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Do you believe in spirits? Do you believe in more than what you *see*?
Yes 54%  54%  [ 20 ]
No 46%  46%  [ 17 ]
I haven't really thought about it 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 37

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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09 Jan 2015, 8:07 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
I believe in angels. Also, I've heard people say, many times, that God uses "regular" people (people on earth) as angels. I feel that's quite possible----like, when someone just happens to be at the right place, at the right time, to help someone, I feel that could be divine intervention.

This is interesting. I have experienced this a million times but have never read it put so eloquently and explicitly. Once it was a hostel guard; more than once it has been a famous person whose names you would have heard of; most times it has been...just the right person at the right time, really. Anyone. except that it defied the odds and gave me exactly what I needed at that time, in whichever form (advice, material goods, any kind of help).

I have also been pleased to get feedback that I have helped some people in this way. I love being there for someone at exactly the right time. It's wonderful and one of the best feelings in life.

If you could point me to any source where they talk about this, I'd be really interested, as this is the first time I have heard about God using people as angels, and understandably due to my personal experiences I am very interested.

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09 Jan 2015, 8:38 pm

Felinelover wrote:
Campin_Cat wrote:
I believe in angels. Also, I've heard people say, many times, that God uses "regular" people (people on earth) as angels. I feel that's quite possible----like, when someone just happens to be at the right place, at the right time, to help someone, I feel that could be divine intervention.

This is interesting. I have experienced this a million times but have never read it put so eloquently and explicitly. Once it was a hostel guard; more than once it has been a famous person whose names you would have heard of; most times it has been...just the right person at the right time, really. Anyone. except that it defied the odds and gave me exactly what I needed at that time, in whichever form (advice, material goods, any kind of help).

I have also been pleased to get feedback that I have helped some people in this way. I love being there for someone at exactly the right time. It's wonderful and one of the best feelings in life.

If you could point me to any source where they talk about this, I'd be really interested, as this is the first time I have heard about God using people as angels, and understandably due to my personal experiences I am very interested.

I can give you a Bible verse if you like although this seems to say that angels appear as regular people to help those in need.

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. --Heb. 13:2


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09 Jan 2015, 11:14 pm

Felinelover wrote:
Luzhin wrote:
Yes, I have to believe in the supernatural (whether I want to or not) because of the things I (and others with me) have seen and experienced over the years. I just can't ignore it when there is so much personal evidence.

Those could be my words. So relieved that I'm not alone. Mind you, many of my RL friends could say this too.

I have tried again and again to convince myself it ('the supernatural) doesn't exist, but....I'm afraid my whole experience in life shows otherwise. Again and again, I have witnessed things that I have been told are 'just not possible'. The more I open up to it through meditation and affirmations, the more miracles happen. Especially amongst the earthly turmoil I've been in over the past month, I have witnessed so many miracles that are 'against the odds', and before anyone says 'are you schitzophrenic' let me clarify that I have other witnesses for this stuff too, for at least a lot of it anyway.

I often cannot tell people about all the stuff that has happened to me because I have a feeling they would think I am making it up.

One great spiritual book to read (well three books actually) is the Conversations with God trilogy by Neale Donald Walsh. Another is, of course, the Oprah-approved but no less genius Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Love and light to you all, my fellow beings from another planet! (In case you didn't know, the spiritual / new age explanation for autism is that we're literally from another dimension originally, and have not incarnated on this planet many enough times to know its strange ways -- but also, more importantly, we have incarnated here from higher dimensions to help the world and humankind with our special abilities.)

This is the first time I have written about this so openly, and it helps having a pseudonym. I work in science and this is a huge taboo.

If anyone wants to chat about spiritual stuff, feel free to PM me. You could say it's one of my very special interests.

I know what you mean, I've always been quite wary discussing things I have seen and experienced. Not that people would think I'm lying but that I'm completely looney tunes.
Fortunately, I've had other people with me on some of the experiences so it's not just my word. As to other times, people who know me know that I am a very logical person and am incredibly adverse to lying so they tend to believe those things as well.
My take is that if you do not take as reality things you have seen and experienced, especially when you have others that can verify your story...then what is real?


