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14 Feb 2015, 3:22 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
Case in point: Stephen Hawking.

He can barely move his eyes, no less the rest of his body.

He's still able to cause pain to women LOL....owing to his intellect and vast fame.

He survived a form of Lou Gehrig's Disease (also known as Motor Neurone Disease) for many where--where most people pass away from it in 3 years or so.

Case in point: My younger sister has been strangely interested in him lately, she saw that new dramatized movie about his life or possibly a truer documentary so I believe that's why she's swooning for him.


I remember a few years ago hearing about my sister getting a lot of that same crap as well to the point that people broke off friendships with her.
They're just jealous if you didn't already know that. People can be so petty sometimes.


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14 Feb 2015, 4:40 am

B19 wrote:
Many share a blind faith in the ideology of unfettered individualism to the extent that they feel justified in putting down/slurring off at anyone who doesn't share that ideology. The rudeness component is trying to force the rightness of their own beliefs on others and sneering at people who differ from themselves. They are like religious fundamentalists, same personalities, different beliefs, same tactics, same limitations of thinking re the bigger picture. They can both act like believers whose duty it is to persecute "heretics". This more than "appears" rude, it is rude, and ignorant, IMO.

This! Then they take their weird, unfettered 'individualism' and form into packs like wild animals sniffing each other's behinds and challenging each other for social position in their odd pack hierarchy that's mean to show us how strong and ruggedly individual they are. :lol:

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14 Feb 2015, 5:04 am

this in not my reply to a specific post but a comment that regards most or even all the posts.
i mean,you people are just to sensitive regarding interruption. i dont find it rude at all,cos if you waited until they stopped whatever they are talking about or doing,your turn will never come. so you just have to interrupt.
however what bother me the most with the nt behavior is their hypocricy lies and pretending. they are dishonest bunch of idiots. and also,their topics of interest and talking about are really stupid and very superficial. it appears these people have no depth. i know most or at least some have,but then exactly why they hide their depth and instead talk about idiotic things... sniff sniff. lol :(

one woman called me
whatever did she mean?!
anyway i believe the nt's are


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14 Feb 2015, 1:32 pm

ominous wrote:
B19 wrote:
Many share a blind faith in the ideology of unfettered individualism to the extent that they feel justified in putting down/slurring off at anyone who doesn't share that ideology. The rudeness component is trying to force the rightness of their own beliefs on others and sneering at people who differ from themselves. They are like religious fundamentalists, same personalities, different beliefs, same tactics, same limitations of thinking re the bigger picture. They can both act like believers whose duty it is to persecute "heretics". This more than "appears" rude, it is rude, and ignorant, IMO.

This! Then they take their weird, unfettered 'individualism' and form into packs like wild animals sniffing each other's behinds and challenging each other for social position in their odd pack hierarchy that's mean to show us how strong and ruggedly individual they are. :lol:

This, I avoid large social groups like the plague for this reason.

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15 Feb 2015, 12:06 pm

I HATE it when your at a restaurant and when you get your food the waiter/waitress says is your food good? " YES IT IS WHY WOULD I NEED YOUR HELP TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO"

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15 Feb 2015, 3:16 pm

JupiterSpace wrote:
I HATE it when your at a restaurant and when you get your food the waiter/waitress says is your food good? " YES IT IS WHY WOULD I NEED YOUR HELP TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO"

I agree. Sadly, it's what they are told to do by management. Same at Walmart, when we're supposed to approach customers "within 10 feet" and ask "Are you finding everything okay?" I KNOW that most customers DO NOT WANT to be "bothered" like that.

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15 Feb 2015, 8:06 pm

JupiterSpace wrote:
I HATE it when your at a restaurant and when you get your food the waiter/waitress says is your food good? " YES IT IS WHY WOULD I NEED YOUR HELP TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO"

Just how is that telling you what to do?
They asked a question about your food. It's really nothing to make a fuss about. They do it to make sure that there's no problems.

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Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
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15 Feb 2015, 9:47 pm

I hate it when I say something to someone, and they take it a completely different way than what I mean. Often times, I'll just be literal, and they'll "read between the lines" and assume I'm being a smartass or something.


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15 Feb 2015, 10:05 pm

About interrupting conversations: That bothers me too. I couldn't imagine doing it myself. I almost envy people that DON'T find it uncomfortable.
About asking about books: I don't mind that too much. At least it's showing interest.

Sidenote: My fiance and I always debate about the touching thing. I find it weird that anyone would ever touch a stranger. I just can't understand why there would ever be a scenario that it's ok. She disagrees. I take my daughter to the park, and she approaches other kids and touches them to initiate interaction. It's always so uncomfortable for me to watch.


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15 Feb 2015, 10:23 pm

cgriffey wrote:
About interrupting conversations: That bothers me too. I couldn't imagine doing it myself. I almost envy people that DON'T find it uncomfortable.
About asking about books: I don't mind that too much. At least it's showing interest.

