0_equals_true wrote:
No definitely not. I really HATE it when they 'He was a loner'. I used to be a loner and i never did that sort of thing. You could say I could be any number of things, even if he did have AS it wouldn't be caused by the AS I don't believe. Serious personality disorders look very similar to thing like SA and AS on the surface but are in fact very different.
So far the only thing that makes me think he may have aspie was that he turned away from people to avoid eye contact-- assuming the person saying that is telling the truth. Lotsof people are"loners," not just aspies.
I'm sure there was huge cultural pressure on him to do well in school. Children of immigrants have huge pressures-- the pressure is like a vice grip to do well in school, be successful, blah blah blah. Apparently he told people he was a business major when he was actually an english major. Maybe his parents didn't even know he wasn't a business major.
Eye contact is a problem with lot of different things. The problem with AS is unique (well for me anyway). It is not about people think about me or any kind of thoughts. It is/was physically difficult to look in the eyes. I think there is a term for it. Anyway he sound like he fits (given the little data) a sociopath.
Interestingly Hitler lied about going to art school but he didn't get in. He used to pretend to his family he was going when he was bum about town