alex wrote:
Candor wrote:
Well I'm neurotypical, but let me just point out that you're talking about approximately 3.5 billion women in the world, and even if the 1/100 statistic for austism holds true, you're still talking about 3.4ish billion people. Do you think, statistically, that all of those people are insensitive?
Or is it possible that instead of being every woman being insensitive, there's just a miscommunication going on?
And why just women? Is it because you were rejected romantically?
My mother used to tell me if I met one jerk in a day, that person was a jerk. If I met nothing but jerks in a day, chances are I was the jerk.
Wow I've never heard that saying before but it's so true! Your mom is right.
That's usually true, but...
When I was younger, everyone I met was a jerk and I wondered what was wrong with me. Then I grew up and moved away and realized that other places had nice people.
To answer the OP's question, I haven't observed NT women to be any less sensitive than the average (which can admittedly be pretty insensitive for anyone who is different). NT women seem much more likely to show sensitivity, probably due to socialization, but as best I can tell are no more or less likely than average to care about others.