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16 May 2014, 5:13 pm

I'm a regular visitor. :lol:

But seriously, when I got my concussion last year, they did such a fantastic job at making sure I was comfortable, not about to get sick, and were just joking around with me the whole time. They made it a lot easier to deal with. :lol:

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3


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16 May 2014, 5:13 pm

CuddleHug wrote:
I was in the hospital a few years ago for suicide. Apparently I am odd because I actually liked it there. It was a nice structured environment clear rules to follow clear timetables and a couple security guards if you broke them. Everything was organized and the nurses were really nice. I had my papers my pen my marker my cup and my earplugs that's all I needed. They were a little confusing though kept asking if I was afraid of killing myself which made no sense because why would a person be afraid of something they wanted?

Can't speak for everyone but when I've been suicidal its not so much I really want die, more wanting pain to in effect there are times I can certainly say I am afraid of killing/harming myself. Its difficult to explain but yeah its like what I want is for pain to end, suicide starts looking like the only option and it just escalates from there. So I guess that question makes sense to me.

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16 May 2014, 5:24 pm

I was hospitalized 4 separate times. Every time I was admitted it was for suicide attempts.

I have a short story:
The last time I was admitted was in 2008. I was taken to a private hospital, named Rogers, by my girlfriend at the time. I told Rogers I could not afford their treatment when I was admitted. They said ok and tried to send me to County. After Rogers called County, they said County couldn't admit me because they were booked. So Rogers admitted me. Later happen I was discharged I was charged $9000. They knew I couldn't afford their Hospital. Now they are part of the reason my credit is bad.


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16 May 2014, 5:29 pm

Only briefly in and out the same day twice. Once for an operation needed because of my broken nose, and once for an examination of something. Thankfully I never had to stay there over night. My doc once wanted me to because of severe asthma attack but I refused.

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16 May 2014, 5:37 pm

I have been to hospital twice, once in my youth for surgery to correct congenital issues with the reproductive organs. I was told that I was always crying for the entire 5 day stint in the specialist children's ward. Nobody knew why beyond detachment issues with my mother. I was 4 though...

The second was a 3 day stint for knee surgery after a bad fall likely due to dyspraxia. The thing I remember is that the doctor putting me under say "you are extremely calm than others before surgery" that's about it other than noticing the hospital being very uncomfortably warm. Perhaps made less of an issue being pumped with morphine every so often though.

Both times are before Aspergers diagnosis though...

"When you begin to realize your own existence and break out of the social norm, then others know you have completely lost your mind." -PerfectlyDarkTails

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16 May 2014, 6:16 pm

My parents decided to put me in one when I was 12 but after being there for several hours waiting to be checked in, my dad decided to take me home. I threatened suicide is what so I was nearly hospitalized for it.

If we are talking about regular hospital where we go where we are sick or injured or need surgery, I have been there lot of times. I was there for ear infections and fevers and when I got my tonsils taken out and adenoids. I have been into ER for an ear infection when I was five and been in at 14 for a bee sting and went to one for ear surgery. I also went to one for my regular check ups. We also once stopped at one twice on our road trip for this infection I had on my back upper leg close to my bottom and the other was for my ear because fluid kept dripping out of it and my mom stopped at one in Salt Lake City because she had bronchitis and I remember staying out in the RV and I got dehydrated because it was so hot in there so i got overheated and I even threw up but nothing came out. Then I felt better when I dressed cooler and got some outside air.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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16 May 2014, 6:25 pm

I have been in hospital for physical reasons once overnight. It was for an abscessed tooth. I stayed 2 nights. Very painful. The abscess was so severe it made my face swell up and the docs were worried that the infection would get in the bloodstream. Luckily they took care of the infection but I then needed a root canal.

For mental reasons 10 times. Mostly for psychosis and depression. The longest stay was only about 2 weeks. It was only that long due to a manic episode induced by the meds. I have had other manic episodes though, it was just the combination of meds were wrong for people with bipolar disorder and is known to cause mania. One of the stays was awful beyond awful. I was bullied by some of the patients there. They ganged up on me and made fun of me. On top of that, when I proceeded to tell one of the psychiatrists that because I was being bullied that I wanted to commit suicide, he threatened to take me to the state hospital. I have been bullied most of my life, the only time I wasn't bullied was in college. I have horrible memories of being bullied over and over again in my head. That and other traumas that I have endured. The first time I was admitted into the psych hospital I was in my teens for depression and psychosis. I am now 31 and the most recent stay was last year. I found the right meds for the psychosis aspect, but my anxiety is still off the chart.


