Does anyone else ever feel like they are a chameleon? Because I do. I feel like I am constantly changing in order to fit into the environment/ expectations/ social rules of those around me. I kind of feel like I don't have a real personality, except for what I have shaped through seeing others act. I feel like this tends to get me taken advantage of... what I mean is: I will be with someone and they do not like how I am or how I act, so they get me to try to change. Since I try to fit it, I will change to how they see fit. Obviously, not everyone has the best intentions or is just trying to be controlling or just don't like me, and so they want me to be different. This has happened at least twice (the last time was four years ago.) The last time, by the time I left the relationship, I felt dead inside, like I did not exist and had no identity- because I was constantly changing to fit whatever he wanted me to be. Obviously I had ptsd and depression after ending the relationship, and I haven't been in a similar situation in awhile but does anyone else constantly feel like they have to always change to fit every situation? Prior to being DX'd with AS I was convinced I had borderline personality disorder because of the fact that I don't really feel like I have an identity, apart from the labels I have been given (female, student, 25, short, runner, girlfriend, book lover, tea lover etc).
--Nyx-- What an astonishing thing a book is. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you... Carl Sagan