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Do you believe in spirits? Do you believe in more than what you *see*?
Yes 54%  54%  [ 20 ]
No 46%  46%  [ 17 ]
I haven't really thought about it 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 37


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10 Jan 2015, 12:51 pm

Luzhin wrote:
This is very much like I believe. I use the word 'supernatural' because it is not an experience that humans normally have access to. But, whatever it is, it may be a natural occurrence in the universe. Sometimes things slip through the cracks and we try to give them meaning based on our limited understanding. But, I think there is most likely a logical explanation to everything that occurs....we just don't have the tools yet to understand them. Given enough time to evolve perhaps everything will fall into place and many of our current beliefs will be put in the same category as a flat earth or the planet sitting on the back of a turtle.

Yeah, I think I know what you mean. I think, we humans, may have only BEGUN to scratch the surface of understanding.


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10 Jan 2015, 12:51 pm

To NiceCupOfTea:

Could you please tone it down a bit? Consider this a public warning.

There are many threads in PPR which might serve better for these kind of posts.

EDIT: no, I will not move it because of one poster. Even religious people deserve a place to discuss without being attacked for their beliefs.


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10 Jan 2015, 12:54 pm

I don't give a crap for their beliefs.

Religion has caused more suffering than anything else. Many religious people are disgusting hypocrites. This kind of egotistical drivel makes me sick.

And nobody here will answer my question about why they think God sends THEM angels on earth, but lets millions of children die across the globe. It's absolutely f***ing sick.

Like I said, I thought I was egotistical and self-centred, but these people take it to new levels of grandiosity. I reckon some of them actually are having psychotic delusions.


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10 Jan 2015, 12:59 pm

NiceCupOfTea wrote:
I don't give a crap for their beliefs.

Religion has caused more suffering than anything else. Many religious people are disgusting hypocrites. This kind of egotistical drivel makes me sick.

And nobody here will answer my question about why they think God sends THEM angels on earth, but lets millions of children die across the globe. It's absolutely f***ing sick.

Like I said, I thought I was egotistical and self-centred, but these people take it to new levels of grandiosity. I reckon some of them actually are having psychotic delusions.

OK, continue with trolling of this thread and you'll be banned for two weeks.


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10 Jan 2015, 1:12 pm

What does it take to get a permanent ban? How do I get one immediately without the intermediate stages?


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10 Jan 2015, 1:13 pm

The very last place I feel like I belong to is Wrong Planet. Neve have fitted in here, never will. And am sick of wasting my time and limited energy getting wound up about stupid people, to be quite honest with you.

But I really can't be arsed with the temporary bans either, as I'll only come right back and say the same things all over again.


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10 Jan 2015, 1:24 pm

NiceCupOfTea wrote:
The very last place I feel like I belong to is Wrong Planet. Neve have fitted in here, never will. And am sick of wasting my time and limited energy getting wound up about stupid people, to be quite honest with you.

But I really can't be arsed with the temporary bans either, as I'll only come right back and say the same things all over again.

See ya in two weeks. Enjoy your vacation.


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10 Jan 2015, 2:14 pm

Phew, anyway..... So, where were we? Oh, yeah.....

Something somebody said----maybe, Luzhin----I can't remember, now, but----something somebody said made me think I should say something to clarify.....

I just wanted to clarify that I don't think God, like, turns "regular" people (people on earth) into supernatural beings (angels), or something like that. I meant that I feel like God, maybe, puts the thought into someone's head that they need to go help someone----or, not even, maybe, THAT much information----maybe, he puts a thought into somebody's head that makes them walk (literally) in a different direction on the street, and when they DO so, they end-up keeping someone from walking in front of a bus (like some guy did to ME). When I said the part, in my OP post, about "God uses regular people as angels", I meant "someone who does a kind deed". When I said, in my OP, "I believe in angels"----THAT part was about the supernatural kind.

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10 Jan 2015, 3:37 pm

NiceCupOfTea wrote:
46% answered 'yes' to believing in spirits.

Utter baffling and depressing me that autistic people buy into this grandiose, self-serving nonsense as much as anyone else does.

Dear NiceCupOfTea,

it is utterly baffling and depressing to me that autistic people buy into this grandiose, self-serving nonsense that science as we currently know it is the final word on things.