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16 May 2014, 6:39 pm

3 days in ICU ... had strong chest pains i never had before.

Didn't sleep out of anxiety plus them coming to stick needles in me every 4 hours.

MRIs and meds later they tell me it wasnt a heart attack but very low potassium and acid reflux (which i had never had before either).

One thing I'll never forget is that for the stress test they gave me this little cup with potassium salt diluted in little water..stuff tasted like soy sauce with rum ... and 2 minutes later I felt like someone had plugged me into the wall socket.. i had so much energy I felt like running for the fun of it (and I NEVER considered or felt exercise as fun).


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16 May 2014, 7:11 pm

Never admitted but was in ER overnight (in the &&@&$hallway) with what I believe was the Norwalk Virus. The nurses (especially the triage nurse) were cold and callous and were very rude and unsympathetic (waited almost 2 hours despite having unstable vitals: most sane people who have called 911 in my shoes and it wasn't that busy when i arrived) but the Doctor was great. Overall the ER Doctor did a outstanding job understanding whats wrong, taking care if it very quickly and told me that I should be fortunate I was a healthy young adult. Cant imagine ever getting sicker than that and I remember everyone around us getting admitted despite eating, laughing and having a smile on their faces while waiting. Yeah really fing sick!

My mother was been admitted more times than I can count and its either a really good or a really bad experience for her with little in between. On the plus side, nurses love tall guys in uniform visiting their mother lol. Mom complained about a paramedic to me once but looking back he was a classic aspie and took great care of her in his own way.

I do remember being in the children's hospital getting dental work done as a 4 year old and can still remember how downright nasty and cruel he was. He had NO business working with anyone children or not.


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16 May 2014, 8:48 pm

I was in a mental hospital for a couple of weeks when I was around 14 or 15 because I used to cut myself. I had a meltdown the first few minutes of being there because they wouldn't let me wear my favorite necklace because it was slightly pointy. As punishment, they made me sit in a chair all day by myself with nothing to do except to stare at the walls and floor. They put me on Risperdal, which I didn't even need. That pill just made me feel sleepy and hungry, and they complained because I wanted to go back to sleep after breakfast. I had my mom's Walkman while I was there, but for some reason they removed the part of it that clips on to your belt. There was also this man who worked there who was always rude to the patients, including me.

I was not happy there at all. That place didn't help me. It only made me want to go home. I just tried my best to act happy all the time, like I was perfectly fine so I could get out as soon as possible. It seemed to work. I was very happy to sleep in my own bed when I got back home.


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16 May 2014, 9:06 pm

Last time I was hospitalized was in 1986. I stupidly took the radiator cap off an overheated 1973 Chevy Laguna. I ended up with 2nd degree burns on my arms, and a sprained ankle.

I have been in the Emergency room several times, usually after being in a car accident where I was rear-ended. I was in the psych ER once, but was never admitted.


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16 May 2014, 9:20 pm

That sounds terrible. :( I'm glad you are out now. I hope you're feeling better.

I was in a psych ward once for 24 hours, back when I was misdiagnosed and my psychologist was being weird. It's strange, but I really liked it! Lots of structure and a written routine, the other kids in there were super nice and accepting of me, the doctors and nurses were awesome and a lot of them would come sit with us at meals and talk about the stuff they did there (I think they realized I was misdiagnosed too, but I didn't stay long enough to find out what they thought), etc. They let me go the next morning because I wasn't suicidal but I was actually a bit sad to go. I would not hesitate to go back if I ever did feel suicidal or needed help fast.

I've never been in for a physical ailment.

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16 May 2014, 10:21 pm

I have been admitted in the hospital three times:

1. The first time I was admitted to the hospital was around my junior year in high school. I had four impacted wisdom teeth, and they had to be surgically extracted. At this time, they rarely did that in the office, so a hospital stay was usually necessary. The dental surgeon conducted a little exam of me and determined I had a heart murmur, so he ordered an EKG for me in the hospital before my surgery. I went in the hospital on a Thursday afternoon. As evening drew near, no tests were conducted on me. As darkness befell the hospital, no tests were conducted on me. A nurse gave us (having surgery the following day) sedatives to make us sleep well. I lay in bed getting sleepy and dozing off. Then a nurse told me and the guy in the bed next to me to get up for tests. Was it the following morning? No, it was about an hour after being given the sedatives. We had to get up and go through some standard tests (can't remember what they were, but there were several of us groggy kids in some exam room). Talk about poor planning. Then I returned to my bed. And then the EKG lady arrived shortly before midnight. After that was finished, I went to sleep. The following morning I had to shower and wait to be carted off to surgery. In the surgery room, I was given the anesthesia and told to count to 100 (of course you are suppose to be out before getting to 100). I counted out loud well past 100 as adjustments were made. I finally went to sleep. I awoke in the recovery room with a nurse talking about my irregular heartbeat (I skip beats). Then I was back in my room where I later ate a soft meal. The guy next to me had knee surgery and cried and moaned around all day and into the night. I, on the other hand, with four wisdom teeth extracted had no pain. The next morning (Saturday) I was allowed to go home. I ate breakfast and home and watched Bugs Bunny. I had pain medicine, but did not take it. I had no pain. I ate steak within the week.

