Help NT
(english is not my maternal language so there could be some errors)
The thing is, since my sixteen that i developed a paranoid view on social relations after some bullying associated with severe abuse of drgus, i was used to be bullied since an early age, but that time it was just to was like having a circle of friends of more than 15 people and with the older guy always picking on me because i was the youngest.
I also had extreme OCD that is now controled, but as u people are already thinking, it was not provoked by stress of the bullying, it is purely genetic because my brother that was never bullied and is a very normal person has the same bizarre violent/sexual thoughts as me, i thought i was the freak of the family, turns out he is in a worst situation than me because he has also tourettes.
My brother doesnt have the paranoid issues so i concluded that it probably was provoked by the circummstances described above, anyway i have a friend that was also severelly bullied through life and dont have paranoid issues like me so i have to say that is my brain that send me those false messages(paranoid messages), its a biological problem.
My paranoia is mainly based on reading between the lines,almost before my brain reads or interprets what other person says litterally it reads or creates almost automatically another possible negative interpretations of the sentence, creating, as a consequence a sence of constant attack on my person.
In the past i was very suspicious of everything, but with time i started to have some insight on my bizarre process of thinking and recognizing that the thoughts that my brain send me maybe are false....i have to use intuition for that but its hard, dont aske me why.
Autistic/aspergian brains dont read between the lines simply because their brains only process information litterally, in my brain the process is oposite it creates all possible interpretations "even the most bizarre occult attacks ".For me being an autist is heaven
I dont know if you people know this but real world/nt world is really freaky, this "guessing game" is very cruel at least for people like me that sees all the negative possibilities so easily.
I also have problems with other people making noise i always feel that their intention is to annoy me or to intimidate me.
But the most typical occult games/analogic games at least in my point of view is, for example:
On the coffe with a friend and on the TV there is a guy talking and he says:
"You are a coward"
And my friend starts tapping with his hands on the table.
My brain immediattely sends me the thought of some past event that i associate with me being coward and that my friend is recognizing it and attacking my caracter.Basically i am almost sure my friend is calling me a coward because of some past behaviour of mine.
I guess this is really bizarre stuff for people with aspergers and autism right??
I also want to know why u people cant understand irony or sarcasm?Is it because u cant recognize the vocal intonations used to express sarcasm ?
Theory of mind is really freaky
I also have to tell you that those internet tests are not very good for mental problems like aspergers because the criteria is vague.
Experimental version, release 4.0
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire.
Your Aspie score: 134 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 68 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
I was completely honest and i can assure you that iam almost sure im not aspie, iam neurotypical, i knew about asperger on an ocd forum.
Hi, I'm sorry you've had such a rough time. This:
My paranoia is mainly based on reading between the lines,almost before my brain reads or interprets what other person says litterally it reads or creates almost automatically another possible negative interpretations of the sentence, creating, as a consequence a sence of constant attack on my person.
sounds like a hostile attributional bias. That is when everything whose intent is even slightly ambiguous is interpreted as hostile. That could definitely be a result of the bullying, I would think. Maybe it's the result of some form of PTSD? Have you considered therapy?
I also want to know why u people cant understand irony or sarcasm?Is it because u cant recognize the vocal intonations used to express sarcasm ?
Plenty of Aspies can understand irony and sarcasm. For those who can't, I guess it stems from interpreting everything literally, from assuming that people are being entirely truthful, honest, and straightforward in what they are saying.
I don't have Asperger's, I have a nonverbal learning disorder, but I am extremely gullible because my knee-jerk reaction is to automatically believe what somone tells me. Only with further analysis can I sometimes realize that the person may have been either lying or joking.
Xfractor Card #351

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What does that mean? I would think that someone who is autistic would have a very good sense of how autistic brains work, since they have one! It's NTs who don't have a good understanding of how autistic brains work. What is this in reference to?

