Callista wrote:
I'm not a guy, but I'm not that feminine either. I don't like my female body type, but I don't want a male one to replace it. I think, if I had my choice and it wouldn't be a huge expensive undertaking, I'd want to be androgynous, with no particularly gendered features.
I really agree with most of this, I don't feel like I fit the male gender role or any gender perfectly really, I can't really decide 100% what I physically should be other then I don't feel like I am purely male at all. I have had various run ins with many people since I was a little kid regarding gender identity issues. I hate being referred to as male and being expected to conform to some male gender role that does not feel right for me. Physically I have always chose to make myself appear rather feminine, I don't understand in the least why most males I know want to emulate lumberjacks or the people on Duck Dynasty and act like stereotypical men in every way possible like its some sort of supreme way of being.
Changing genders leads to a lifetime of hassle and explaining so I think aiming for something down the middle is the best option if that works. I am lucky that I was born with a fairly feminine body and face for a guy, a good candidate for changing genders actually so I can look in the mirror and be happy enough with what I see. Sometimes people who don't look close think I am a girl and I take no offence to that at all, people try to criticize or get a reaction out of me saying that I look like a girl and my answer is "what is wrong with looking like a girl?", I usually get no answer.
I am essentially living as an androgynous person and identify this way, not legally because of the hassle however everywhere else I always pick "Other" for a gender.