Sidenote: My fiance and I always debate about the touching thing. I find it weird that anyone would ever touch a stranger. I just can't understand why there would ever be a scenario that it's ok. She disagrees. I take my daughter to the park, and she approaches other kids and touches them to initiate interaction. It's always so uncomfortable for me to watch.

If I'm reading a book, it's because I want to take myself out of the real world and submerge myself into a better one. When people break my concentration, they're yanking me out of that world, and I get agitated.

Earlier today at church, a teacher walked up to my group to give us a paper and rubbed a girl's back as she spoke. Not only did I find it utterly strange, but just watching it made me cringe.


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15 Feb 2015, 10:53 pm

That's understandable. I can't stand being interrupted when I'm in the middle of deep thought. Do you do the thing where when you're focused on something, and someone tries to talk to you, you ignore then until you reach a good stopping point? My youngest daughter does it too, and I had to explain to my fiance to just let her be. I told her, "She's listening, but she's focused right. Just give her a minute.".

The touching thing makes no sense to me. There is no excuse to ever touch a stranger. It's enough when my own family touches me, let alone someone I don't know . . .


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16 Feb 2015, 12:53 am

ReticentJaeger wrote:
Earlier, I think someone mentioned double standards. It angers me that while it's not socially acceptable to comment on an overweight person's body, it's somehow still okay to say rude things to people who are more petite.

I've been told—twice, I believe—that 'a small wind would blow me away'.

I don't appreciate comments like 'you're so pale!' or philosophical questions such as 'why are you so short?', either.

Yeah, this might be moving a bit off topic but second to this comment- when I was out shopping for a new jacket a sales assistant exclaimed "Goodness me, you're so scrawny! You need to eat something!" and I smiled and laughed and said "oh well, I'll try!" because, of course. Friendly and happy is my default character when I don't know how to respond.

I walked away thinking, would they say "Goodness me, you're so big! You need to stop eating!" if they thought I was fat? Doubtful. Clear double standards. Just like that bass song by Natalie Trainor- not nice.

I hate when NT's have "in" jokes that involve gestures and slang/made up words, then when you ask what they mean they say "nothing nevermind" or they explain it but still don't tell you/spell out what the funny part is, while other NT person next to you "gets it" straight away.

I can't even, but I can odd.


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16 Feb 2015, 1:04 am

tsahpina wrote:
this in not my reply to a specific post but a comment that regards most or even all the posts.
i mean,you people are just to sensitive regarding interruption. i dont find it rude at all,cos if you waited until they stopped whatever they are talking about or doing,your turn will never come. so you just have to interrupt.
however what bother me the most with the nt behavior is their hypocricy lies and pretending. they are dishonest bunch of idiots. and also,their topics of interest and talking about are really stupid and very superficial. it appears these people have no depth. i know most or at least some have,but then exactly why they hide their depth and instead talk about idiotic things... sniff sniff. lol :(

To be fair, I think I am interrupted often because I speak in such a way that doesn't indicate when I'm continuing or stopping and I hate it but I can't help it. I used to record my speech to try and remedy it but no matter how hard I try I sound like a disembodied autobot or something. It's like odd micro pauses and an intonation thing. Conversely, I can't pick the right moments to "interrupt" when other people are speaking, especially in a group. And by group I mean more than one-on-one. Hence I am always the most boring person in the room and when I do get a chance to speak I'm always three topics behind since the conversation moved on so I sound like an out of sync idiot, also because I am also usually misinterpreted.

But :lol: really most of what NT's talk about is so common, vapid, opinionated and petty so who cares, let them eat cake.

I can't even, but I can odd.


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16 Feb 2015, 2:17 pm

Using the word "gay" in a derogatory fashion.

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16 Feb 2015, 2:33 pm

Last night I was making hamburgers, and my mom took it upon herself to toast buns. She burned them. I said I didn't want a burned bun and put another bun in the toaster, on the minimum setting. She insisted that the buns were fine and insisted that I use a burnt bun. I said I didn't want it as they were blackened and all hard and crunchy from being over toasted. She insisted and insisted. I said I didn't want to hear it and that she was making me nervous, but she kept insisting that I look at her as she demonstrated something about the buns and kept trying to grab my properly toasted bun and replace it with a burned bun. Finally I snapped and screamed "F*CK YOUR BURNT BULLSH*T BREAD!" and she got angry at me.

I feel like she totally caused me to freak out. This morning she's still really mad at me, and I tried to explain that you can't corner and antagonize someone with aspergers but she doesn't get it. She says I use my autism as an excuse. She pisses me off.


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16 Feb 2015, 2:38 pm

That seems to be a real issue with NTs regarding how they view autistic people. It seems when you're labelled with something as giant as "autism", they automatically make assumptions about you and everything gets labelled with that gigantic term. This causes MASSIVE misunderstanding. I mean, not all my issues are autism-related, because I am a human being with other functions, you know.