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16 Mar 2014, 9:02 pm

Don't really know what else to call this so that was the best title I could come up with. Anyways as of now I got a new bicycle but the seat is very small and uncomfortable so I am looking for a more comfortable seat. But this is not the first time Ive found major discomfort in things that dont seem to bother most people. Like I cannot wear half the clothes females my age wear because they are uncomfortable, I can't do high heeled shoes not that it would be my style anyways but I cant even walk in them. Sometimes with my fairly soft desk chair I still have to sit on a pillow to be comfortable. I also think part of why I have lower back pain a lot of times is having to sit on those hard plastic chairs all through public school.

Does anyone else feel extra sensitive to things like this?

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16 Mar 2014, 10:00 pm

Yeah, I find clothes very uncomfortable.
I just like to wear soft cotton shirts, baggy jeans, comfortable sports shoes, and I put pillows on my chairs.


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16 Mar 2014, 11:32 pm

I always seem to be complaining about things related to touch, and my whole life the response I received almost every time was to 'man up'. The most basic example is that I could never wear the same clothes everyone else did, and my mum would constantly nag me to wear uncomfortable clothes (i.e. jeans) to certain events. That didn't work, I ended up raging every time and went in the same tracksuit pants that I always wore.

Aside from clothes, I always had issues getting into pools/baths, I prefer to sit on the floor than most chairs, I hate wearing wet clothes, I hate feeling sticky/dirty, and like you I hate most bicycle seats. There's more but it would require a TL;DR.

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17 Mar 2014, 12:22 am

I was very uncomfortable on the seat that came with my bike, I now use this one, it is gel cushioned and has some springiness in the mounting,

Planet Bike 5018 Women's ARS Spring Anatomic Relief Saddle with Gel and Elastomer Springs ... UTF8&psc=1

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17 Mar 2014, 1:56 am

strong blunt, or dull pains and discomforts dont phase me at all, infact im oblivious to it 50% of the time.

but small scratchy feelings on my ankles, neck, stomach, chest and lower back can drive me nuts and ruin my entire day.

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18 Mar 2014, 8:35 pm

In the beginning I used to think I didn't have my sensory difficulties, but here are some I've realized I've forgotten about, thinking them to be normal in the past...:

Certain cloth materials I can't sleep with– at my grandma's house the blanket I always use keeps me up all night. I think its a type of velvet. It's not painful, per se, but I simply can't ignore it, and I haaate it.
I've always rolled up my sleeves (even went as far as to roll up my brother's sleeves for him as a little kid). Again, not painful, but just something I've always done and 'like doing that way'. It's hard to explain why.
I hate fancy clothes (aka suits and pants and nice [uncomfortable] shoes). I hate the feel of such thin clothes and tight ties and weird pants [weird from normal]. I guess this is part of not getting social stuff, too, or at least not giving a damn about them. Most days I just wear whatever is comfortable and don't care to dress up ever.
Also... haha... in little league baseball (forced to play!) I always refused to wear an athletic cup. I guess it might be a combination of some sort of sensory thing + oblivious to society/common sense. Luckily I was never hit! I can't remember why I hated it though...


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18 Mar 2014, 8:53 pm

Marybird wrote:
Yeah, I find clothes very uncomfortable.
I just like to wear soft cotton shirts, baggy jeans, comfortable sports shoes, and I put pillows on my chairs.

That ^^^


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18 Mar 2014, 9:15 pm

Also, I don't wear underwear or socks or jewlery, or even my glasses though these days I'm fairly near-sighted, my jeans are a few sizes too big in the waist, and I only wear a belt & shoes when I go out.
Just yesterday I cut the tag out of a shirt.

When I cut my nails I have to do it in the shower so I can run water over my fingers to desensitize the skin that was under the nails, or touching anything with those fingers feels like a charlie-horse, usually for a day or two, sometimes more.
Desensitizing them helps so long as I don't touch the skin directly.
They stay fairly sensitive for a day or two after, but I can touch stuff without major discomfort most of the time, at least.

I can't have anything between my toes: no flip-flops.
Hell, I get uncomfortable looking at peoples' toes if they have something visibly between them.

