KimD wrote:
I'm not qualified to make any clinical diagnosis whatsoever, but I am a teacher of very young children who are often on the spectrum, so I'll offer you my own personal opinion and educated guess: perhaps the doctor recommended using the ASAS as just a part of an assessment, and/or to help get your parents' minds attuned to what they might look for. The the doctor may have instructed your parents to reflect on your behavior when you were younger, not just what you are or aren't doing today--thus the assessment originally intended for elementary-aged kids.
Is this the first sort of assessment you've ever gotten, or is this another step in a process that began a while ago?
I'll fill it in a bit.
I did the strengths and difficulties questionnaire
My parents did the strengths and difficulties questionnaire, the ASAS and the social communication questionnaire
My school did the ASAS
This is recent and started in march. They are compiling the results of this. The low on the school's ASAS is what they're going to decide whether I am going to be evaluated or not. This is a prescreening process after I was in the hospital. That's another story as to why I was there and god damn it was scary. They weren't going to let me out because I couldn't answer their questions. I couldn't fill in the suicide action plan because I had no idea what to do. I couldn't answer their questions, they convinced my parents I was going to kill myself because of that and so my parents wouldn't help me and I was on my own. They were going to put me in some psychiatric ward or something and he got a second opinion from the psychiatrist who changed it from "you're going to die if you leave this room" to "I think you're autistic". I'm still confused. No idea.
They never said anything about doing this about when I was younger. They would have asked to give the ASAS to my primary school if that were to be the case. The teachers that did this, one only sees me going to lesson occasionally and only since 16. The other teacher who did it has known me since 14, but only sees me in class.
Has that cleared things up?