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07 Oct 2014, 8:25 pm

Do aspies have a different sense of humour than NTs? If so can you characterize the difference?
For example, there was a huge trash masher where I worked decades ago. On it was a sign that said,"do not enter for any reason." I had to ask," since I have no reason to enter the trash masher does that mean that I am allowed to enter it?" :D
Anyway, I thought I was funny but the NTs only thought I was weird.
I think we are more sophisticated than they are!

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07 Oct 2014, 8:52 pm

I have an odd sense of humor, but mine is kind of "surreal". I laugh at nonsensical things. It gets very annoying when people at school think that I actually believe or do the things I say I do when I'm joking. So when I make strange jokes, they apparently are laughing for the wrong reasons.


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07 Oct 2014, 10:13 pm

I am famous, notorious, infamous, etc. for my puns, which get better the later it is, especially after midnight. :D When I was working there were very few of my coworkers who appreciated my offbeat sense of humor.

"A man needs a little madness...or else...he never dares cut the rope and be free."
Nikos Kazantzakis, ZORBA THE GREEK

Some of us just have a little more madness than others!


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07 Oct 2014, 11:23 pm

My humor is surreal, dark, and often based on obscure references.

My friend an I have conversations where all we do is quote comic movies and tv shows. (Sometimes books too,) We laugh and no one else tends to understand.
Some of our favorite resources for jokes is: Futurama, Crime and Punishment, the IT Crowd, and The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra.
And recently also Rick & Morty.
An old, ex-friend and I would often joke by referencing Nietzsche.


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08 Oct 2014, 1:05 am

Puns. I think they come naturally to us because they usually rely on splitting one, less literal meaning away from the other, more literal meaning.


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08 Oct 2014, 10:16 am

My sense of humor is definitely quite different from most peoples'. Others don't usually find my jokes funny for one reason or another.

People think it's humorous the way I respond to things sometimes though, but it's totally not intentional on my part.
It's usually either because I'm brutally honest without regard to other people's feelings, or because I said something unusual because I didn't understand what was going on in the conversation.


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08 Oct 2014, 10:32 am

With all this talk about how Aspies always take things literally - I don't now how many times I have sad something OBVIOUSLY sarcastic or ironic only to be taken literally by neurotypicals.

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08 Oct 2014, 2:35 pm

My humour is pretty much very surreal and practical, when someone gets hurt physically.


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08 Oct 2014, 2:57 pm

I like one liners ALA Stu Francis and I also love Tom Stade .

Most comedians leave me cold ... I rarely laugh out loud .

I used to love Eddie Izzard and was so pleased when he revealed he was dyslexic and went on long rambling stories as he couldn't remember a script ..


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08 Oct 2014, 2:58 pm

I like one liners ALA Stu Francis and I also love Tom Stade .

Most comedians leave me cold ... I rarely laugh out loud .

I used to love Eddie Izzard and was so pleased when he revealed he was dyslexic and went on long rambling stories as he couldn't remember a script ..


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08 Oct 2014, 6:43 pm

My sense of humor is always misunderstood by people thinking I'm crazy sometimes and other times mean but I find it funny lol


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08 Oct 2014, 7:12 pm

Puns and one-liner quotes from obscure books and movies exchanged between insiders that bystanders can't possibly relate to. Or nonsensical out of context comments delivered as matter of fact statements.

It's probably a reflection of how I perceive the neurotypical world. My way of laughing at it without getting depressed, and reinforcing the stereotype that Aspies don't get jokes ;-)


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08 Oct 2014, 8:17 pm

With my friends I'm satirical, caustic, raunchy and sarcastically stupid. We're always ribbing each other real good and we love quotations like "chicks are for fags" (Jim Carrey from dumb and dumber), especially John Goodman's stuff from The Big Lebowski:

"I'm finishing my coffee."
"My buddies didn't die face down in the mud so that..."
"This is what happens Jimmy, when you &*%$ a stranger in the #@%"
"Shut the %&*$ up, Donny."

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08 Oct 2014, 9:20 pm

I will sometimes make my humour more obvious with an emoticon (usually >_> or <_<), but not always. Often I'm deadpan. I love ironic humour; anything which pokes fun at absurdity or pomposity. That's rather a pompous sentence in itself, but I don't really know how to explain it, to be honest. All I can think of is this quote which has always really resonated with me.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel - Horace Walpole

It's not like I don't feel anything. I have a strong sense of justice and individual stories of cruelty disturb me very much. But when I'm not feeling angry, upset or depressed, then, yeah, I'm looking at life through a long-distance lens and seeing the funny side. Or as Oscar Wilde put it: Life is too important to be taken seriously.


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09 Oct 2014, 2:12 am

Usually when I make a joke I am being sarcastic or ironic. Unfortunately, NTs usually think I'm being serious for some reason, regardless of the absurdity of what I am saying. Then they either think I'm a total crazy, or that I'm rude, depending on what I said. The only time people ever laugh at my jokes is if they weren't really intended to be jokes, it's usually when I just say a thought out loud that I didn't really think of as funny to begin with.

Example: Just a few days ago, there was a guy after work that was classifying everyone that works there as a type of character that would be in a sitcom. When he got to me, he paused (it seems people never really know what to think of me), and then he said, "You would be the quiet black guy who just keeps to himself." I was thinking, yes, except I'm white, very much so. Then someone else said basically the same thing.

Now I was thinking of myself as being a white black guy (I don't know what that would even really mean, an albino black person maybe?). I was also thinking that if there was a "quiet black guy who keeps to himself" in a sitcom, and doesn't actually serve much purpose in the show otherwise, that would mean he is just there for the sole purpose of being the token black guy in the show. I combined these two thoughts and said quietly, "I'm the token white black guy."

I was just saying my thought out loud to myself, with no real intent of joking or anything. But one of them heard me, and then said, "Did you just say you're the token white black guy? Only you would say that." and they all seemed to think it was extremely funny :? I don't think they were laughing at me, maybe it was just the absurdity of what I said.

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09 Oct 2014, 2:49 am

My sense of humour is pretty random, dead pan and fairly ridiculous at times. It tends to miss the mark a lot unless you know me or have a similar sense of humour.

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