KingdomOfRats wrote:
Alyosha wrote:
wowiexist wrote:
There aren't really any consequences to doing poor on it. It is just a measure of your intelligence.
And it's arguably pretty rubbish at that anyway.
the WAIS isnt that bad, it helps people to see the cognitive inteligence [performance iq] versus verbal inteligence [verbal iq] seperately and if there is any differences, many people on the high functioning spectrum have a difference between vIQ and pIQ though aspies and hf classic autists tend to differ on which one is weakest [aspies=higher verbal iq,hf auties= higher performance iq].
those of us on the low functioning spectrum have both equaly equal low vIQ and pIQ [plus we have also had a functioning assessment as well which is what diagnoses ID].
having a iq test doesnt change anything about a person,it doesnt determine smarts or the worth or quality of a person,
most of us with ID have smarts,IQ is what people make it-if they want to see it as a limitation of themselves then thats their issue,dont see borders or boundaries to life based on tests and will do fine.
I just have a problem with what they're defining 'intelligence' as, and overall the concept of intelligence has been used against me in a lot of ways in my life so I'm a bit biased against it.
Also it's not always as clear cut as all that, I mean I scored an iq of 55, and my functioning doesn't hold up to well (I'm 20 and i still can't dress myself or get myself fed or anything they except even an 8 year old to do in regards to that side of functioning), but im at uni (i need someone to take me and bring me back because i cant get there safely by myself) and i get good grades there. is that intelligence or smarts? Am i low functioning or high? and what does that even mean anyway?
Plus lots of other things affect how you score on those tests as well. like poor people do no perform as well on these tests and neither do some ethnic groups even when they have the similar academic performance (and i generally think if iq is assessing any kind of smart, it's school smart). as kids who are rich and white.
i think a saw someone on another thread a bit about this saying saying you have a high iq is like saying you got an A in algebra not like saying you're 5 feet tall it's a score not a trait. so i guess that also works because to get an a in algebra you have to know what the format of a test is and you have to know algebra and you have to be able to read the work book. basically you need to know a lot of stuff before you can know algebra. i think that's probably true for these tests as well. you have to know a lot of stuff before you can know how to approach these iq tests.
but to the op, i would try not to stress to much about it, but if you can't help it be sure to look after yourself when youves finished your test. buy yourself some food you like or do some activity you like. its important to destress after these things.