alex wrote:
That sounds cool but you can do all those things on wrong planet as well. What sorts of features would this network have?
Actually WP is forum that is tad behind even in forum software.
Forums tend to be more of like sounding and posting boards via thread based topics.
Forums are better at specific topics.
Social media networks are more fluid and in real time, E.G. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn....
They are more personal as well.
We had plenty of Job and professional forums, but LinkedIn came along and essentially made them useless
Though many do coexist, but LinkedIn is far better than forums.
Their topic threads also receive tons of activity as well.
Facebook and Twitter are far better at connecting with people and communicating between users.
This is why companies prefer this over their own forums and traditional surveys.
Also you get real time updates and responses, without the need to refresh the page.
WP could easily coexist with it and be a place for specific discussion.
WP isn't the only ASD forum in existent.
With that said Autism Speaks, Autism Society of American, OASIS and others have a far greater influence and impact with the groups I've already mentioned compared to WP.
Their for a lack of better word, network of people are far more active and interconnected than WP.
It's just an idea I've been seriously considering...
Something.... Weird... Something...