Joe90 wrote:
What are bronies and furries?
Bronies are people who are hyper-obsessed with My Little Pony, and the term is a portmanteau of "Bro" and "ponies." If you are rolling your eyes, believe me, you are not alone. Basically, they flood image-boards and so-forth with screenshots from the television show, which recently in history got a macho/smarky makeover to make it more accessible to adolescent audiences (like, someone besides 4 year old girls). The person who was in charge of the makeover was actually one of the brains behind the Power Puff Girls, and since MLP was an established franchise, this person's ideas caused it to take off like a rocket.
Furries are basically a fandom, composed of teenagers, twenty-somethings, and occasional thirty-somethings, who enjoy imaginative fantasy involving non-human/non-humanoid "roleplaying" characters ("anthropomorphic" foxes are massively over-represented), and some of them like to prance around in costumes that resemble mascot uniforms, called "fursuits."
Unsurprisingly, considering the predominant age-group, a lot of them like looking at porn, specifically involving roleplaying characters
they developed before they were old enough to be interested in it, which some people are apparently convinced represents the overall mindset of what is called the "furry fandom." Not really. If you are a male in your teens or twenties and not looking at porn, then you have a prolactin tumor. They're extremely sensitive over it, though.
In actuality, they're more interested, for practical purposes, in playing games like Mario Kart, and they listen to a lot of dubstep. They are massively over-represented on MMORPGs like Second Life, Warcraft and Runestone, and they really seem to love Minecraft servers, too. Many of them spend way too much playing first-person shooters.
They also tend to have massive meltdowns anytime they are even mentioned in the media, even if the reporting is balanced or even positive. Why? Because they associate with other "furries" to
get away from mainstream human society, which many of them are convinced, not entirely without justification, is full of sociopathic wackos whom they want nothing to do with. They want mainstream human society to all get AIDS and die. They don't WANT to be in the media. A lot of them would freak out over even being discussed casually here on Wrongplanet. They are really THAT sensitive and neurotic. If you do not know intuitively how their minds operate, then they do not like you, and they do not trust you.
Anthrocon 2014, world's largest "furry convention":