I read everywhere it is very common. An interesting thing is that I didn't really thought it applied to me until I got my diagnosis and gave a second thought to some comments some other people made.
I don't think I think in "black and white" about other people. In fact I try to be as non-judgemental as possible about people and social phenomenoms and I often find comments by other people to be biased and simplistic. Probably I used to be much more simplistic and judgemental myself, but studying cognitive science and some psychology changed a lot my approach of human beings, and now I try to understand the behaviours, thoughts and reactions in a less moralistic and more analytical way.
However, as far as my own behaviours and goals are concerned, I can be very perfectionist and exigent. But the thing is that it does not feel like perfectionism. It is just that my goals are the one I set to myself, they are representative of my personal freedom and choices, and I have trouble thinking of not achieving them as anything but a failure. For example, I want to succeed in my work as an academic. Not because someone told me so or I have any external pressure for that, but I am certain at the moment that it is the best thing for me. It is a quite difficult path (not really because of my aspieness, in fact the academic world is probably one of the most aspie-friendly work environments, but just because there are many people and few positions) but if I gave up and did something easier it would probably make me depressed. Things can change of course, maybe I will change my mind about my job later and then I will want to do something else, but right now it is very clear.
I have only recently realized that most NT people do not cling to personal goals like that. Most of them will just do what they can, switch goals like shirts, and give it no further thinking. The ones who do cling to goals usually do it because they were conditioned by their family or social environment (someone convinced them that they absolutely had to be a doctor, or an engineer, or to earn lots of money, or to have a steady job, or whatever). This was the cause of many communication failures between myself and my social environment about those things.
A bit obsessed with vocabulary, semantics and using the right words. Sorry if it is a concern. It's the way I think, I am not hair-splitting or attacking you.