2. As an adult I had back surgery for a chipped disc in my back. I awoke from surgery in the recovery room where I lay and lay and lay feeling chilled. I was released the following morning. I felt like something was wrong.

3. Just a few days from the back surgery, I got sharp pains in my side. I went to my doctor, and he ordered testing. I went to the hospital for the test, and they sent me home until they read the results. After grocery shopping and getting home, the phone rang. They told me to hurry back, for I had a pulmonary embolism due to a blood clot in my leg from complications of the surgery. At the hospital, I had to walk to my room, and walk to have tests done. With a blood clot in my leg!! ! I was given morphine the first night there. I stayed for a week in the hospital until I was stabilized.

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17 May 2014, 12:18 am

I've been hospitalised four times, all over the past 2½ years. The first was after a failed suicide attempt, which meant I ended up spending my 28th birthday in hospital. The staff were pretty nice, and there were only 3?5 other patients/consumers in the entire psych ward. Nice and peaceful, so I only spent about a week inside. During my time there I was given medication daily, along with daily sessions with the ward psychologist/psychiatrist. Nothing bad, really.

The other three times were for depression with suicidal ideation, in a different hospital. Twice I spent two weeks there and once I was in for 2½ months. I pretty much kept to myself each time so it wasn't too bad, except for one time when I had to share a room. Sneaking my smartphone onto the ward made my stays easier, though. :P The staff were pretty nice, too (except for this once social worker who kept trying to get me to do stuff that I didn't want to). I mostly did the same thing as I did in my first admission, but with fewer psychotherapy sessions (1?2 times a week) because the ward was near full. Some of the staff also had experience with people who have Aspergers, and it was during my last admission that I was formally diagnosed with AS.

My stays in hospital have opened my eyes to how people live with mental illness: I actually got along better with the other patients/consumers than I did with many people outside in the real world. Despite all the problems I've been through with clinical depression, it's an experience I don't regret at all ? well, except for what I put my entire family through. :(

It is easy to go down into Hell;
Night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide;
But to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air –
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17 May 2014, 10:12 am

I was put in hospital when I jumped off a bridge and smashed my head.

And I was taken to hospital when I got lost.

Oh yeah and when I crashed my bike too.

They weren't particularly bad experiences, not good either though.

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17 May 2014, 10:39 am

Woke up one morning in my own bed in a great deal of pain and experiencing flashing lights in my right eye. Someone had apparently brought me eyedrops in the night (from the local hospital) and left them at my bedside table. I was also fully clothed, and quite fragrant.

After looking in the mirror I realised I'd been in some kind of altercation. Both my eyes were bloodshot, both lips split, nose all swollen, and what appeared to be male bootprints at various places on my skull. Once investigated, I was told I was attacked by a gang of ten or more the previous evening, and nearly beaten to death. An ambulance took me to hospital, badly concussed. When I complained to the hospital for allowing me to go home in such a poor state, I was told that I had discharged myself after becoming impatient and aggressive 8O
(knowing me I was probably aching for a cup of tea)

This was all news to me, I didn't remember a single thing. I had two weeks off work to allow my face to heal (customer facing job) while I was waiting for laser surgery to cauterise the damage to the back of my right eye. During this period I was given Atropine Sulphate eyedrops for my damaged eye, which dilated the iris and paralysed it.

I loved having eyes like that, totally mismatched. (once the scleras had reverted to their usual white)
I declined the pirate's eyepatch I was offered. Staring over my dark sunglasses at people became a game, I enjoyed seeing how long people could hold my gaze without freaking out.

Must remember to buy some black contact lenses, and only wear one. 8)

Here's my RAADS-R score for anyone who gives a rat's ass about arbitrary numbers. Apparently I do. O_o ... cale=en_GB