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28 Oct 2014, 11:41 pm

I did something stupid at work today. Basically, I found a small fan, which probably hadn't been touched for six years, and naturally I wanted to see if it would work. Stupid curiosity.

So I picked it up, carried it to the nearest outlet, plugged it in, then waited... and nothing happened. Disappointed, I reached down to unplug it. Then, IT FREAKING EXPLODED.

It wasn't huge, probably comparable to a firecracker, but I saw a bright spark and it was fairly loud. I was actually holding it when this happened, and I flinched away and the cord ripped, and all the lights in the hall went out.

It took me a minute to figure out what happened. Needless to say, I was pretty shocked. But not as shocked as my co-worker. Actually, he literally got shocked, probably for a good 2 or 3 seconds, while vacuuming.

And I started laughing. Luckily he wasn't injured, it was just extremely uncomfortable, but even before I knew that I was laughing. I really just felt confused and surprised, not like anything was actually funny, but I could not stop laughing for like 10 minutes. Luckily I think he realized I wasn't laughing at him, but still, it is very uncomfortable to be laughing when someone else could be seriously injured.

Has anyone had any similar experiences? My mom says I'd do things like that as a kid a lot, but she says it never was clear if I really found it funny or if I was just acting strangely, she said it was just confusing. I apparently one time knocked my little brother down the stairs for no reason, and just stood there. Then when my mom tried to get me to tell her why I did that, she said I just started laughing and couldn't or wouldn't explain. She says I did things like that many times 8O I know I don't actually find enjoyment in the pain of others, that is just bizarre. So why do I keep laughing?

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29 Oct 2014, 12:35 am

Although i don't do it as often any longer, i can relate to the situation you describe; finding yourself laughing at an inappropriate time.
I used to do that very often as a kid actually, and got many verbal lectures because of it :P

Ok so I'd like to just tell you something: Don't feel bad about what occurred to you at work in context with the fan explosion, to explain it like this, i think in a way it's a reflex, aspies have a harder time controlling or stopping these reflexes, such as laughter, so (i think) when a situation happens that causes you some type of discomfort, fright etc. it triggers a part in your brain that influences the part that "controls" laughing urges. From wikipedia: "Neurophysiology indicates that laughter is linked with the activation of the ventromedial (bottom part) of the prefrontal cortex (front of the brain), that produces endorphins. Scientists have shown that parts of the limbic system (a group of interconnected deep brain structures, involved in emotion, motivation, behavior, and various autonomic functions) are involved in laughter. This system is involved in emotions and helps us with functions necessary for humans' survival"
So i think what you experienced/ did was what might be defined as a nervous laughter; Which is a physical reaction to tension, stress, confusion or anxiety. Aka the situation you experienced (the explosion) caused you some kind of tension, confusion etc. and it ended up causing you to laugh. Like mentioned above, it's just part of the functions involved in human survival. :)

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29 Oct 2014, 3:36 am

BlueOrchid wrote:
Although i don't do it as often any longer, i can relate to the situation you describe; finding yourself laughing at an inappropriate time.
I used to do that very often as a kid actually, and got many verbal lectures because of it :P

Ok so I'd like to just tell you something: Don't feel bad about what occurred to you at work in context with the fan explosion, to explain it like this, i think in a way it's a reflex, aspies have a harder time controlling or stopping these reflexes, such as laughter, so (i think) when a situation happens that causes you some type of discomfort, fright etc. it triggers a part in your brain that influences the part that "controls" laughing urges. From wikipedia: "Neurophysiology indicates that laughter is linked with the activation of the ventromedial (bottom part) of the prefrontal cortex (front of the brain), that produces endorphins. Scientists have shown that parts of the limbic system (a group of interconnected deep brain structures, involved in emotion, motivation, behavior, and various autonomic functions) are involved in laughter. This system is involved in emotions and helps us with functions necessary for humans' survival"
So i think what you experienced/ did was what might be defined as a nervous laughter; Which is a physical reaction to tension, stress, confusion or anxiety. Aka the situation you experienced (the explosion) caused you some kind of tension, confusion etc. and it ended up causing you to laugh. Like mentioned above, it's just part of the functions involved in human survival. :)

Interesting! Didn't know that. Thank you :)

I also think it's just a natural reaction. You can't always control it. I think it would be good to say "sorry" in situations like these, so your collegues know you didn't mean it. Maybe you didn't quite understand what was happening, or you did, but too late?
If I find something truly funny, I often laugh at it. Sometimes others might not find it funny. There may be an awkward silence. Nothing you can do about it. Every person has a difference "sense" of humour. Every person experiences it in its own way. So in that case don't worry about it. When they know you a bit better, they will probably just ignore it.

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29 Oct 2014, 9:10 am

Yes, I do that and never grew out of it and it doesn't exactly help me blend in, to put it mildly. Some things just strike me as very funny and I'll keep laughing for several minutes. If someone tells me, "it's not funny", it just makes me laugh more.


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29 Oct 2014, 10:30 am

I laugh at inappropriate times very often. It's more of a nervous laugh than the kind of laugh that occurs when something is actually funny. It leads people to think I'm lying or being rude. I've gotten in trouble for it at work. It happens when I'm uncomfortable or someone says something ridiculous. I can't control it.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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30 Oct 2014, 12:17 am

AllisonWonderland wrote:
I laugh at inappropriate times very often. It's more of a nervous laugh than the kind of laugh that occurs when something is actually funny. It leads people to think I'm lying or being rude. I've gotten in trouble for it at work. It happens when I'm uncomfortable or someone says something ridiculous. I can't control it.

I do this as well.

I also do this at times that seem entirely random (at least to me. I can't control it.). I've heard before that you can have 'laughing seizures', essentially, and I do know that ASD and seizures can go hand-in-hand, but I don't know if what I experience is a seizure or not. (I do experience hallucinatory seizures [olfactory, visual, and auditory mostly] though)


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30 Oct 2014, 12:34 am

Yes, in 1986 I laughed when the space shuttle blew up.


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30 Oct 2014, 10:05 am

olympiadis wrote:
Yes, in 1986 I laughed when the space shuttle blew up.

Actually I didn't laugh. In fact I was shocked when that happen. But I do remember some of the jokes that came after, like.

NASA = Needs Another Seven Astronauts.

Q: Why did NASA get Sprite? A: Because they couldn't get 7UP.

Q: What was the last radio transmission from Challenger? A: OH! I wonder what this button does.

Q: Why did the NASA engineers want to delay the Challenger launch. A: They wanted to wait for the Fourth of July.


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30 Oct 2014, 6:04 pm

Last Saturday (long story short), my marching band didn't make state, and there were lots of tears. I was smiling and laughing.