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14 Dec 2014, 3:01 am

Fnord wrote:
Fake science, indeed!

But some people believe it, and there seems to be no way to convince them otherwise - the more scientific evidence you show them the more firmly entrenched their beliefs become.

It's like how some people are convinced that vaccines cause autism, in spite of the fact that every study that made the declaration has been thoroughly debunked.

Well, you know, people will read anything on the internet and be convinced that it's truth without putting any research into it at all..

If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.

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14 Dec 2014, 3:10 am

Hi, Greg 8) I PM'ed to you my experiences with clay & so forth.


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14 Dec 2014, 11:35 am

886 wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Fake science, indeed! But some people believe it, and there seems to be no way to convince them otherwise - the more scientific evidence you show them the more firmly entrenched their beliefs become. It's like how some people are convinced that vaccines cause autism, in spite of the fact that every study that made the declaration has been thoroughly debunked.
Well, you know, people will read anything on the internet and be convinced that it's truth without putting any research into it at all..
Laziness and ignorance ... Some people will read a single article on the Internet, try something once, call it "Research", and go on a rant against anyone who disagrees with their subjective experience.

It's called "Pseudo-Science", "Quackery", and "Hucksterism", among other things.


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15 Dec 2014, 1:46 pm

my my, four pages and still no popcorn worthy flamewar, well done folks.

though I guess without greg giving updates to take the discuttion forward you just reiterate the same conclusions of the matter thus far.


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15 Dec 2014, 3:09 pm

Zwapp wrote:
my my, four pages and still no popcorn worthy flamewar, well done folks.

though I guess without greg giving updates to take the discuttion forward you just reiterate the same conclusions of the matter thus far.

That's because any of us who would actually have a conversation about this stuff or natural treatment methods etc have wised up and take it to pm & email because we know exactly what's going to happen if we try to have a real conversation about it here.. there are a select few people here that are very vocal about their closed-mindedness with regards to any natural/herbal/probiotic treatments vs. psychiatric therapy or pharmaceuticals. Potentially valuable forum discussions get completely derailed into useless flamewars, as you anticipated, sooooo rather than throw fuel on the fire we just take conversations off the forums where we can have polite exchanges of information without hearing the same closed minded naysayers tell us we're wrong.

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15 Dec 2014, 4:22 pm

GregtheGrizzle wrote:
Names Greg, I'm on the spectrum like many of you. Im almost 23 years ago and I've had enough of being trapped in a depersonalized Autistic prison.

After months of research im almost positive that autism, adhd, schizophrenia, and other psychotic illnesses are caused by heavy metal poisoning. These metals interfere with neurotransmitters that really are responsible for life. I came across something called bentonite clay. It apparently pulls toxins like heavy metals out of your body though a hot clay bath.

If everything I've research is true, then autism are normal people with toxic in their bodies..

Any input would be great help! I'm trying to free a girl from this madness

Sorry Greg, it isn't that easy. Autism, Schizophrenia, ect include physical abnormalities in brain structure and pathways. Autism is from birth (developmental) and Schizophrenia in adolescents when your frontal lobe is developing further, same is true for OCD. There is no "reversing" the physical abnormalities already present. There are only treatments for the symptoms but no "cure". Unless you can destroy the trouble areas and then use an atomizer to recreate millions of neurons and their respective pathways.

Treatments for symptoms however have not been scientifically conclusive yet. Homeopathy is a lot of pseudo science (everyone knows that) you should use critical thinking. If heavy metals were truly the problem there would be thousands of scientific papers written about it already.

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16 Dec 2014, 7:21 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
Zwapp wrote:
my my, four pages and still no popcorn worthy flamewar, well done folks.

though I guess without greg giving updates to take the discuttion forward you just reiterate the same conclusions of the matter thus far.

That's because any of us who would actually have a conversation about this stuff or natural treatment methods etc have wised up and take it to pm & email because we know exactly what's going to happen if we try to have a real conversation about it here.. there are a select few people here that are very vocal about their closed-mindedness with regards to any natural/herbal/probiotic treatments vs. psychiatric therapy or pharmaceuticals. Potentially valuable forum discussions get completely derailed into useless flamewars, as you anticipated, sooooo rather than throw fuel on the fire we just take conversations off the forums where we can have polite exchanges of information without hearing the same closed minded naysayers tell us we're wrong.

Well said! :)

Unless you can destroy the trouble areas and then use an atomizer to recreate millions of neurons and their respective pathways.

I thought adult stem-cells are capable of doing that through the process of de-differentiation, and re-differentiation? But progress in that area of study has all along been suppressed by the powers that be.


