classificate your stims! how often and type

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25 Apr 2014, 10:00 am

So, pay attention to your stims for a day and:
1) make a rough percentage estimation of how often do you stim
2) make a classification of your stims based on this site's classification (subtle, semi-odd, odd) ... /stimming/
3) the feeling or situation associated with most common stims

I go first->
1) about 40% of the time
2) mostly subtle stims like moving fingers, weirder stims only at home. Unless particularly excited or anxious
3) excited - hand flapping, repeating sounds; anxious - twisting fingers, pacing; tired - rubbing face; thinking - pacing, moving fingers; neutral - touching fingers on thumb; pleasure - smelling things (paper, wood, plastic), touching things (wood, plastic)

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25 Apr 2014, 12:14 pm

1) It's hard for me to estimate a percentage of the time that I stim because I'm often not really aware of it 'til someone points it out to me.

2) mostly "common" stims with some semi-odd (I pace a lot and talk to myself periodically). I also touch my lips with a bad on one of my fingers a lot. An old man once teased me for it saying that it looked like I was sucking my thumb and I just showed him that my fingers were wrapped around my thumb and left. I don't want to get in the habit of touching my mouth though because I'm worried about getting sich so when I catch myself doing it I immediately shift my hand down to my chin and stroke my beard instead.

3) finger on lips, stroking beard, pacing and talking to self: contemplative. These are the most common because I spend most of the day kind of lost in thought about something.

cracking joints, body contortion: My joints have always been... unusual. I once shook a man's hand, he heard a loud "pop" noise and niticed the change in the shape of my wrist then immediately assumed he had hurt me. My dad (who was introducing me to the man) thought it was incredibly funny. I crack my joints either when I'm bored or something slips into the wrong place and I have to move it back.

I also contort my limbs and fingers into odd positions sometimes when I get bored. A couple times family members have commented that it looks painful, but they're used to it. The first time I went to the detention facility, I was doing this and me cellmate commented that it looked like I'd broken both of my arms at the elbow and

Bouncing leg: I do this a lot. In fact, I'm doing it right now. I don't know that it means anything though. I am in a bit of a hurry to complete this post, shave and get out the door. That may have something to do with it.

I think that just about covers it.


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25 Apr 2014, 12:34 pm

LittlePigLocksmith wrote:
1) It's hard for me to estimate a percentage of the time that I stim because I'm often not really aware of it 'til someone points it out to me.

2) mostly "common" stims with some semi-odd (I pace a lot and talk to myself periodically). I also touch my lips with a bad on one of my fingers a lot. An old man once teased me for it saying that it looked like I was sucking my thumb and I just showed him that my fingers were wrapped around my thumb and left. I don't want to get in the habit of touching my mouth though because I'm worried about getting sich so when I catch myself doing it I immediately shift my hand down to my chin and stroke my beard instead.

3) finger on lips, stroking beard, pacing and talking to self: contemplative. These are the most common because I spend most of the day kind of lost in thought about something.

cracking joints, body contortion: My joints have always been... unusual. I once shook a man's hand, he heard a loud "pop" noise and niticed the change in the shape of my wrist then immediately assumed he had hurt me. My dad (who was introducing me to the man) thought it was incredibly funny. I crack my joints either when I'm bored or something slips into the wrong place and I have to move it back.

I also contort my limbs and fingers into odd positions sometimes when I get bored. A couple times family members have commented that it looks painful, but they're used to it. The first time I went to the detention facility, I was doing this and me cellmate commented that it looked like I'd broken both of my arms at the elbow and

Bouncing leg: I do this a lot. In fact, I'm doing it right now. I don't know that it means anything though. I am in a bit of a hurry to complete this post, shave and get out the door. That may have something to do with it.

I think that just about covers it.

thanks for The answer!
about number 1, that is true for me too, that is why I wrote in the introductory post to pay attention to the stims for one day. I did this yesterday and today, from time to time I would check to see if I was stimming because I usually don't realize it. Then I came to the conclusion it is about half the time, maybe a little bit more, probably a little bit less.


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25 Apr 2014, 12:59 pm

1. If I'm not doing something else I'm probably stimming.

2. Semi-odd/odd.
If you want a list of common stims of mine:
-picking fingertips
-picking stuff that isn't smooth on my skin
-rubbing my thighs
-squeezing my fists
-massaging my hands with each other
-squeezing wrists with other hands
-finger twisting
-bouncing my hands off of objects
-chewing on parts of my computer or my glasses
-running my fingers along whatever I am walking by
-touching soft things (yay blanket!)
-getting easily distracted by little toys
-jumping on chairs
-bouncing on my toes

3. There isn't feelings or situations associated with many stims. They're just things I do. It's wrong to not do them. I mean, I'm rocking while I'm typing this. Why wouldn't you rock?

However a few stims have specific things. I have a few different handflaps for different situations. One is for "Yay, people understand!", one for "I want to communicate and I don't know how", one is for being happy about people doing good autistic-y things (like really liking writing people do about being autistic)...I am having a hard time thinking of the others. There is about 5 or 6 different ones.

I do rock more if I'm thinking, as well as more if I'm overwhelmed. But I also just rock.

Self-massage is self-calming from sensory reasons. I do that on my hands a bunch

But, most of them, they're not associated with any particular feeling.

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25 Apr 2014, 4:59 pm

1) Not sure of a percentage and it depends on what's happening that day. Maybe anywhere from 15%-55% (ish)??

