FautheralLoather wrote:
I heard autism has nothing to do with intelligence and the general intellectual level of it are the obsessions that they have, which make them appear smarter.
Knowing me I am just a lady with average intelligence battling up to get at that point, I want to have some worth and clarity from the autism and sadly I don't even have anything close to it.
I thought we were talking Asperger's, not plain Autism, and Asperger's _does_ seem to have something to do with intelligence: I'll swear to the end of my days that it's not just "High Functioning". It's different, with aspects in common. "On the Spectrum".
And Deb, I have over 150 IQ, or at least did, when I was younger: I may have lost points over the years. But I've always lacked common sense. A lot of common sense is social functioning, which is not really part of intelligence. But social functioning as Aspies do (not) looks like "stupid". Not "low intelligence", just "stupid". I tend to use the word "dumb", not meaning speechless or mute, and after a conversation, sometimes many hours after (once it was actually many years), I'll get it worked through and facepalm and say to myself, "How COULD I have been that DUMB!?".
Asperges me, Domine