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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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02 May 2007, 9:55 am

i can read fairly well, tho long paragraphs still daunt me. even if it's an interesting novel/topic, i'll go 2 ways:

1) skip the entire paras

2) skip some lines here and there hoping to catch the meanings of the paras from the little words i picked out randomly; this is for the case when i had to study for a test and it meant i had to read thru no matter wat.

budden, when i force myself to read thru long paras, i find myself having to backtrack cos

1) my mind wandered halfway thru

2) the paras haf long sentences dat r hard to make sense of

i can overcome these problems if i turn on my Super-Focus mode, which will drain me significantly in a few hours' time.


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02 May 2007, 9:56 am

Sopho_Soph wrote:
I can read well but sometimes I'll read a word completely different to the one written and not notice. Other than that, I can read well though.

I do that too sometimes, and am otherwise a good reader. It's like your brain doesn't REALLY pay attention to every single word. I've seen these fun tests where a bunch of words are (intentionally) totally wrong, but your brain "corrects" the sentence so it reads normally.

zombie wrote:
Can you read well? i cant read long paragraphs of writing and it annoys the hell out of me, i cant read a book properly and i feel like im not gonna pass year 12 :( :( :( :(
I find that there are really smart aspie and there are not so smart aspies, is this true coz if it is im not one of the smart lil cookies.

Remember that you may have other talents, and be smart about other things! :)


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02 May 2007, 11:54 pm

I cannot read well.
I have never been able to read well when I attended university as a mature student a few ago although flying trough first and second years I slowed and eventually ground to a halt in my final year because I simply was unable to read and write at the speed required to do the amount of coursework necessary.
I did get a diagnosis of dyslexia then I was allowed to return my assignments up to 1 week late. This of course meant I had an extra 2 weeks for my first assignment and therafter as I had no longer in the year to compleate the required 8 moduals no greater advantage for the rest.
The psychologist who tested me was a little surprised at my results perhaps if I had been aware at the time I am aspie he would not have.
I cannot tead faster than I can talk. I find a text reader helps a lot especialy with long parageaphs, Macs have a good one biult in and so far I have found read please the best freeware on windows.
Auidiobooks are great I have just listend to the Dune trilogy and it has always distresed me that until then I have been unable to tead these books.


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03 May 2007, 12:06 am

I can read and write very well, but my attention span is appallingly short. I spent most of school time daydreaming hehe!! I'm much better at writing than communicating face to face.


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03 May 2007, 1:02 am

I was one of those kids who was reading before he started school. I even remember the first book I could read by myself--You Will Go To the Moon. Reading was how I shut out the rest of the world and minimized my interactions with other people. Reading also allowed me to think about whatever I happened to be perseverating upon since other people soon grew weary of my incessant questioning. I remain an avid reader to this day and have an apartment full of books. Call it my one unifying obsession.

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03 May 2007, 1:39 am

willem wrote:
zombie wrote:
Can you read well? i cant read long paragraphs of writing and it annoys the hell out of me, i cant read a book properly and i feel like im not gonna pass year 12 :( :( :( :(
I find that there are really smart aspie and there are not so smart aspies, is this true coz if it is im not one of the smart lil cookies.

Hi zombie,

I can read very accurately (I did a SAT not too long ago and had 760 on the reading part), yet I have the exact same problem you describe. So it doesn't mean you're not smart! I bet you have the same problem when a teacher talks for a long time explaining something in class, that you pick up only a small part of what they're saying? The reason I have this problem is that I need to visualize what I read or hear before it can become meaningful in any way, and it's just not possible to visualize all words as fast as I'm reading or hearing them, so most of the words remain a meaningless blur. Do you recognize this? The trick is to be selective, i.e. train yourself to quickly spot those words that are important, so that the, say, 20% of the text or speech that you pick up any information from happens to be the essential part.

Yea i have that problem in class, that is when im in class :D thats a good way of putting it visualize it hmmmm
I started reading a book today and im going good so far :D but its still hard to concentrate :)

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03 May 2007, 1:43 am

zombie wrote:
Can you read well? i cant read long paragraphs of writing and it annoys the hell out of me, i cant read a book properly and i feel like im not gonna pass year 12 :( :( :( :(
I find that there are really smart aspie and there are not so smart aspies, is this true coz if it is im not one of the smart lil cookies.

Remember that you may have other talents, and be smart about other things! :)[/quote]

Thanks that makes sence.

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03 May 2007, 6:34 pm

I'm good at reading fiction, especially science fiction. I can remember every plot and detail of a novel. I think because it is easier for me to think visually, the plot will just flow in my imagination. Like I'm actually living the story. It's great.

Non-fiction, however, can be difficult. I can read articles, but not a whole book. My mind will wander away and think about something else. Or I end up over thinking the subject I'm reading, distracting me from the words on the page. Even worse, when my mind wanders I'm still reading but not absorbing it. I'll snap out of it and notice I just read through 5 pages without actually reading it.

Keeping focused on the reading material takes effort and will quickly exhaust my mind. Being interested in the subject helps a lot, but it is still exhausting.

It is sad, there is so much I want to learn from reading non-fiction. :(

Last edited by Jimbogf on 03 May 2007, 11:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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03 May 2007, 6:39 pm

Yeah if its interesting enough,I'll read anything


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03 May 2007, 6:49 pm

I can read well, but I read slowly. About half of the normal speed.

When I was in high school and undergraduate college, I found it very difficult to read things that did not interest me (thus, I got very mediocre grades). This may still be the case, since, most of the time, I now read that which interests me.


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03 May 2007, 10:49 pm

zombie wrote
I find that there are really smart aspie and there are not so smart aspies, is this true coz if it is im not one of the smart lil cookies.

I can read very well and devour long books at a very fast pace. Always have and read well above my level at young ages. I get completely lost in books.

But do not worry, as others have said here, we are all not so smart cookies in one way or another, and I have plenty of other "not so smart lil cookie" areas...

Before knowing I was aspie and learning to understand aspergers, I spent a lifetime trying to figure out how I could be so incredibly smart yet so dumb at the same time...


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04 May 2007, 4:10 am

I've always been a good, and fast, reader. I love to read & it's my (daily) escape from reality. My retention isn't always so good - probably largely because I read so very much. If I'm reading something I'm not interested in, or that is poorly written, I have little tolerance for it. I think a person's entitled to that.


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04 May 2007, 9:50 am

I can read very well, and pick out typos in fine print. I just can't concentrate very well.

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Snowy Owl
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04 May 2007, 10:48 am

I was an early speaker and reader, and I think I can read well. Perhaps I'm a hyperlexic. However, lately my reading ability has become pretty mood sensitive. I suspect this has to do with attention more than anything else. When I'm in a bad mood, I have a bad reading style, because of lacking attention. When I'm in a good reading mood, I have no problem reading and appreciating long texts.
As a sidenote, I once tried to read a text designed to be easy, and I found it harder than reading a regular text because the short sentences chopped up my reading rhytm.


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04 May 2007, 10:57 am

Yeah I went to the Derick Zoolander school for kids who can't read good. Here is a documentary about the center for parents who would like to contact the center :)
