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01 Jul 2004, 11:27 pm

Okay, I just got off from work about an hour and a half ago, and I decided I wanted to order a pizza for dinner. Dominos had a late night special, so my pizza cost me $8.99 after delivery and tax; I paid $11 overall because I'm a generous tipper. Anyway, when I bit into my pizza, much to my chagrin, the dough was undercooked! I'm not going to go so far to say that this constituted a crime against humanity; but it was awfully, awfully close.

Worse still, the pepperoni might not have been fully cooked since the dough wasn't. I might end up waking up in the middle of the night to make a run for porcelain throne because of this callous act of negligence!

For the curious: The pizza was a medium Ultimate Deep Dish pizza with pepperoni and onions. And, no, I did not eat the whole thing; there are still two slices left in the fridge.

I'm calling a lawyer! (Or maybe I'll just call Dominos and complain, or actually I'll just do nothing but post this rant for the attentive reader's edification.)


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02 Jul 2004, 12:00 am

Ew, that's some sick shi... well I'll call it a Shizza and be done with it. Did you keep the evidence in a ziplock bag? They at least owe you a freebie, man.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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02 Jul 2004, 5:12 am

I just like to mention this whenever I get the chance. I've delivered thousands of pizzas so I know. I have driven hundreds of thousands of miles in circles collecting dollars so you take my word for it. If you live in the suburbs the average tip is $2.50. You should tip 2 dollars and the coin change. If the total after tax is $9.21 then you should tip $2.79 or if the total after tax is $9.79 then again you should pay $12.00 leaving a tip of $2.21. Over time it averages out to $2.50. $2.50 is an average tip. $3.50 is a generous tip. If you live in the city where there is alot of traffic or if you live in the country where there is alot of distance then you should tip $3.50 on average in consideration of distance or time consuming traffic. The consequence of not tipping appropriately is a disgruntled pizza man. The disgruntled pizza man is very clever at finding many ways to screw up your order the next time. I have many stories. If your total after tax is over $30.00 then the 10% method is acceptable. If the pizza delivery place charges for delivery don't think that means the driver gets the additional charge. The charge for delivery is so that they can advertise a lower price. Pizza delivery people get paid minimum wage plus a small amount for expensive gas. They do not get the delivery charge. If $2.50-$3.50 seems to be too much for you to tip, then you should not be ordering a pizza for delivery. You can't afford it and neither can the pizza man, remember he gets paid minimum wage. Pick it up yourself and apply for a job while your there. They will hire anyone, including me! Remember many toilets have been cleaned with pizza dough, or so I've heard.

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02 Jul 2004, 5:46 am

Ewww! I like doughy cookies but not doughy pizza!

With Dominoes, they have mediocre pizza but awesome sidedishes. And I feel stupid just getting the sidedishes, so I get a pizza, lol. But I like how their pizza is more airy in the bread part.

However, there's this place called Ramunto's that's local and really really good which I order from more often. It's funny, the local place has live five locations throughout my area, yet we have just one dominoes, one pizza hut. They're doing really well.


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02 Jul 2004, 8:10 am

One time there was a toothpick that must have been cooked into a dominoes pizza that my father was eating. If he had swalloed it, it could have damaged his throat or gotten stuck and made him choke. Luckily my dad noticed it before he ate it.

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02 Jul 2004, 3:24 pm

focused wrote:
I just like to mention this whenever I get the chance. I've delivered thousands of pizzas so I know. I have driven hundreds of thousands of miles in circles collecting dollars so you take my word for it. If you live in the suburbs the average tip is $2.50....

Considering it was one pizza, the cost after delivery was $8.99, and I don't keep much change around, I think my $2.00 tip was pretty generous, especially since Dominos is just down the street. I've often way overtipped, but I that's because I round up to the nearest dollar, and I didn't have any ones lying around.


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02 Jul 2004, 3:35 pm

I want to share a dominoes story. in the third grade, we had a pizza party, and it came from dominoes. we went to eat the pizza and melain, who was this one girl, she found a tooth in it! The principal had to call dominoes up and everthing. it was nasty...