I can't see what could possibly be more grandiose and self-serving. Investigate first, without prejudices. Spirituality (at least the kind of non-denominational spirituality I and others practise) generally makes people more tolerant and accepting and helpful and compassionate - the exact opposite of grandiose and self-serving.

Mind you, I have had this argument a million times with believers in Scientism (you see, you're Believers too, in the Great God of Current Science), and I have never encountered such closed-minded people anywhere else ever, except when trying to talk to religious fanatics about their views on women and gay people.

You two camps have more in common with each other than you think.

The way I see it in Hegelian terms: primitive religious conventions is the thesis, Scientism and Fanatic Atheism is the antithesis, and non-denominational spirituality is the synthesis. Sorry folks but you're really barking up the wrong tree when confusing non-denominational spiritualists with the guys who believe God is a White Man in the Sky who Created Man superior to Women and the Humankind superior to Animals and Nature.

The times they are a-changing. But everyone decides this for themselves what they close their minds off to a priori.

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10 Jan 2015, 3:57 pm

NiceCupOfTea wrote:
I don't give a crap for their beliefs.

Religion has caused more suffering than anything else. Many religious people are disgusting hypocrites. This kind of egotistical drivel makes me sick.

And nobody here will answer my question about why they think God sends THEM angels on earth, but lets millions of children die across the globe. It's absolutely f***ing sick.

Like I said, I thought I was egotistical and self-centred, but these people take it to new levels of grandiosity. I reckon some of them actually are having psychotic delusions.

First, when humankind developed, they practised shamanism, ie non-denominational spirituality.

Then, with agriculture, came the men with their dogmas, in a way to control and herd larger groups of people. That was and is religion.

Then, as science developed, came Militant Atheism -- attack against religion.

Then, with the new age hippies and others whom you want to insult as having psychotic delusions (thanks for that, especially as you know my horror story with the mental health department -- I can assure you I have witnesses for a lot of the stuff and you simply would not believe the stories if you heard them, except that they are true), came the resurrection of non-denominational spiritualism.

All along this time, the tribes in the Amazon, the Maoris, and some of the Indian tribes, have kept practising their forms of shamanism.

It appears to me as highly arrogant that Militant Atheists label religious dogmatists and non-denominational spiritualists as the same thing. There's only some superficial commonalities between them. Most religious dogmatists cannon stand non-denominational spirituality, because to them, Their God is the Only God. Most non-denominational spiritualists cannot feel that the patriarchal, racist and discriminative views of most of the worlds major religions (apart from buddhism perhaps) could in any way be the true expressions of love they claim to be.

I think this post and the last one I made are the most important posts I have ever written. Coming out of the closet online is so freeing. But, also, ironically, in today's world, Scientism is accepted as the norm and Religion is tolerated but both Militant Atheists and Religious Dogmatists equally dislike the woo-woo new age non-denominational spirituality; the very same spirituality that has been with humans since homo sapiens first walked this earth (in the form of shamanism).

Your anger and attacks are ... hard to take in all their paradoxicality. People like you have never even investigated shamanism or non-denominational spirituality, because you have pre-decided it's woo-woo. The very least you could do before attacking us like this is to familiarize yourself with Neale Donald Walsh's Conversations with God books 1-3 which even answer the questions you pose as having no spiritual answers. I also recommend Eckhart Tolle and Marianne Williamson's A Return to Love. There are plenty of good sources out there and I could bet my bottom dollar on the assumption that you have never, ever read even one of these books.

(And that's books. Then there's practising it and experiencing it. Great blog about this is the Well of Galabes - please read it anyone who's even remotely interested; it is the best ever blog on this very topic that I have ever come across, and it's a relatively new one but by an author who is already online famous from his writings on other topics).

C'mon fellow spiritualists, do PM me, times like these it would be nice to connect with people who are both autistic and spiritual.

As a final clarification, I personally do not hate all religion, even the male-patriarchal ones; I kind of see where it's coming from, and many religious people who attend church can simultaneously be very spiritual. Granted, many of them aren't but just recite Bible verses without any personal interest in understanding the true depth that lies in many of them. Especially if we look at what is actually known about Jesus - he was the least discriminating person who ever walked this planet, perhaps comparable only to Buddha himself and a few others. The way Jesus's actual teachings often get twisted within organized religion is one of the great ironies of history and our times.