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10 Jan 2015, 12:54 am

I don't believe in supernatural.
I believe everything that is, is natural. but I know there is more to the natural world than we are capable of knowing or perceiving.
We evolved to have only the senses we need to survive so there is a lot out there that we cannot know or understand.
Maybe the universe is intelligent and conscious. maybe it is part of a larger system with conscious intelligence and memory.
More than 13 billion years after the creation of the universe, tiny little creatures, made out of the stuff of the universe, on a tiny little planet, evolved with the conscious ability to look at the universe and understand some of it's mysteries.
It's like a small part of the universe has become conscious of itself.
Where did that come from? How can something exist in the microcosm if it doesn't exist in the macrocosm.
I don't know what this has to do with angels or spiritual beliefs, but I think there's a connection somewhere and I do believe there is more out there than what I "see".


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10 Jan 2015, 8:57 am

Marybird wrote:
I don't believe in supernatural.
I believe everything that is, is natural. but I know there is more to the natural world than we are capable of knowing or perceiving.
We evolved to have only the senses we need to survive so there is a lot out there that we cannot know or understand.
Maybe the universe is intelligent and conscious. maybe it is part of a larger system with conscious intelligence and memory.
More than 13 billion years after the creation of the universe, tiny little creatures, made out of the stuff of the universe, on a tiny little planet, evolved with the conscious ability to look at the universe and understand some of it's mysteries.
It's like a small part of the universe has become conscious of itself.
Where did that come from? How can something exist in the microcosm if it doesn't exist in the macrocosm.
I don't know what this has to do with angels or spiritual beliefs, but I think there's a connection somewhere and I do believe there is more out there than what I "see".

This is very much like I believe. I use the word 'supernatural' because it is not an experience that humans normally have access to. But, whatever it is, it may be a natural occurrence in the universe. Sometimes things slip through the cracks and we try to give them meaning based on our limited understanding. But, I think there is most likely a logical explanation to everything that occurs....we just don't have the tools yet to understand them. Given enough time to evolve perhaps everything will fall into place and many of our current beliefs will be put in the same category as a flat earth or the planet sitting on the back of a turtle.


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10 Jan 2015, 10:07 am

I answered Yes. Because I have allways been against the thought of anything "spirit"-like. It could only be a result of our neurology and imagination, but I have seen things, that has made think again.
I have no religious belief and I am absolutely against the thought of anything supernatural.

What I do think is, that it would be very arrogant to assume, that "we" have discovered the full truth about the entire reality in this world.
"Spirits" may be a product of our indeed powerful imagination, but it may as well be a natural layer of existence.

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10 Jan 2015, 11:09 am

I'm not spiritual at all. I'm pretty open minded and listen to people talk about their beliefs, superstition or any weird stuff with interest. But to get me to believe in anything is impossible. My husband is even more mundane than I am. Sometimes I talk about illogical stuff just to provoke him. :) I don't think anyone in my family have the ability to be spiritual. My parents like food, money, status and material stuff. To imagine them being spiritual and caring about meaning of life or the bigger questions is just funny. DH's parents go to a church but I have never heard them talk about anything other than ordinary boring life.

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10 Jan 2015, 11:28 am

Yeah, no.


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10 Jan 2015, 11:28 am

Felinelover wrote:
(In case you didn't know, the spiritual / new age explanation for autism is that we're literally from another dimension originally, and have not incarnated on this planet many enough times to know its strange ways -- but also, more importantly, we have incarnated here from higher dimensions to help the world and humankind with our special abilities.)

WOW, that's very cool----I don't know that I believe it; but, I love things that make ya go, "Hmmm....."! !


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10 Jan 2015, 12:27 pm

Felinelover wrote:
Campin_Cat wrote:
I believe in angels. Also, I've heard people say, many times, that God uses "regular" people (people on earth) as angels. I feel that's quite possible----like, when someone just happens to be at the right place, at the right time, to help someone, I feel that could be divine intervention.

This is interesting. I have experienced this a million times but have never read it put so eloquently and explicitly.


Once it was a hostel guard; more than once it has been a famous person whose names you would have heard of; most times it has been...just the right person at the right time, really. Anyone. except that it defied the odds and gave me exactly what I needed at that time, in whichever form (advice, material goods, any kind of help).

Yeah, I've experienced it, a few times, also.

I have also been pleased to get feedback that I have helped some people in this way. I love being there for someone at exactly the right time. It's wonderful and one of the best feelings in life.