Last edited by ShadesOfMe on 05 Jul 2004, 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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02 Jul 2004, 7:55 pm

As you can see in the subject line, this isn't about Domino's. But it IS about something gross my mom found in a Pizza Pan pizza. Here it goes:

Before Pizza Pan had all these different branches, there was only one, and it was in Cleveland, Ohio, where my mom had lived back when this story takes place. It took place before I was born (I have picked up this story from right after a time when my mom spotted a Pizza Pan coupon in a coupon book [the type that are almost as large as newspapers]).

My mom went to Pizza Pan for a pizza (she lived across the street from Pizza Pan) and when she got it, she took a bite of one piece and felt something rubbery in her mouth. She pulled it out an it was a (this is kind of gross) bloody Mickey Mouse bandage. She contacted Pizza Pan with the pizza and said there was a problem. Pizza Pan denied any problem (At least that's how I remember her telling me it. Keep in mind I have a lousy memory for an aspie.), but my mom knew they were wrong, for she saw, on the counter (I think that's where she said she saw it.), a box of Mickey Mouse bandages.

Sorry I had to mention the blood part. I wanted to explain that because it's important to know about the bandage.

Emu Egg
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02 Jul 2004, 9:45 pm

I agree with Nuttdan that Ramuntos is good. There are a few more around here, but there is one place known for undercooked pizza that we got at work once and it lived up to the rumors, nice and squishy center


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02 Jul 2004, 10:03 pm

Sorry, on a tangent:

redswingline, Office Space fan by any chance? ;)


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03 Jul 2004, 9:45 am

NeantHumain wrote:
...the dough was undercooked...the pepperoni might not have been fully cooked since the dough wasn't.

Personally, I've never had problems with undercooked dough or pepperonis. I think that they taste better not cooked! :mrgreen: But that's just me.

Emu Egg
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03 Jul 2004, 8:33 pm

Torley_Wong, why yes I am. I actually received my very own red swingline from my boss for graduation, it is a joke from the office I work in. I mention watching it in my introduction post as a matter of fact. Good pick up :)


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05 Jul 2004, 5:01 pm

ok my mom ordered a exra large pizza from dominos when it got to my home i took a slice i took a bite when i did there was no pizza sauce i took it out of my mouth and saw that there was a big piece of flesh in the pizza it was bleeding so much i went to the bathroom and barfed my guts out and died.

kidding i just puked.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Jul 2004, 3:11 pm

Okay, I just got off from work about an hour and a half ago, and I decided I wanted to order a pizza for dinner. Dominos had a late night special, so my pizza cost me $8.99 after delivery and tax; I paid $11 overall because I'm a generous tipper. Anyway, when I bit into my pizza, much to my chagrin, the dough was undercooked! I'm not going to go so far to say that this constituted a crime against humanity; but it was awfully, awfully close.

Worse still, the pepperoni might not have been fully cooked since the dough wasn't. I might end up waking up in the middle of the night to make a run for porcelain throne because of this callous act of negligence!

For the curious: The pizza was a medium Ultimate Deep Dish pizza with pepperoni and onions. And, no, I did not eat the whole thing; there are still two slices left in the fridge.

I'm calling a lawyer! (Or maybe I'll just call Dominos and complain, or actually I'll just do nothing but post this rant for the attentive reader's edification.)

Thats nothing. I got a pizza once from there and it was OVERCOOKED!! !!

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15 Jul 2004, 11:32 pm

I much prefer thin base pizza to doughy base. On a thin base you can actually taste the topping.


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16 Jul 2004, 5:38 pm

redswingline wrote:
Torley_Wong, why yes I am. I actually received my very own red swingline from my boss for graduation, it is a joke from the office I work in. I mention watching it in my introduction post as a matter of fact. Good pick up :)

Haha... that's too good... I was jumping to conclusions there! ;)