why would you want to have aspergers syndrome: it sucks.

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02 Jul 2015, 2:52 am

being an aspie gets you nowhere in this world

And normal people think it's our fault for being the way we are.

I'm a Romanian aspie.

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04 Jul 2015, 4:37 am

Su35SuperFlanker wrote:
Tell me about it!! ! ! ! ! ! ! I have a love/hate relationship with Asperger's(who(I like to call it a "who" because it is a longtime ally) coldly betrayed me when I got severe OCD(which was believed to have been caused by a traumatic event I went through). I love it, but I hate it. I love it in the sense that me(along with my fellow Aspies) are highly intelligent. SCORE ONE YOU RAT BASTARDS!! ! ! ! ! WE ARE SUPERIOR!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! As for those ignorant, arrogant bastards, I absolutely HATE THEM!! ! ! ! ! ! :evil: Just this week, at my workplace, some of my coworkers are such ignorant asswipes. When I was standing around because of my anxiety attack, I heard some rat bastard say "He's just standing around!" and of course, he said it rudely. Also, one of my coworkers doesn't like me for who I am. I was helping him out, and he was disappointed in me. You know how we Aspies can't be "Perfect" for those dumb-ass excuses for human life? Well, as an Aspie, I function differently, so of course, he shakes his head when I was helping him, EVEN THOUGH I WENT TO THE FRICKING BACK OF THE KART WE WERE PUSHING!! ! ! ! ! I don't give a rat's ass how he felt. You know those sorry excuses for humans(or should I say, sub-human half-ape non-entities) who say ignorant s**t to us? Well, here's a couple more of them that I met and know at work. This guy, who turned out pretty friendly, and acts like a good older brother to me, told me to stand up. Another coworker of mine, told me that sometimes, sitting isn't allowed. Well, I asked her to double-check, and, knowing that two of the company owners saw me sitting, and that they didn't tell me to get out of the chair(because I was working), she said sometimes. I was in international waters at the time(so to speak). If you know how that works, you'll know what I mean. He acted like it was his territory. My female coworker that I mentioned told me to sit down, knowing full well that I am tall, and that she wanted me to sit down so I could save myself the trouble of bending over(and thus my back was hurt), and also increasing efficiency(I am quite keen on that, so I told her: "Welcome to my world!! !") Granted, I'm a MUCH harder worker than ever before( than at my previous job at Walgreens), and I didn't sit down because I was lazy and/or tired. I simply listened to my coworker. Keep in mind, I wasn't upset about getting up, I was upset about how this guy acted.The both of us believe in being efficient, but, what I'm about to tell you, is what I like to call an idiot's logic: Defficiency(My word for inefficient) is the new efficiency. Just then, (I'll call this guy f**k face) f**k face comes up and says rudely "Just stand up!" So I then made fun of him by mocking him by telling him he needed some diapers, a bib, a binky, and some bottle of milk because he was such a crybaby. He didn't say a thing. Then, I found out a moment later that(get ready folks, we got some real jealous kids coming up!! ! ! Keep in mind, we Aspies are childish, and while I am mature in some ways, along with other Aspies, and I am absolutely fine with me and my fellow Aspies being their childish selves(I mean this in the positive way, of course) I can't help but insult NTs like those guys I mentioned before and the other bastards that follow for being so negatively childish.) some coworkers were SO angry that I was sitting down. Boo hoo hoo!! ! ! I was sitting down and they're not!! ! ! ! Boo hoo hoo!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I couldn't care less -_- So many NTs(not most NTs, but a damn good portion) are so pathetic these days!! ! ! ! ! ! I'm just venting my anger out. Still, I was telling the truth, and simply NOT an exaggeration. I apologize if anyone was offended by the foul language. Honestly, I would like to stop swearing, but at the same time, I find myself swearing when I'm angry(and when I'm happy and excited :D). However, I'm usually nice to everyone, and I hardly treat anyone like crap(You know how we all do that sometimes). And, I wanted to see the Terms of Use(of course, we Aspies take things literally) so I am scared about getting in trouble because it says, you'll be held responsible for defamatory, libelous, and slanderous language(which my severe OCD most likely played a role in for being scared) For f**k's sake!! ! ! ! ! ! I even thought I would get arrested for this!! ! ! Of course, that's my stupid OCD making me paranoid. Still, there are A LOT of dumb, spineless NT's out there!! ! !

Am I the only one who has an issue with the language in this post? It reads like an early speech from Hitler preparing the Nazis for the mindset of the Holocaust.

"WE ARE SUPERIOR!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" Seriously?

With an attitude like that, you aren't superior to anyone.

This would make for a great example of why people hold the stereotypes about us that they do.

yannick Lastennet
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04 Jul 2015, 4:52 am

To me, it's not wanting to have it, so much as accepting that it's part of who you are. Much like your height, race, eye color or gender bodysuit


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05 Jul 2015, 4:11 pm

With an attitude like that, you aren't superior to anyone.

This would make for a great example of why people hold the stereotypes about us that they do.

