I have been diagnosed as AS only a couple of months ago, so I am still getting a handle on all of this, and learning a lot. Something very similar to this thread came up this past Thursday in a therapy session. I told my therapist (one of 2 I see) that I had been depressed over all I had missed out on in life and how it life would have been so much better had I not been born with AS. She replied "You don't know that". I know that is true, but there are ways I could guess.
It would have been great to have not been bullied, picked on, teased, and rejected by females while growing up. It would be great to not be depressed, have extreme self loathing, the eating disorder it lead to, the low self esteem, and the lack of self confidence that I ended up with. I would love to not obsess and beat myself up constantly over the past. I would love to not feal like a loser most of the time because I did so poorly at dating and relationships until I was 29. True, I might have had some of this anyways, but I think AS definitely helped.
However, I guess I can't know how it would be to think as an NT does. I don't know what it would be like to not like learning useless trivia just for the sake of learning it-I do real well at Trivial Pursuit and Jeopardy. I don't know what it would be like to not get so engrossed in an activity from time to time that I completely lose track of time-heck, once it a while this ever occurs with things related to work. I don't know what it would be like to never obsess about the past (I do that a lot) and try to figure out why things happened like they did (A useless activity since I can't chance the past, but I do it much of the time anyways).
I consider myself lucky compared to many who has AS as I was able to get a Ph.D, a tenured teaching position at a college, and get married. I see that man never get those opportunities. So I really don't know the answer to this yet, but writing this has helped me.