I have written a lot in my life and nowhere have I ever been more proud of what I have written. So thankful to have the opportunity to express my thoughts in writing, and hopefully someone will 'get' what I mean. Lots of love to you all, fellow earthlings from another planet.

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 163 of 200
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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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10 Jan 2015, 4:19 pm

NiceCupOfTea wrote:
I don't give a crap for their beliefs.

Religion has caused more suffering than anything else.

I have heard this phrase before. The trouble is, it's hyperbole, and not actually accurate. Being accurate is supposed to be the driving force behind us on the spectrum, and it sure is in my life. This is why I don't understand why some aspies can be so obviously inaccurate and use language in a completely incorrect way.

To prove this to you, consider the following phrases:

Religion has caused more suffering than anything else.
Capitalism has caused more suffering than anything else.
Greed has caused more suffering than anything else.
The human race has caused more suffering than anything else.
Anger and hatred has caused more suffering than anything else.
The patriarchy has caused more suffering than anything else.
Racism and prejudice has caused more suffering than anything else.
Money has caused more suffering than anything else.
Lack of compassion has caused more suffering than anything else.
Lack of understanding has caused more suffering than anything else.
Poverty has caused more suffering than anything else.
Destroying natural resources has caused more suffering than anything else.
Stupidity has caused more suffering than anything else.
Totalitarianism has caused more suffering than anything else.
Hitler has caused more suffering than anything else.
Stalin has caused more suffering than anything else.
The second world war has caused more suffering than anything else.
The invention of the atomic bomb has caused more suffering than anything else.

And so forth....

I hope I am making this clear here. All of these statements are hyperbolic and not actually meaning what they pretend to mean - a bit like neurotypical communication IRL.

'Nuff said. Will look forward to hearing others' views.

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10 Jan 2015, 5:30 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
slave wrote:
Campin_Cat wrote:
I believe in angels. Also, I've heard people say, many times, that God uses "regular" people (people on earth) as angels. I feel that's quite possible----like, when someone just happens to be at the right place, at the right time, to help someone, I feel that could be divine intervention. THINK that's quite possible not FEEL

I feel sad.
I feel excited.
I feel that's quite possible. see it is incorrect.

feel is for internal states of emotion
think is for what your mind believes

I'm not being a jerk.
People will notice that you do that and they will view you poorly.
I'm only trying to help.

Be well. :D

I started using the phrase "I feel" after so many, MANY times I used the phrase "I think", and people said: "You THINK----you don't KNOW".

Also, my dictionary says:

FEEL: vt To think something is true: to be convinced about something by instinct or intuition rather than concrete evidence.

That's good-enough, for me----so, I'm stickin'-with "I feel". Thanks.

Great comeback :)


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10 Jan 2015, 5:35 pm

Felinelover wrote:
NiceCupOfTea wrote:
I don't give a crap for their beliefs.

Religion has caused more suffering than anything else. Many religious people are disgusting hypocrites. This kind of egotistical drivel makes me sick.

And nobody here will answer my question about why they think God sends THEM angels on earth, but lets millions of children die across the globe. It's absolutely f***ing sick.

Like I said, I thought I was egotistical and self-centred, but these people take it to new levels of grandiosity. I reckon some of them actually are having psychotic delusions.

First, when humankind developed, they practised shamanism, ie non-denominational spirituality.

Then, with agriculture, came the men with their dogmas, in a way to control and herd larger groups of people. That was and is religion.

Then, as science developed, came Militant Atheism -- attack against religion.

Then, with the new age hippies and others whom you want to insult as having psychotic delusions (thanks for that, especially as you know my horror story with the mental health department -- I can assure you I have witnesses for a lot of the stuff and you simply would not believe the stories if you heard them, except that they are true), came the resurrection of non-denominational spiritualism.

All along this time, the tribes in the Amazon, the Maoris, and some of the Indian tribes, have kept practising their forms of shamanism.

It appears to me as highly arrogant that Militant Atheists label religious dogmatists and non-denominational spiritualists as the same thing. There's only some superficial commonalities between them. Most religious dogmatists cannon stand non-denominational spirituality, because to them, Their God is the Only God. Most non-denominational spiritualists cannot feel that the patriarchal, racist and discriminative views of most of the worlds major religions (apart from buddhism perhaps) could in any way be the true expressions of love they claim to be.

