I learned about Asperger Syndrome a few years ago. I read up on it, and while I have several aspie traits, I also have several traits that aren't so common in aspies. I feel like I'm half aspie, half nt. Is that possible? I took the aq test, my score was 29.
Some of my aspie traits (this is not an all inclusive list):
1) low frustration tolerance and near zero tolerance for unfairness
2) I can't stand crowds
3) shutdowns/meltdowns (when I was young, not so much now)
4) sometimes my brain gets "stuck"
5) I was slow to learn social skills as a child and am still socially awkward
6) Up until I was about ten, I would repeat lines from cartoons, books, movies, video games etc. in an attempt to communicate something I didn't have my own words for (echolalia?)
Some of my nt traits:
1) I was very affectionate as a child and loved hugs, kisses, being held etc
2) I was constantly seeking attention from adults as a child
3) I make eye contact
4) I lied just as often as any other kid when I was little
5) I understand tone, body language, facial expression, etc.
Am I possibly aspie? Or just a hypochondriac?
"We must rise for the helpless and fight for their justice!" -Oh, Sleeper (Hush Yael)