Yeah, I feel that way, TOO!! I talk to everybody that comes-along, often (I know, not very Aspie-like, LOL), and oftentimes someone has said something like: "Oh, I was just wondering about that" (when I've given them information, for instance); and, quite often the person will say something like "I believe God puts people on another person's path, for a reason". It's always nice for me to hear others believing in God. Also, a few times, on this site, I've sensed someone was having a really rough time, and I've dropped them a PM (even if I've NEVER talked with them before), just to say "Are you okay?", or something like that, and they've said, something like, "You don't know how much I needed that". It's just that I've had alot of really bad things happen in my life----things that had nothing to do with ASD----and so, I know how badly life can SUCK, so I like to try to ease the "suckiness", for someone else.

If you could point me to any source where they talk about this, I'd be really interested, as this is the first time I have heard about God using people as angels, and understandably due to my personal experiences I am very interested.

Well, even though I've read The Bible a few times, I'm not the kind of person who can quote Bible verses----BUT, here's the page on angels, on a site I often use:

I only just skimmed-through it, and I didn't find a verse that talks about the kind of angels I'M talking about, but.....

Here's the addy for a book of Billy Graham's, about angels:

I own the book, and it's a bit tedious at the beginning; but, if you can "suffer" through it, it's DEFINITELY worth it.

He's written several books about angels:


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10 Jan 2015, 12:36 pm

Luzhin wrote:
I can give you a Bible verse if you like although this seems to say that angels appear as regular people to help those in need.

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. --Heb. 13:2

Yeah, I've also heard THIS, many times, as well----that angels will appear as "regular" people.

There's also another verse that says something about the Lord appearing at your DOOR, I think----and, there's been more than ONE time, with that verse in mind, that I've worried that I've "turned-down" someone that I shouldn't've.

Last edited by Campin_Cat on 10 Jan 2015, 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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10 Jan 2015, 12:37 pm

46% answered 'yes' to believing in spirits.

46% still believe in superstitious rubbish which should've died out with the advent of the 20th century. Don't expect me to feign 'respect' for this twaddle, please. This is the sort of thinking which led to women being drowned as witches in the middle ages.

Edit: If the middle ages is too long ago, then read the responses in WelcomeToHolland's "It's Official..." thread. You can see how the Jesus freaks think today, right here.

Utter baffling and depressing me that autistic people buy into this grandiose, self-serving nonsense as much as anyone else does.

Last edited by NiceCupOfTea on 10 Jan 2015, 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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10 Jan 2015, 12:45 pm

Marybird wrote:
I don't believe in supernatural.
I believe everything that is, is natural. but I know there is more to the natural world than we are capable of knowing or perceiving.
We evolved to have only the senses we need to survive so there is a lot out there that we cannot know or understand.
Maybe the universe is intelligent and conscious. maybe it is part of a larger system with conscious intelligence and memory.
More than 13 billion years after the creation of the universe, tiny little creatures, made out of the stuff of the universe, on a tiny little planet, evolved with the conscious ability to look at the universe and understand some of it's mysteries.
It's like a small part of the universe has become conscious of itself.
Where did that come from? How can something exist in the microcosm if it doesn't exist in the macrocosm.
I don't know what this has to do with angels or spiritual beliefs, but I think there's a connection somewhere and I do believe there is more out there than what I "see".

This is a great----THOUGHTFUL----post!!


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10 Jan 2015, 12:47 pm

NiceCupOfTea wrote:
46% answered 'yes' to believing in spirits.

46% still believe in superstitious rubbish which should've died out with the advent of the 20th century. Don't expect me to feign 'respect' for this twaddle, please. This is the sort of thinking which led to women being drowned as witches in the middle ages.

Edit: If the middle ages is too long ago, then read the responses in WelcomeToHolland's "It's Official..." thread. You can see how the Jesus freaks think today, right here.

Utter baffling and depressing me that autistic people buy into this grandiose, self-serving nonsense as much as anyone else does.

This is the sort of post that is more appropriate for PPR. In other sections of the forum, such as this one, attacks on religious views of the other members and belittling those views isn't allowed.


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10 Jan 2015, 12:48 pm

So what do you have to say about believing that God provides angels on earth for you? I'm interested in how people genuinely become this narcisstic.

I'm self-centred, but this level of egotism is beyond me. Imagine thinking that there are angels on earth just for you, when billions of others are suffering and dying. Imagine being that egotistical. Just imagine it. I can't.

Last edited by NiceCupOfTea on 10 Jan 2015, 12:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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10 Jan 2015, 12:50 pm

@Booyakasha - Then move this thread to the PPR forum, where I never go to.