Jacoby wrote:
I can't speak for anyone else but agree with the assessment that I have issues with paranoia, I feel like its obsessive thinking that does it and this anxiety I have just get caught in a loop. I'll get stuck on some uncomfortable thought or worry or incident and I can't stop myself from becoming stressed over it. I'll avoid and withdraw to get to get away from these feelings and that has a real effect on my life obviously, I wish I wasn't like this.
I could have wrote that myself. Recently I have made a whole situation worse because I obsessed over it, which led to anxiety and odd behaviour. Then I stopped talking to my boyfriend because I was mulling over the situation in my head a lot and finally told him that I needed time on my own (withdrawing from everyone is my go-to way of dealing with things that are hard to deal with) which eventually led to him finishing with me which then in my head proved my theory correct :/