So............... When some of us Aspies are expressing anger, we aren't superior to anyone? Did I say that we Aspies are better in every single way? No! Well, regardless of what you say, every one of us Aspies(including you) are superior in intelligence to NTs. Also, this isn't why NTs hold stereotypes about us. The fact that we're "different" from the rest, is why NTs hold stereotypes towards us. Oh, and the part when I apologized about my language, and you failing to read that part? Seriously? Isn't there a f*****g reason WHY I PUT THAT APOLOGY UP THERE??? It wasn't made to make myself look good, it was clearly up there to let everyone know that I was sorry for what I did. Of course, YOU are irritated by what I said(though I couldn't care less about you being irritated.) If you came across an Aspie who was similar to me, and you criticized him/her, then you would make him/her feel worse, which is what you did to me. Also, if you were so offended by my comment, and bashing of dumb NTs, then why did you come to this topic?As for expression of anger, we(even you) Aspies have the right to express our anger. So long as it's not illegal, and very offensive(though we can still insult NTs when we want to). But, as I can tell, you're a comment Nazi(Gee, does THIS WORD SOUND FAMILIAR!!?????! !) Don't talk to me about Nazis and the Holocaust when you basically accuse me of being one. First off, Hitler was stereotyped towards ALL JEWS. And finally, I, on the other hand, do not stereotype ALL NTs. I only stereotype the bad eggs. I mean, I've typed things on the internet that don't express hatred, and yet, there are a bunch of dummies misquoting me; and no, I'm not talking about my previous comment. As for you, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. In other words, I don't think you're stupid. Apparently, you do not understand how some of us Aspies feel. As you can tell from the latter part of my comment, I had a change of mood. Does my angry expression excuse me from being mean? No. It was way out of proportion what I said, and I'm going to edit my post as a result. I'm trying to make that post a tamer version, but I'm having some trouble because I cannot edit it at the moment. How would you like it if you expressed your anger, and I decided to criticize you for it? Wouldn't feel good, would it? Oh, and speaking of examples from your quote I posted, I met a fellow Aspie who was rather dumb because I exhibited an Aspergian symptom and he was acting like a dumb NT, in the sense he was talking to me like I was an idiot(by being mean, of course). Are Aspies still capable of being stupid? Yes! But for the most part, we're not. Next time, when you come across a fellow Aspie of yours, whether on the internet or not, and he/she is angry about someone/something, PLEASE don't make things worse for him/her. I'm not going to edit the post because of you, I'm going to do it because A. It was a bad way of expressing my anger. and B. So that no one could be offended by it. Am I truly regretful and sorry for the content I posted? Yes! THAT is why I am doing everything I can to edit this post. However, I am not sorry for having negative feelings towards some NTs, and those of us Aspies that do shouldn't be sorry. So, I hope no one would reply to this post, because I(yet again) make it very clear that I apologize for the offensive content that I have posted.

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05 Jul 2015, 4:35 pm

Su35SuperFlanker wrote:
Well, regardless of what you say, every one of us Aspies(including you) are superior in intelligence to NTs.

Sorry, that's not true at all.

I will accept that the vast majority of us are smarter than some NTs, but the same is true in reverse - the vast majority of NTs are smarter than some Aspies. Pretty empty statistical statement.

When I was in school, in a classroom environment, I could be the smartest person around. There are a few other places where I outsmart people. But I'm not exceptionally intelligent generally.

With all due respect, I'm sure you're not a stupid person and, like many of us, autism has stopped you putting your intelligence to full use, but you're also not smarter than the average academic, politician, business leader, lawyer, doctor, accountant, engineer, or scientist - and it seems pretty arrogant to claim otherwise.

I edited the post as you requested. You're justified in complaining about the times NTs have treated you badly, but that doesn't mean you're guaranteed to be right whenever you complain. Make sure you don't judge people badly before you get to know them.


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05 Jul 2015, 11:06 pm

To get diagnosed with Aspergers one has to have average to high intelligence.

NT's and Autistic's overall go from low to high intelligence.

Just by not diagnosing lower intelligence people guarantees that the average "Aspie" has higher intelligence than average NT's or Autistics in general.

Now that Aspergers is not an official diagnosis anymore people can define Aspergers as they damm well please and what too many have done is only the remember the savants or at least the above intelligence Aspies. Those of us Aspies with somewhat below average to somewhat above average intelligence have been forgotten about. There was only one media portrayal of us that I recall, Hank on Parenthood. Yet we deal with the similar or same discrimination, bullying etc for being close enough but not really normal at all as the more celebrated socially awkward geniuses.

As for you Su35SuperFlanker you need to meet a more diverse group of NT's (meeting people is difficult as I know)

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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22 Aug 2015, 2:01 pm

It depends on how severe it is. Being Sheldon (from the big bang) must suck. However, aspies have many traits that "normals" envy.

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22 Aug 2015, 2:15 pm

I know how you feel. It took me a long time before I got to the point where I started to accept the fact that for whatever reason, I have Asperger's; it's just the way I was wired. I try not to let it define who I am, though.

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22 Aug 2015, 3:01 pm

I remember when I was diagnosed with aspergers. I thought no way! It felt like I had just been officially declared a ret*d. I thought it must be a misdiagnosis because I am good at metaphors. However, I learned that one does not need to have every trait to be an aspie. I also learned that as a percentage, aspies are more likely to be world shakers. The best scientists, philosophers, comedians, military leaders....
Wittgenstein is considered the greatest philosopher of the last hundred years. See Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy. And he was an aspie!

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22 Aug 2015, 3:45 pm

I'm sorry you feel this way.

AS, for me, is not a "worse" way of thinking/living. It's different. The problem is not with AS being "bad", but with the media that labels AS as "bad".

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22 Aug 2015, 4:03 pm

I think you misunderstand me. I felt devastated when I was diagnosed. But now I am proud to be an aspie.

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