Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be 'wash and wear'. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
I call total BS on that one. Most AS females I have seen, look like they spend an adequate amount of time on grooming and hair. Cosmetology is even a special interest for many AS females. So they probably spend considerably more time on it, then an NT female would.
Anyway a lot of NT females like wash and wear hair too. So they don't have to spend all day on it.
If I was going to take a guess, I'd guess that on average AS and NT females probably spend the exact same amount of time grooming. On one end you would have AS females who are obsessed with their appearance and spend an above average amount of time on it. On the other end, there would be some who focus on other interests, and don't have much time for grooming. But the average would be the same for AS and NT females.
Have to chuckle at that - wash and wear perfectly describes me. No makeup, nothing. I couldn't function at that level of grooming. But of course that means nothing in relation to Aspie women in general.