My top five list:
1. Power tools, especially saws. I hate anything that makes loud noises that are supposed to be handled. I am also scared of hand dryers in public bathrooms and will wipe my hands dry on my clothes if no paper towels around.
2. The feeling of any insect crawling on me.
3. Needles, especially blood draws. I demand that lab techs use a butterfly needle on me and do a pediatric draw, and allow me to have my binky in my mouth and be squeezing someone's hand during the poke. I end up cussing anyway, though they may not be able to understand it due to the pacifier.
4. Roller coasters and any other amusement park rides that are designed to cause an "adrenaline rush". Give me the good old fashioned merry-go-round anyday.
5. The previous four fears are very typical for someone like me with moderate SPD. However my most unusual one is fear of being perceived as a "social conservative" (which I'm not), thus I demand I keep my hair long and avoid wearing conformist outfits such as "dress" clothing like business suits. I attribute this phobia to growing up in a religious environment which I abandoned as soon as I reached legal age.
BTW, add me to that caraway haters list also. One of the grossest tastes on earth, IMO.
"Small talk is for small minds."
Neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 125 of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 93 of 200
Total score-161.0 Language-18.0 Social relatedness-69.0 Sensory/motor-39.0