Would you take a pill to cure autism?

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If there was a pill to cure autism, you'd
take it 25%  25%  [ 17 ]
not take it 75%  75%  [ 50 ]
Total votes : 67

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07 Dec 2014, 9:00 pm

HDLMatchette wrote:
please don't compare being autistic to being fat. being non-autistic is just as bad too. most aren't as nice as autistics are, and most don't have the qualities an autistic has.

I'm not saying that NT's don't have problems, but (from my experience) NT's seem to have more will power and confidence and get farther in life. I go through more stress caused by AS than you will ever know, so if I can get rid of it, then so be it.

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07 Dec 2014, 9:15 pm

autistic people tend to be more nicer than most people. and the reason we struggle is because society refuses to accept us for who we are. they refuse to give us a chance to contribute to society while still being autistic. they're so obsessed with being "normal" that they'd rather get rid of anything that doesn't fit their standards.


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07 Dec 2014, 9:17 pm

society is treating life like some sort of contest over who's "normal" and who isn't. there is no normal at all. if you want to be "normal", then that's ok


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07 Dec 2014, 11:26 pm

Heaven forbid that I should ever want to not be myself.

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07 Dec 2014, 11:50 pm

NiceCupOfTea wrote:
m8, I'd do a brain swap to get rid of autism. It's done me no good in life whatsoever.

Might be a different story if I'd been capable of marrying and having kids, and other stuff.

Sign me up for that brain transplant. This has been hell on Earth. I won't ever have a family. I won't ever be self-sufficient. I badly want to work but I don't see that happening. I won't ever be anything other than in poverty, won't ever own a home, won't ever do a lot of things. Thank you autism, but no, I'll take the pill.


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08 Dec 2014, 12:00 am

as 73% of us have stated, it's society that's the illness, not the autism


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08 Dec 2014, 12:29 am

To take away a significant part of who you are is to unmake yourself. It's death. Yes, and rebirth. But still death. For those of us that have spent most of our lives with ourselves... it's not easy to kill yourself off. Not in any sense. Perhaps it'd be for the best. That wouldn't make it any easier. Also it being for the best could never be ensured.

I can't deny that my life at times feels like a nightmare hell. Autism is only a part of that though. Simply being neurotypical at this point would probably not remove my anxieties or my stuttering. Stuttering was in my family. Anyone can have anxiety. Autism compounded these issues but did not create them. It's unknowable what my life would be like without this part of myself. I'd be a person I no longer know. It'd be like losing my closest friend.

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08 Dec 2014, 4:05 am

Like I said earlier, some of you guys responses sounds like a fear of starting over.

I say if a pill can fully cure me of my ills, bring it on. I feel that what I can accomplish more in two years fully cured than I could in 38 years with this disease.

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08 Dec 2014, 4:12 am

Jacoby wrote:
What does cured mean? Does that mean I won't have the anxiety or depression and I'd automatically connect with people? I don't see how it is possible.

I agree I don't know how it would be possible but I'm conflicted about it,while I would like to be finally able to feel like I can relate and connect to other people and not have anxiety and depression I would be worried if that pill would change my personality completely


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08 Dec 2014, 5:01 am

Look at the world we live in, look at all the people in the world, the majority being "NTs" ... do you really think that turning autistics into NTs would solve anything? I sure don't believe so. Do you really think that being NT would automatically gives you success, talent, happiness, etc? I don't know what makes you think that life is easier for NTs, most people (if not all) have issues, physical, psychological, etc.

I don't feel the need to be more social (and quite a few autistics are actually social anyway, so I think its more a matter of personality than ASD - and not all NTs are social either), I don't need to connect with everyone, only a few great people (NTs or AS, doesn't matter, I've had 2 best friends in my life, one was NT, one was autistic), I prefer quality over quantity. And I think that many NTs would like to be someone else, just look at all the people idealising some singer or actor, etc, and wanting to be them, some of them even getting surgeries to look like them (and they would probably take a pill for that). Look at some of the most popular people right now, singers for example, or reality shows stars, would you really want to be like them (or like the people who think they are role models)?

Anyway, I wouldn't take the pill, I don't want to be someone else. I would rather be me, despite my shortcomings (who doesn't have any?) and continue working on the things I can change, and find ways around the things I cannot change.

That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along. ~Madeleine L'Engle


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09 Dec 2014, 2:27 am

Yes.. My life has been horrible. I would take the easy way out, and accept a pill/ or anything that would allow me to live a half way normal life..


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09 Dec 2014, 3:05 am

'"Your personality is not a disease, you don't need a cure'' - Some obscure band I know
What's next, a cure for impatient people? Everyone has their own things they need to improve, their own problems. And taking a pill for the ones you get with autism would, like others have said, not make you you anymore.

I'm not comfortable with any pill that changes me though, like anti dipressants..it scares me, so I would probably never take it anyways.