I'm extremely ticklish, in a bad way, it's like torture for me.

Man, if all I had to deal with was the touch sensitivities, things would still be a straight pita 24/7, but at least I can avoid bad touches a lot of the time. :roll:


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18 Mar 2014, 9:32 pm

I do with several areas.



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19 Mar 2014, 3:46 am

try memory foam on it

i hate pepole touching me

i wear realy big clothes so they are loose


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19 Mar 2014, 4:22 pm

Oh I forgot how hard and uncomfortable bicycle seats can be. I always hated riding a bike anyway. Sitting in a hard chair really hurts my back.

I can't wear high heels either, not that I would ever want to but I can't walk in them either. I wear really soft clothing, loose fitting or stretchy, nothing that is tight or binding. I can't stand anything tight around my waist, so I mostly wear skirts and/or leggings, and only very loose or stretchy pants. I can't wear jeans unless they have a really stretchy waist. Can't stand to feel most types of polyester against my skin. Seams in socks drive me crazy.

In general I feel like my body is sensitive to every little thing, except when I really have my mind on doing something then I can become totally oblivious to my body and only later realize I have worked so hard that I hurt myself in some way.


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19 Mar 2014, 7:58 pm

Autisticgamer wrote:
i hate pepole touching me

i wear realy big clothes so they are loose

I hate people touching me. :help:

I have worn shirts and pants too big for me because I hate tight clothing like jeans (sometimes).

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19 Mar 2014, 11:58 pm

I can only wear cotton or mostly cotton blends.

Belts bug me endlessly, can't wait to take them off.

Can't stand jewelry or even wearing a watch.

I am obsessed with getting my hands dirty, I wash them like a gazillion times.

Don't really like being touched

Tags on clothes but that is real common I hear


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20 Mar 2014, 5:27 am

Bodyles wrote:
Also, I don't wear underwear or socks or jewlery, or even my glasses though these days I'm fairly near-sighted, my jeans are a few sizes too big in the waist, and I only wear a belt & shoes when I go out.
Just yesterday I cut the tag out of a shirt.

When I cut my nails I have to do it in the shower so I can run water over my fingers to desensitize the skin that was under the nails, or touching anything with those fingers feels like a charlie-horse, usually for a day or two, sometimes more.
Desensitizing them helps so long as I don't touch the skin directly.
They stay fairly sensitive for a day or two after, but I can touch stuff without major discomfort most of the time, at least.

I can't have anything between my toes: no flip-flops.
Hell, I get uncomfortable looking at peoples' toes if they have something visibly between them.

I'm extremely ticklish, in a bad way, it's like torture for me.

Man, if all I had to deal with was the touch sensitivities, things would still be a straight pita 24/7, but at least I can avoid bad touches a lot of the time. :roll:

I never knew this was an Aspie thing. I don't wear underwear either if I don't have to (like when I'm wearing shorts). I wear big floppy comfortable sized stuff. I've never been a slave to fashion - only comfort. When I was a kid, I hated my school jumper. The wool would make me itch.
I've never worn jewellery.
When I get home, I can't wait to take off my foot prisons (my term for shoes & socks) strip off and get into something cool, loose and soft.

I never thought it was an Aspie thing though. I just knew I was uncomfortable a lot.

What's a charlie horse? American term for ????


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20 Mar 2014, 10:13 am

Bodyles wrote:
When I cut my nails I have to do it in the shower so I can run water over my fingers to desensitize the skin that was under the nails, or touching anything with those fingers feels like a charlie-horse, usually for a day or two, sometimes more.
Desensitizing them helps so long as I don't touch the skin directly.
They stay fairly sensitive for a day or two after, but I can touch stuff without major discomfort most of the time, at least.

My fingers are pretty much like that 24/7. Sometimes, it is a good thing, since it makes you able to enjoy things you like to touch 1000 times more, but at the same time, it sucks hard because it is also 1000 times worse for things you do not like to feel.


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20 Mar 2014, 11:48 am

ImAnAspie wrote:
What's a charlie horse? American term for ????

it is a muscle cramp, usually with sudden appearance with no real reason

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