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16 Dec 2014, 7:33 pm

Autism has been recorded in ancient history including Rome and Egypt, as was cancer and heart disease.
A few Roman Emperors by today's standards would be considered HFA or AS based on their behavior.

Autism and other diseases aren't new, we are just better at recording and treating them.

Something.... Weird... Something...


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16 Dec 2014, 8:28 pm

Heavy metal poisoning is not very hard to check for... Just get a battery of heavy metal tests at a hospital.

Now take a trip with me but don't be surprised when things aren't what they seem. I've known it from the start all these good ideas will tear your brain apart. Scared, but you can follow me. I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die. - a7x


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16 Dec 2014, 8:32 pm

That would be great... except for the fact that: heavy metal poisoning is detectable in the blood, and blood tests can't diagnose autism; heavy metal poisoning is also either temporary or fatal -- you get it and you die of overexposure, or you get treatment, in which case you're no longer poisoned; there's also the fact that it's pretty difficult to be exposed to high enough levels of heavy metal to be dangerous in first world countries, especially as a very young child (now that China has stopped painting their toys with lead-based paint). I for one have never been exposed to anything more dangerous than a lead apron during the course of X-rays, and so cannot be suffering from heavy metal poisoning. I am, however, autistic. People have been trying chelation therapy as a means of curing autism for years and it's never worked.

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
Rediagnosed with ASD level 2 on the 4th of May, 2019
Thanks to Olympiadis for my fantastic avatar!

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17 Dec 2014, 9:38 am

Hansgrohe wrote:
Why do I have the feeling this guy's a troll?

Maybe it's cause on the first page when someone said he stuck his foot in something, he went into "Baby's first day on the internet" mode. "I'm hear to cuwe Autisum!" "What do you mean I stuck my foot in it?" "What do you mean I can't post hear, I'm fighting fow a cuwe!" And everyone decided to entertain this little lost precious darling who mistakenly toddled on in here?


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17 Dec 2014, 10:13 am

GregtheGrizzle wrote:
Names Greg, I'm on the spectrum like many of you. Im almost 23 years ago and I've had enough of being trapped in a depersonalized Autistic prison.

After months of research im almost positive that autism, adhd, schizophrenia, and other psychotic illnesses are caused by heavy metal poisoning. These metals interfere with neurotransmitters that really are responsible for life. I came across something called bentonite clay. It apparently pulls toxins like heavy metals out of your body though a hot clay bath.

If everything I've research is true, then autism are normal people with toxic in their bodies..

Any input would be great help! I'm trying to free a girl from this madness
Welcome to WP Greg. I have heard of heavy metals causing Autistic type symptoms and I am sure that in cases that is very true. And some people have been very much helped to the point of eradicating symptoms by doing heavy metal detoxing. So I say, go for it and see if it helps.

However, because of my own research into the subject, I am convinced that Autistic symptoms can come from a number of causes. Sometimes it can be due to a microbial environment in the gut. Sometimes the cause can be environmental. Sometimes environmental or intestinal bacteria attack the brain and cause the symptoms. If this is the case than environmental changes and changes in body toxicity levels or restructuring microbial intestinal flora can definitely make a radical difference. I also believe that sometimes Autism is caused prenatally in the second trimester of pregnancy. In this case, as I strongly believe is the case for me, the brain is hard wired as it develops in the womb. If this is the case, I am not convinced that environmental changes will make a radical difference. I am someone who detoxes a lot and and very into holistic health and well being. It's kind of a passion of mine. If my energy levels are low than I have more trouble and my trait show more strongly. But no matter how much I detox or how well I take care of myself, I am still as Autistic as I always have been.

But it never hurts to detox, especially heavy metals. So I say do it anyway and it can only make your friend healthier overall. And it that clears her symptoms than that is awesome, if not, at least she will be healthier. But I think it is very important to understand that these symptoms can be caused by different things. I think that is one explanation to why ASDs are a Spectrum. So as long as it's a healthy option, try it and see what happens. Just remember that with Autism, it is not a once size fits all.

Good luck, I wish you and your friend the very best.

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17 Dec 2014, 10:18 am

Long time no see, Skibum!


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17 Dec 2014, 10:26 am

I've always had weird bowels---symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome--all my life.

When I was very young, I vomited constantly; one of my first memories is the every-present scent of vomit.


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17 Dec 2014, 10:37 am

Hi Kraftie! :D

Greg, also make sure your friend wants to be "cured" or helped before you attempt anything. Some Autistic people don't want to be.

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17 Dec 2014, 11:19 am

I'd rather celebrate being autistic than take any cure.

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