birdsandbugs wrote:
You know, I was wondering if our community might be divided along certain lines (I'm not just talking about Aspies on this forum but also elsewhere and I also include any socially-awkward "nerd" or "geek" cultures). It seems to me (based partly on responses to certain threads) that some folks tend towards a "light" side of things and others to a "dark" side. I'm not saying there's good and bad Aspies, just that we all have our own opinion of things. Those on the light side seem to have a more positive outlook on things and perhaps have a greater affinity for people than others (and these somehow even manage to acquire friends and life partners, perhaps due to "charming awkwardness" or some other kind of magic). Then there are those on the dark side that are misanthropic to the core, perpetually alone and hating all humanity stands for. While those on the light side might enjoy the occasional alcoholic drink or two, those on the dark side would be completely against all human vices and social customs (including dating, sex, partying and dancing). One could even argue that those on the dark side are "true" Aspies or "true" nerds. Think about it: the disorder itself ret*ds our natural desire and understanding for human social customs. Could that mean we are supposed to be alone? Are we something else? Superior? Maybe while everyone else is having fun, we are the thinkers who take a step back and say "something's not right here" or "this should work like this".
So it begs the question: which side are you? Me? Well based on certain responses I've gotten to certain things I've said in certain places on the Internet, my belief system would have to put me in the dark category. I am proud of this. I am unique.
You sound like Darth Vader to me. I'm more like Luke Skywalker. Everything bright and positive my end.