I think this post and the last one I made are the most important posts I have ever written. Coming out of the closet online is so freeing. But, also, ironically, in today's world, Scientism is accepted as the norm and Religion is tolerated but both Militant Atheists and Religious Dogmatists equally dislike the woo-woo new age non-denominational spirituality; the very same spirituality that has been with humans since homo sapiens first walked this earth (in the form of shamanism).

Your anger and attacks are ... hard to take in all their paradoxicality. People like you have never even investigated shamanism or non-denominational spirituality, because you have pre-decided it's woo-woo. The very least you could do before attacking us like this is to familiarize yourself with Neale Donald Walsh's Conversations with God books 1-3 which even answer the questions you pose as having no spiritual answers. I also recommend Eckhart Tolle and Marianne Williamson's A Return to Love. There are plenty of good sources out there and I could bet my bottom dollar on the assumption that you have never, ever read even one of these books.

(And that's books. Then there's practising it and experiencing it. Great blog about this is the Well of Galabes - please read it anyone who's even remotely interested; it is the best ever blog on this very topic that I have ever come across, and it's a relatively new one but by an author who is already online famous from his writings on other topics).

C'mon fellow spiritualists, do PM me, times like these it would be nice to connect with people who are both autistic and spiritual.

As a final clarification, I personally do not hate all religion, even the male-patriarchal ones; I kind of see where it's coming from, and many religious people who attend church can simultaneously be very spiritual. Granted, many of them aren't but just recite Bible verses without any personal interest in understanding the true depth that lies in many of them. Especially if we look at what is actually known about Jesus - he was the least discriminating person who ever walked this planet, perhaps comparable only to Buddha himself and a few others. The way Jesus's actual teachings often get twisted within organized religion is one of the great ironies of history and our times.

I have written a lot in my life and nowhere have I ever been more proud of what I have written. So thankful to have the opportunity to express my thoughts in writing, and hopefully someone will 'get' what I mean. Lots of love to you all, fellow earthlings from another planet.

Wow..very nice. I don't necessarily agree with everything you say but I have really enjoyed reading your posts.


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10 Jan 2015, 5:50 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
Phew, anyway..... So, where were we? Oh, yeah.....

Something somebody said----maybe, Luzhin----I can't remember, now, but----something somebody said made me think I should say something to clarify.....

I just wanted to clarify that I don't think God, like, turns "regular" people (people on earth) into supernatural beings (angels), or something like that. I meant that I feel like God, maybe, puts the thought into someone's head that they need to go help someone----or, not even, maybe, THAT much information----maybe, he puts a thought into somebody's head that makes them walk (literally) in a different direction on the street, and when they DO so, they end-up keeping someone from walking in front of a bus (like some guy did to ME). When I said the part, in my OP post, about "God uses regular people as angels", I meant "someone who does a kind deed". When I said, in my OP, "I believe in angels"----THAT part was about the supernatural kind.

Oh, ok, I see what you're saying now. Yes, I think that is true. There is a saying that 'we are the hands and feet of God'.
We are the ones moved by inspiration, impulse, empathy, what have you, to do the good works to help our fellow humans. So, in that sense we are angels...which btw, in Hebrew (mal'ak) simply means messenger or representative.


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10 Jan 2015, 6:09 pm

Every now and again, I experience some that's pretty freaky, inexplicable and has happened so many times over the years, it's undeniable.

When I'm in that twilight area just as you're starting to wake up from sleep but still not quite lucid, I'll dream about a person. One whom I've not seen for several years and every time, within a couple of days, I'll bump into them.

This has happened so many times over the years, I just can't see any explanation.

Another time, I decided to look on the Internet for a childhood friend I hadn't seen since I was about 12 (I was 45 at the time I tried to find him). He wasn't on the Internet but a few days later, I was informed by my Mother that he'd died and it was around the same time I decided to look him up!


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10 Jan 2015, 7:44 pm

ImAnAspie wrote:
Campin_Cat wrote:
I started using the phrase "I feel" after so many, MANY times I used the phrase "I think", and people said: "You THINK----you don't KNOW".

Also, my dictionary says:

FEEL: vt To think something is true: to be convinced about something by instinct or intuition rather than concrete evidence.

That's good-enough, for me----so, I'm stickin'-with "I feel". Thanks.

Great comeback :)

(chuckle) THANKS!!