WitchsCat wrote:
There was only a handful of people in my life that I hated/disliked, but I lost touch with them a while back. Everyone else I either love or tolerate, even on my worst days.
+1. but there are people i don't hate, but just cant stand that i cannot get away from, yet. human beings and their social structures have caused all of the worst pain and agony in my life, yet it is never fair and rarely right to tar
everyone with the same brush so i will not say that i hate all people, because i don't. i'm currently unsure whether humans are inherently good or bad but all of the other the individuals i've met have been helpful and pleasant to speak to and be around. i really appreciate them being in my life and i wish i could give more to them.
the masses, i feel like they will just follow what they like and what is new and hip, not just necessarily what is merely good or bad. they have certainly brought their fair share of destruction to their only home and the species they coexist with. yet the act of destroying more than what we need is being restricted by law and is winding down otherwise, most societies and nations are going in a more earth friendly, connected direction, which is very good but there are always the occasional pariahs.
but me, i do not always get super emotional when i read something terrible on the news, it's terrible alright but it's not like i'm going to go home and cry about it.
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