I play some video games for their sounds/music

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19 Jul 2014, 7:12 am

Does anybody else do this?

Even if the audio is crap, I've developed an intense liking for certain video games as a result of them containing particular sounds.

As an example, there is a game called 'Z' (literally, that was the name) that I played when I was young, where a certain part of a music track had a chance to play when you neared the enemy base, and it was the only reason I enjoyed the game. I would stall at their base for up to half hours waiting until the part I wanted got played, and I'd get all hyper/excited. I'm not sure whether that's because I associated the sounds with the approaching of the enemy base, or purely because I loved the audio itself. I listen to it even today. >.>

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19 Jul 2014, 10:49 am

if its just the music are after,and dont mind the change-its possible the audio on its own is available.

sometimes its even sold on cd; like the metal gear solid sound track and the okami sound track.

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19 Jul 2014, 11:35 am

Oliver Sabin (AKA Unicorn Kid) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicorn_Kid is a Scottish electronic music/chip music composer and musician from Edinburgh. He helped spark the brief revival of chiptune, a genre which involves making dance music using the sound chips from old game consoles.

I told Ollie once that I thought his music was similar to that of Wendy Carlos https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendy_Carlos who first came to prominence in 1968 with Switched-On Bach, a recording of music by J.S. Bach assembled phrase-by-phrase on a Moog synthesizer, at the time a relatively new and unknown instrument.

While he genre is 8-bit dance music, the mix tech behind it all is amazing.

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19 Jul 2014, 12:47 pm

So funny, I was just talking about this last weekend with my mother. I felt so silly because I usually don't share these kinds of truths with anyone - these are the type of thing NT's just couldn't understand.

Anyway, the main one I play for that reason is Picross 3D. I relax a little more with each breaking brick!

On the flip side, there are games that I love and have to play with the volume muted during certain times due to some noises that bug me for reasons I don't eve know.

Best example of that is Animal Crossing New Leaf. I am 32 years old and will play that game for hours without an ounce of shame. But the last 30 seconds of any mini game boost my anxiety every time even though I'm usually finished with the challenge by then. And every time I pay off a home loan, I mute it first because that accomplishment sound just drives me crazy.

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19 Jul 2014, 2:12 pm

lol, im doing that right now with harvest moon.

disclaimer: there are quite a few "tapp-o"s while using my phone. if i dont recognize it, and if it doesnt seem to make sense, then the chances of it being a tapp-o (typo) are very high.
*currently using iPhone 4*


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19 Jul 2014, 9:10 pm

For me, the music and sound effects are a huge part of the nostalgia of playing old games, sometimes even more than the graphics and the gameplay. I have often located and fired up old games just for the music

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20 Jul 2014, 4:00 am

I used to love the music that came on in Super Mario 64 when Mario got the wings for his cap. I'd have Mario flying around endlessly just to hear that music...

Not to mention the New Super Mario Bros theme music at the main menu. Used to play that for hours on end too.


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20 Jul 2014, 10:44 am

I like playing as superman in lego batman 2 just so that I can listen to William's superman theme from the film superman, which plays when he flys.


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20 Jul 2014, 12:30 pm

I think music is more atmospheric in the games I'm playing now, but I used to do this when I was little and there were melodies I could pick up on as well as colorful, simple graphics. My favorites were the popular RPGs of the day, which are still being remixed, covered, and fiddled with decades later.