babybird wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
I do not know what being neurotypical feels like, so I cannot give a meaningful description.
I think what you are saying is that maybe the NT's feel the same. I have thought this also.
Maybe we are just more sensitive.
Kind of... I just don't
really know how being NT
subjectively differs from being autistic. I know there are objective differences (because otherwise they'd be the same thing) but I don't know... I mean, it's hard to tell what parts of my experience are defining parts of the
human experience and which are unique to autism.
Don't like loud noises? OK, but I don't know to what extent NTs don't like loud noises. Is my experience of loud noises more analogous to an NT having their hand crushed by a vice, or an NT scraping their knee? Feeling like my brain isn't working correctly... well, do NTs ever feel that way? Do I feel it to a more extreme extent, or in a different way?