Actually, at my last job, I got a CRASH COURSE on stupidity management! I even changed my sentences so they were almost like german so people didn't run with the information without hearing the entire thought! Eventually, I managed to change back somewhat. I guess I went to far because, communicating with another Aspie, I find that another meaning may be derived from some things.
I am starting to think more and more like a lawyer to try and prevent this type of stuff. I used to do what was asked if there was no immediate or obvious cost to me, but now I wait for an explanation.
Anyway, I think aspies just want things to be exact and figure a sentence should have one meaning. That affects sarcasm, etc.... I think MOST AS people eventually succumb and react accordingly.
Xfractor Card #351

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Even if that's true (although plenty of autistics communicate fine in writing, often better than in speaking), what does that mean about their ability to understand their own brains? What does this post have to do with your other one? Don't get it, sorry. Did you mean to imply that no one *here* could understand the autistic brain? Even if *that's* true (whatever, not going to argue it), the poster was asking about autistic/Aspergers's. Not just Kannerian autism.
Xfractor Card #351

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dude smoke a blunt. i ment this authors view. i thought it all steamed from the same thing ? my whole point is, unless you have full blown autism and nothing else you cannot comment on "what its like to have"
Winds of clarity. a universal understanding come and go, I've seen though the Darkness to understand the bounty of Light
Hmm i dont think that they want things to be exact, its their brains that only produce objective meanings in what others say, in one hand its very limitating but at other hand it can give the person freedom of negative emotional interpretations.
Its like ur free from suffering but you also cant enjoy some things in life, it can be compared to a robot mind.

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My paranoia is mainly based on reading between the lines,almost before my brain reads or interprets what other person says litterally it reads or creates almost automatically another possible negative interpretations of the sentence, creating, as a consequence a sence of constant attack on my person.
sounds like a hostile attributional bias. That is when everything whose intent is even slightly ambiguous is interpreted as hostile. That could definitely be a result of the bullying, I would think. Maybe it's the result of some form of PTSD? Have you considered therapy?
I also want to know why u people cant understand irony or sarcasm?Is it because u cant recognize the vocal intonations used to express sarcasm ?
Plenty of Aspies can understand irony and sarcasm. For those who can't, I guess it stems from interpreting everything literally, from assuming that people are being entirely truthful, honest, and straightforward in what they are saying.
I don't have Asperger's, I have a nonverbal learning disorder, but I am extremely gullible because my knee-jerk reaction is to automatically believe what somone tells me. Only with further analysis can I sometimes realize that the person may have been either lying or joking.
I really think its a personality problem that i have to change.I am absolutelly sure that its not PTSD i dont have those symptoms...i am afraid my shrink will diagnose me with schizophrenia if i tell him about this

Thanks for answering.
You can only understand how people think after assessing belief through communication and common experience/reaction. I WILL admit that I haven't done that with non communicative auties. HEY, even LFAs have the same problem.
Sorry if i made you feel bad, what i meant was that aspies cant enjoy some social stuff because they are limited by their limited brains, but that is only in a social/communication level.
Iam also limited by my paranoid brain, iam almost absolutelly sure that my paranoid thoughts are chemical induced.
Ah, you were talking to me? It seems im not that paranoid

I read about asperger syndrome and what i understood is that they cant understand/see sarcasm or make analogic interpretations, read methaphors or understand theory of mind....knowing this i can imagine what are the meanings they get with what others say.
Anyway....thanks you really helped a lot

(Did you understood the last one?it was sarcasm

Ah, you were talking to me? It seems im not that paranoid

As his comment follows mine, I'm fairly certain he was responding to my request for clarification of his (in my view) rather poorly articulated opinion. However, I am in fact a "dudette" and not a "dude."

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Iam also limited by my paranoid brain, iam almost absolutelly sure that my paranoid thoughts are chemical induced.
You didn't make me feel bad. The things I do are a lot more fun and interesting than socializing. Socializing is overrated.
If the topic is small, why talk about it?