was a medium sized poodle, in the dream the stray dog entered my parents house, house when in actuality it was a black lab. So, I made a YouTube video on May 1St, 2013, where I uploaded the video about predicting the future.

Yes, this YouTube Channel is my real name, just to let you know!

To prove it it really is me for any skeptics, I will upload a new Power Rangers review video to YouTube in approximately 1 hour.

Current time is 3:51 AM 4/3/2017


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03 Apr 2017, 3:13 am

Often my friend comments on me being able to predict the future.

I was able to predict Trump's victory whilst simultaneously losing the popular vote.


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03 Apr 2017, 6:07 am

Not better than anyone else.

But i sense an impeachment in the near future. And possible a war between the west and Russia.

"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring" (Carl Sagan)