2) Every single common stim. Then of the semi-odd stims: clicking teeth, peeling and biting cuticles, twisting and wiggling fingers and toes, pacing and talking to myself (only privately usually). Then of the odd stims, i only press my eyes. I also rub the bridge of my nose a lot but that wasn't mentioned.

3) Most of them I just catch myself doing but don't know why, but I think I stim more when I am stressed or nervous.

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04 Oct 2015, 4:30 am

I suppose this forum is getting older, but I'd still like to reply! :D

1: Maybe about 15% - 40%. Less stimming in very uncomfortable public places (I actually just become stiff), and in those situations, the stims are mostly common, (e.g., leg bouncing, fiddling with things). The rate of stimming increases the more comfortable I am. I do the most, (almost constantly), when I'm home alone of course.

2: I have stims in all categories, but most of them are common and semi-odd. I do some odd ones though, like rocking or spinning things. I also chew...a lot.

3: - Nervous/stressed: leg bouncing, hand wringing, rocking, rubbing my skin or picking it, chewing on things, watching spinning things, doodling, (doodling was almost all I did in school :/ ), tapping the side of my neck.

- Excited: touching face, flapping, making noises

- Bored: talking to myself, pacing (esp. in wide circles, but I don't like to spin), doodling, making noises, chewing, rocking, making myself really stiff, wiggling fingers, holding things up to my eyes.

- Pleasure: pounding my sternum, clapping, playing with water, (is that a stim?), feeling my hair, drumming, and give my face, head and hands massages.
(Of course, all of the other stims give me pleasure and help me to relax too. :) )

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05 Oct 2015, 8:16 am

1) hmm hard to say. I often don't realise I'm doing it. I'd say 50% of the time roughly.
2) common stims: bouncing leg/foot, fiddling with things (I especially love running labels or clothing edges under my finger nails), chewing on straws/pens/pencils if I have them
Semi-odd: I used to suck my thumb until grade 4 (hid it during class - probably unsuccessfull) and still sometimes crave it, hate to admit it but pick nose and scabs/pop pimples, talk to myself, wiggle toes, pace
Odd: my favourite thing to do is bite my lips, touching things especially running fingers along metal fences as I walk by, hand flapping, toe-walking
3) lip biting: alleviates stress, boredom, anxiety. I can't live without it. I love the sensation of peeling
Running things under finger nails: this is a comfort thing. I used to do this a lot more as a child. I guess it makes me feel ok.
Flapping hands/toe-walking/talking to myself: I do this when I'm happy around the house in my comfort zone. I'm in bliss and can't contain it. Talking to myself is also sort of like echolalia and me practicing. But these also get rid of excess energy while making me feel super happy.


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05 Oct 2015, 9:54 am

1. I have no idea, I don't know I'm doing anything unless I'm told.
2. 2 common, 6 semi-odd, and 7 odd from the ones on the website which I've been told I do. There could be others I'm unaware of. There are some on the list I used to do but don't anymore.
3. I have no idea. I guess it calms me. I don't think about it because I don't know I'm doing it; it's completely subconscious.


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05 Oct 2015, 10:00 am

1) Roughly 75% of the time
2) subtle stims: foot tapping, finger moving, looking around constantly, leg twitching. More odd stims including talking to myself while in private or walking alone
3) most of mine tend to occur when I am bored, but when I am curious or thinking about something I might think out loud to myself

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05 Oct 2015, 10:09 am

I stim a lot, even when I'm just thinking quietly to myself. Mine are kind of odd and the word I would choose is happy [since I usually stim when I'm happy].

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05 Oct 2015, 10:31 pm

1) At least 70% of the time, probably more like 80-85%.
2/3) A pretty even combination of subtle and odd stims with some semi-odd stims as well.
For subtle stims, I bounce my leg pretty frequently, out of boredom mainly. When I'm agitated/frustrated, bouncing my leg turns into banging it against a chair leg. As I'm typing this, I have a pen in my mouth but mainly because it's just a convenient place for it and if I set it down, I will lose it somehow. I sometimes tap pens/pencils and fidget with either a rubber band or tiny slinky.
I don't do semi-odd stims very often. The most common of them for me is probably pacing because I do it about half the time I eat - I just pace around the kitchen and return to my plate to get another bite before setting off again - I don't know why I do this other than it feels good/natural, I guess. I used to pick scabs a lot (seriously, A LOT) but I've been working on not doing it as much so now I only do it maybe a few times a week with a couple little scabs on my upper arm. I twist my hands sometimes when I get anxious (like before a meeting).
My go-to odd stim is rocking back and forth. I do it near constantly, even at school. I've decided it's not worth "censoring" myself too much in public. I don't care if people can tell I'm autistic or even if they just think I'm weird. I flap my hands but not as much as I rock. Usually, hand-flapping is something I do at home (because I'm not carrying books and stuff like at school). Sometimes at school when I'm not holding stuff, I lightly flap my hand against my hip or thigh. When I have a rubber band to fidget with, I like the feel of it twisted up and rubbing between my index finger and thumb. At home, I have a stuffed animal I like to smell pretty regularly. I typically fall asleep smelling it and don't often leave my room in the morning without giving it a final smell. I toe-walk too, not so much at school because I'm faster getting to classes walking normally, except on stairs. I almost always toe-walk going up or down stairs.
I've also recently developed a very quiet vocal stim when I'm in a situation that is very loud/chaotic. It gives me something to focus on without distracting other people.

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